Afraid of - dan qo'rqmoq
good at - da yaxshi
bad at - da yomon
interested in - ga qiziqmoq
different from - dan farqli
sorry about\for - kechirim so'ramoq
married to - turmush qurmoq
fed up with - dan to'yib ketmoq
nice\kind of - ga mehribon
on holiday - ta'tilda
on television - televizorda
on the radio - radioda
on the telephone - telefonda
on fire - yong'inda
on time - o'z vaqtida
listen to - ni tinglamoq
talk\speak to - bilan gaplashmoq
belong to - ga tegishli bo'lmoq
happen to - sodir bo'lmoq
wait for - ni kutmoq
thank for - uchun rahmat
ask for - dan so'ramoq
think about\of - haqida o'ylamoq
depend on - ga bog'liq
look at - ga qaramoq
look for - ni izlamoq
look after - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
good at - da yaxshi
bad at - da yomon
interested in - ga qiziqmoq
different from - dan farqli
sorry about\for - kechirim so'ramoq
married to - turmush qurmoq
fed up with - dan to'yib ketmoq
nice\kind of - ga mehribon
on holiday - ta'tilda
on television - televizorda
on the radio - radioda
on the telephone - telefonda
on fire - yong'inda
on time - o'z vaqtida
listen to - ni tinglamoq
talk\speak to - bilan gaplashmoq
belong to - ga tegishli bo'lmoq
happen to - sodir bo'lmoq
wait for - ni kutmoq
thank for - uchun rahmat
ask for - dan so'ramoq
think about\of - haqida o'ylamoq
depend on - ga bog'liq
look at - ga qaramoq
look for - ni izlamoq
look after - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq