Rayhona's english🕊

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Aspiring teacher👩‍💻in the field of philosophy(holder of multiple certificates)
You can learn:
✅writing skills
✅video/live lessons
✅Advices from Reyhan teacher
Our goal is clear🎯Achieving the best results🏆

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Praying fajr with your mom is a peaceful and heartwarming experience, filling the morning with tranquility and spiritual connection💫

💐Assalomu alaykum,kanalimizdagi bir-biridan gòzal va suyukli opa-singillarim. Sizlarni 8-mart Xalqaro xotin-qizlar bayrami bilan chin qalbimdan tabriklayman🎊🎊🎊

Sizni hech qachon bahoriy gòzallik tark etmasin🌝,yuzingizdan kulgi🤗, labingizdan tabassum arimasin. Doimo bahor gullaridek ochilib yuring🫠

Sendan taraladi anbar ifori,
Sadoqatda tengsiz hurdirsan,ayol,
Sen butun olamning nuri, Bahori
Mòtabar,muattar,munissan Ayol!😇

PS:I couldn't be able to congratulate you guys early because of my intense workday

Have a peaceful and blessed second day of Ramadan!


Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

Репост из: Ulugbek Davlatov | IELTS |
Eslatma: Bo’kib qolguncha tiqish shart emas 🧌

Ramadan🌙Mubarak dears✨
May Allah bless us all abundantly during this Ramadan.

PS:It's maģrib,so Ramadan has already started😊

Overall,target is achieved🎯😌

I highly recommend https://youtu.be/itkUJSYrg1U?si=0SbR_z4IGrO9LwGA. Just give it a watch.

Btw,support me with reactions😉

Everyday we should
1.Listen to a podcast
2.Read an article
3.Walk at least 6 kilometers
4.Avoid junk food and chips
Are you ready?
If yes👍

Let's launch a challenge together

Hello everyone🙃

Where are your reactions,guys🤯

10 important vocabulary items

(noun) g'alaba
— After my victory, I was super happy.

Defeat (noun) - mag’lubiyat
— He finally admitted his defeat

Resilient (adj) - qiyinchiliklarga bardosh bera oladigan
— I’m both mentally and physically resilient

Vulnerable (adj) - zaif, kuchsiz
— Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside their homes

Emotional = sensitive (adj)- emotsiya beriluvchi, tez xafa bo’lib qoladigan
— She is a sensitive girl so think before what you say

Sensible = rational (adj) - mantiqqa asoslanib ish tutadigan, logic bilan qaror qiladigan
— I try to be sensible.

Optimum (adj) = best or ideal
— I believe going to bed at 11 p.m is the optimum time.


1. Victory >< Defeat
2. Resilient >< Vulnerable
3. Emotional >< Rational
4. Sensitive >< Sensible
5. Optimum >< the worst

Har birini ma’nosi va examples ni ozroqdan keyin tashlab beraman✅

C1 VOCABULARY TEST qiyin ekanmi❓

Nechta topdingiz?

What do you think is the ….. time to go to sleep at night?
  •   A) optimum
  •   B) original
4 голосов

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