🔹 "In Time" vs. "On Time" – farqlari
✅ On Time – O'z vaqtida, kechikmasdan.
🔹Example: The train arrived on time.
(Poyezd o‘z vaqtida keldi – kechikmadi.)
✅ In Time – Yetarlicha erta.
🔹 Example: We got to the airport in time for the flight.
(Biz reysga kech qolmasdan yetib keldik.)
⚡️ Farqi:
— On time → Belgilangan vaqtda ✅
— In time → Kech qolmay, kerakli paytda ✅
#grammar #learnenglish
By Teacher Olimjon @olimjon2023
✅ On Time – O'z vaqtida, kechikmasdan.
🔹Example: The train arrived on time.
(Poyezd o‘z vaqtida keldi – kechikmadi.)
✅ In Time – Yetarlicha erta.
🔹 Example: We got to the airport in time for the flight.
(Biz reysga kech qolmasdan yetib keldik.)
⚡️ Farqi:
— On time → Belgilangan vaqtda ✅
— In time → Kech qolmay, kerakli paytda ✅
#grammar #learnenglish
By Teacher Olimjon @olimjon2023