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Узбекистан, Английский
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Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about news. However, others believe that they can learn news more effectively through other media. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is a heated debate revolving around people about reading news through newspapers or media. While doing both has its own benefits in the long run, I suppose getting informed about recent news more in traditional way is mentally and socially beneficial in technology advanced century.

Admittedly, there are some positive merits of using media programs like New-York Times and Guardian in modern world. In fact, newspapers were popular in past but there are not famous these days, mostly because they are now outdated for several factors and one of them is that the information provided in social medias are more detailed in depth and they use simple language for young. Past-newspapers were written in advanced language and involves too much pages, making it extremely difficult for language learners to read and learn.

It is prudently true that some people suggest reading newspapers and magazines in order to know about some current phenomenon for ordinary individuals. This is because there are some animated pictures and mental games including quizzes and math tests that are suitable for elderly society to spend time and more importantly for those who are much distracted by technology use. This is to say that when people are highly likely to use digital assets like phones and laptops for information, old people would have health problems related with their eyes for long-lasting screen use and eventually utilizing external engagements is indeed decreasing their eye-sight level. Therefore, learning about news by analyzing the pages of journals are efficient for those who struggle managing their social media platforms and elderly individuals whose health are not for high-tech use.

In conclusion, I assume that traditional approach is still important as it seems that it offers more opportunities for reader to read magazines in more focused way rather than using digital assets.

299 words 39 minutes


Evaluation of :⬇️

Pretty cool, isn't it.


Competitiveness is considered a positive quality for people in most societies. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or a negative trend?

In world of highly competitive landscape, becoming successful requires people to be master in the field they are majoring in, based on their personal aims. Therefore, some people claim that being competitive in life is regarded to have certain benefits in modern society which I also support for several factors.

Admittedly, people are seemed become more productive and own some healthy habits when they are ambitious. In fact, when individuals are competing with each other whether at work or study would lead to personal development since a person who wants to achieve something could determine and put more efforts on that. At the same time, this is a means of self-disciplinary approach where ones try to achieve their goals in a limited time.

This practice can be used in education as well. Being competitive make some student children to be mentally active and perform better in front of their peers and to organise many debates and discussions in a class. This will allow them to willingly study hard and improves their overall well-being altogether. Education aside, work employees would also benefit from having friendly competitions in general. That being specifically said, employers start spending more time in the office and accomplishing the given tasks before the duration. Meaning, people earn more money if they consistently complete all documents and prints which is the consequence of job satisfaction.

Despite these worth noting considerations to be mentioned above, there are still people who actively support the opposite side of this phenomenon especially for workers. Take employees as a prudent example, those who spend much amount of time at work and comes later at night are more likely to have a health issue called sleep deprivation. Although people are enable to contribute success to the development of business companies more than others, sleep pattern problems will eventually hold a barrier to a productive lifestyle which frustrates many of them since the adaptability they do not have.

In conclusion, although competitiveness offers some drawbacks like health issues and sleep deprivation, it is still important that the positive perks such as for opportunities to make more money, self-improvement and become more productive in other parts of life.

362 words

#EssayByMe 💯
#Band7 🚀


Education for young people is important in many countries. However some people think that governments should spend more money on education in adult population who can't read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

question of whether the education of adults or children is important has been one of the most heated topics of 21st century. To be more specific, people share a perspective in which national authorities should invest more money for the education of adults who are unable to either read or write. Although I value elderly people to be educated these days, it is the importance of youth’s learning that official bodies should pay attention in some extent.

Notwithstanding, the education of adulthood can be demanding and too stressful since they do not seem to have basic abilities like writing or reading. Understandably, the process of teaching them how to read or encouraging to write would take more time because their brain capacity of normal adolescence could get older throughout the period of time. There is no point to studying for extracurricular activities that they have been learning in the past as long as they are mentally and physically inactive. The same was true in boxing match between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul which is the proper example of how age affects even high-experienced athletes no matter how much they train or to put more efforts. As a result, the man who is legend Iron Mike Tyson ended up the fight with a failure due to lung problems and heart attack.

In my opinion, governments, instead of preserving a better education system for older society, they need to provide all availability for the prosperous future of young adults. Fairly speaking, the schools and colleges are in need to be renovated in some economy less developed nations, teaching methods and some tools are outdated which have a major impact on the interests of young generation in technology advanced era. As if they make it happen, it would increase their general knowledge and awareness for such digital assets and making them on their own where one’s country can be benefited economically by the use of self-made robots. To clarify this notion, it might be visibly seen that offering more opportunities for youths is more likely to pay off with their contributions to the society as long as they ought to be surrounded by technology fields where they can globally learn about other recent developments made other countries which enlarges their worldview or to communicate and learn many important job skills from the most successful businesses employees worldwide that helps them set up their own company.

In summary, although the education adults or youths is controversial, I do assume that if governments are supposed to invest more financial goods on child’s educational patterns, it may be both economically and and socially beneficial for the prosperity of developing countries.

445 words

#EssayByMe 💯

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This took almost an hour to finish⏱️ But anyway I will start making some Speaking samples and write more and more essays since I have an exam coming up by the end of this year, I won't tell when but before I get to that level and recreate my personal prime, I need to complete all Listening and Reading materials until the late November. Hopefully, I will finish them and take mock test immediately after that. Stay tuned !


Older generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thought and behavior. Most people argue that these are not helpful for younger generations to prepare for modern life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is a wise perspective in which older generations tend to taught modern generation by using traditional ways such as for critical thinking and behavioral patterns while the proponents of this phenomenon suggest that it is unlikely to work for prosperous future of growing generation. Personally, I partly disagree with this statement since there are still things people could learn from an elderly society who used to live in the past.

It is true that elderly individuals are seemed to be sharing thoughts and ideas in different fields which are important these days. This is because their knowledge, worldwide view and personality that might be crucial and can be used in political, educational and cultural ways. In fact, in the era of information overload, most personalities do not know about their ancestors for the reasons of technology use which makes to be socially inactive and have an unproductive lifestyle, as well as specific backgrounds and traditional labelling which results in heritage loss due to the lessened attention of their parents.

Another case study that needs older individuals is education. People in the past have had a various teaching techniques and they were mostly focused on the curriculum that could be helpful to finding a well-paid job. However, most educational facilities are concentrated more on the attendance of students, not the quality of teaching methods. The nations like Uzbekistan and other central Asian countries are now having vast amount of students who lacks in knowledge, working prospects and determination because they have not been encouraged for this in their school or college days. This exactly can be the one argument of why elderly people have to work as educational recruiter and principal since they have a long-lasting experience in this field and are more likely to commit for their job.

Similarly, those who consider themselves to be old are undeniably critical to giving some suggestions and advices for many upcoming generations in today's highly competitive landscape. Understandably, people especially children may expand their world-view by reading books about environment, politics and education. Additionally, they will foster their perspective thanks to the guidelines of their grandparents whole live as they teach children why persistence, determination and hard-work are important in order to become successful and best version of themselves, and also they would increase a sense of self-esteem when they are socializing with old people since listening and analyzing someone's view can be practically essential. In addition to this, elderly can be useful for the presence of child's development and managing their lives on a daily basis as long as children who are aged at 5 or 6 cannot be taught to understand many aspects on their own, therefore it can be mandatory learn some valuable abilities at very young age like problem solving skills, oral and written communication which is leading them to be independently active in many parts of their lives.

In conclusion, while I duly respect both perspectives about the importance of older generation in society, the benefits of this statement outweigh its downsizes since they provide crucial role to children and other exterior factors.

516 words 📝

#EssayByMe 💯
#difficultone ❤️‍🔥

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1989 - yildan so‘ng 35 yil o‘tdi. O‘zingnikilar orasida hali ham arosatda qolayotgan o‘zbek tili, kechir..! Kim bolsang ham, oddiy bir odam ekanligini bil video ekan.

Rolik mualliflariga rahmat!

Great-Gatsby-William Shakespeare.pdf
One of the brilliant masterpiece of Fitzgerald

Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world.
What are the causes of this problem? What measures can be taken to solve this?

Millions of food that are consumed by people have seen to be the most wasted product in market. Although we are living in disposable society where many goods like clothes and cosmetics can be wasted, food sheltering is becoming one of the most consumed material in modern world. Certainly, there are some reasons behind this practice, following its solutions to be explored in depth.

To start with, it is inevitably true that wasting wide-range meals is now part of a normal thing on a daily basis based on several factors in a long run. First and foremost, there are surprisingly more production of foods these days including fast food and more supermarkets that sell either home-made or street meals. This has a potential influence on the behavior of youths because availability and overproduction allows people overconsume food. This eventually leads to the change of cultural attitudes where one's respect for the food as a valuable source will be lacking.

Another vital instance is that the quality and health impact of some meals. Clearly, some food like soda and fresh water are often hydronated which means that it would not suit the preference of costumers. Same is true with meals like hot-dogs and hamburgers that seems delicious for those who have unproductive lifestyle. It could be easily said that these foods are sometimes made of chemicals and consist more fattening additives that are harmful for average human health , causing diabetes and others health issues altogether. 

As for the solutions, this is the responsibility of official bodies and I think that they should be accountable for limiting amount of food productions as long as people do no seem to manage it on their own. Government should involve some regulations such as food donation requirements, expiration date adjustments and incentives for businesses to minimize waste. It is also important to emphasize the importance of environmental measures since some animals would also struggle living due to the destruction of rainforests and wooden areas where their habitats might starve eventually. Thus, environmental protection should be paid attention for the livestock of humans.

In conclusion, the force of national authorities seems to working as if not, people are more likely to continue wasting food kinds over the next decades.

374 words ✍🏼
33 minutes ⏱️

#task2 📝
#essaybyme 💯
#band7 🚀

The three pie charts present the breakdown of three employment sectors in two different nations regarding the work of male and female workers during the year: 2007.

Overall, services sectors has shown a significant growth around two genders. It can be noticed that males in country A have mainly worked more for services and the same was true in country B altogether. Meanwhile, females workers were also the ones who spent more time on services in both nations respectively.

In country A, male have been involved to industry for like 15 % and agriculture has reported to own around 29% of men employees, however more numbers have been observed in services (56%) which was the highest compared to others. Similarly, women employees were stating the peak of 49% in services, 6 points less in agriculture which means that this sector was one of the main priority of women in 2007 and 8% in industry that is the lowest in the list.

Regarding the stats of country B, it also seems reasonable that services sector were still popular in this particular nation as well. Services were on the top in employment rates with 65% among male and 49% around females. The agriculture which had a 29% rates of work in country A has declined to 3% and the industry has doubled in amounts around males and females.

225 words 📝



📊 TASK 1: The charts show the percentage of male and female workers in three employment sectors in two countries in 2007

November 7th exam topic PB given in IDP and British Council: 📝

Caring for children is probably the most important job in any society. Because of this, all mothers and fathers should be required to take a course that prepares them to be good parents.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

More children are becoming less responsible for their actions these days. Therefore, some people believe their parents should take training lessons for how to take care of their children’s actions which I also agree on this perspective for major reasons.

It is true that young people are experiencing unprecedented lifestyle in modern world due to shortage amount of time spent by their parents. Parents who have jobs and works often discuss less with their kids on a daily basis due to an overwhelming working hours they utilize in office to complete various tasks and projects on their own. This would make young member of family to feel insecure and depressed because of no parental assistance for their studies and other parts of live, leading young generation to have a sedentary and unproductive lifestyle. This may include activities like playing computer games in front of a screen for long hours which can result in gaining more weights and eye damage since they are not physically active, for example, engaging in some recreational activities and football matches could seem to be uninteresting and cannot be type of their business

More importantly, when parents are forced to get life-training lessons on how to manage their children’s upbringing, they mostly gain valuable skills like time-management, the maintenance between work and life. In this case, children are more likely to focus on their subject matters for self-improvement and take part in some fitness programs that can be beneficial for a cardiovascular health.

In my opinion, this statement is controversial though since there is no evidence yet to support the factor that it is useful or unworkable. We all know that parents have been responsible for the development of their kids without taking any parental-guidance courses for thousands years because it is already tradition that passes through generation to generation. Thus, this is indeed impractical and it can be observed that people who taught their children more in cultural ways might see their approach as an effective way in the long run.

In conclusion, while I respectfully agree that holding life lesson courses are important for parents in today’s academic landscape, however, the importance of cultural and traditional learning should not be neglected in certain case studies.

371 words ✍🏼

#task2 📝
#essaybyme 💯

Smells like a big comebacks.
IELTS wait for me

#examlife 📝🎯💸

Репост из: IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan
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