Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Новости и СМИ

Bobur Yoqubov( @Bobur_Yoqubovv )
◾️19 y.o.
▪️al-Khwarizmi school 2023'💥
▪️ Volunteer at 56th Mendeleev Olympiad 2022'💥
▪️ Eco-IT schools camp 2022'💥
▪️Ibrat and Wiki participant🏕 2023'💥
▪️ Winter school 2023'💥

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Новости и СМИ
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Erkinov Life
This is the file that your classmate doesn’t want you to read 📋

The file contains the list of universities that provide scholarship. Not only that, it also has a filter where you can choose the scholarship range.

I have given this file to most of my friends who are trying to get into university to help them find universities that are not that famous but give out scholarships.

Save it ! Read it ! Share it ! Don’t be stingy 🙁


Репост из: Edu Grands
Leadership and TechPlomacy Summit

Davlat: Tayland 🇹🇭
Moliyaviy ta’minot: To'iq
Yosh toifasi: 16-35

- Aviachipta, turar joy, ovqatlanish xarajatlari qoplanadi
- Madaniy tadbirlar
- Sertifikat, sovg'alar va boshqa bir qator imkoniyatlar

🔗Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: Havola

📌Ro'yxatdan o'tishning so'nggi muddati: 28-avgust


Global Business Symposium 2024

Country : Turkey🇹🇷
Financing : Full, partial
Age category : 16-35

➡️ Benefits :
- Get investment up to $6000 for business
- air ticket, accommodation, food expenses are covered
- Participation in cultural ceremonies and holidays

🔗 To register :

📌 Registration deadline : August 10


Tongarewa Scholarship 2024-25 in New Zealand

Apply here:

Country: New Zealand
Financial coverage: Partially Funded
Deadline: August 1, 2024


1. The international scholarship in New Zealand covers one year of tuition fees.
2. The scholarship is valued at $5,000 or $10,000.
3. Successful applicants receive an offer for Victoria University's Halls of Residence if they apply on time.

For more scholarships, visit:

3-month all-expenses-paid program in the USA

Candidates under the age of 30 who are interested in contributing to the development of democracy and democratic activism can apply for the program.

Those who are accepted will spend 3 months in Washington and improve their skills ( in English ).

Financial possibilities:
– Stipend for living expenses
- Air ticket for departure and arrival
– Free health insurance
- Furnished study room with internet connection

Applications are accepted until July 31, 2024 .

More 👇

Ps: Invite your relatives to the channel and the channel will publish useful news and posts on international grants and personal development.
The reaction


Nyu-York shahrida xarajatlari toʻliq qoplanadigan xalqaro konferensiya🤩🔥

— Nomzod bakalavriat talabasi bo'lishi lozim;
— Ingliz tilida erkin muloqot qila olishi kerak;
— Konferensiya davomida tadbirlarda to'liq qatnasha olish kerak.

Foydali tomonlari
— Safar xarajatlari qoplanadi;
— Nyu-York shahrida bepul turarjoy bilan ta'minlanadi;
— Oziq-ovqat xarajatlari qoplanadi.

Oxirgi muddat
02.08.2024 09:59


P.s:Yaqinlaringiz kanalga taklif qiling va kanalda xalqaro grantlar shaxsiy rivojlanish bo’yicha foydali yangiliklar, postlar e’lon qilib boriladi.

👉 @Sardor_Tuxtayev_Official

Reminder: Hurry Up ! Apply Today.

Fully Funded Trip to South Korea 🇰🇷 KAIST EE Camp 2024 (Fully Funded)

Open to Students from around the World. KAIST Will Cover:

Air Flight Tickets ✈️
Accommodation 🛏️
Meals 🌮


Deadline: 26th June 2024

#KaistCamp2024 #VisitKaist #Opportunitiescorners

Community Engagement Exchange Program in USA 2025 🗣️🇺🇲
(Fully Funded🔥🔥🔥)

A three-month exchange program in the United States. Open to students and civil society leaders.

The program covers airfare, stipend, J1 visa, meals, housing, health insurance.


Deadline: July 2, 2024

Ps: Let's be active and share the post with the channel link to our loved ones.


Репост из: Sardor To'xtayev |Official
Xalqaro yozgi maktabda qatnashish imkoniyati🔥🔥

🌆Qayerda: Samarqand, O'zbekiston
📅Qachon: 2024 yil 30 sentyabr - 4 oktyabr

Kim uchun:Qozog‘iston, Qirg‘iziston, Tojikiston, Turkmaniston va O‘zbekiston talabalaridan arizalar ustuvor tartibda qabul qilinadi.

Tashkilotchilar ishtirokchilar uchun viza, sayohat, turar joy va ovqatlanish xarajatlarini to'laydi.

Ariza uchun link:

⏰Muddati: 2024-yil 15-iyun


P.s:Endi faollik ko’rsatib, postni kanal linki bilan yaqinlarga tarqatib tashlimiz.


Репост из: Madina’s Seoul Diary🇰🇷
#Korea #university
Korea universitetlariga hujjat topshirmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun, foydali ma'lumot

O'zingiz Korea universitetlariga univertetlariga topshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, siz uchun kerakli bo'ladigan saytlar:

Kuyidagi saytlar orqali siz firmalarsiz ham, mustaqil ravishda Korea universitetlariga hujjat topshirib grantlar yurishingiz mumkin. Bu saytlarda siz hujjat topshirishingiz, Korea universitetlari haqida ma'lumot olishingiz va sizga kerakli bo'ladigan barcha hujjatlar ro'yxatini ham topshiringiz mumkin.

Koreada sizni kutmoqda!

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashib qo'yishni unutmang.
Yana qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar uchun

Janubiy Koreyaga to'liq moliyalashtirilgan oromgoh va sayohat🤩🔥🇰🇷

KAIST quyidagilarni qoplaydi:
Aviachiptalar ✈️
Turar joy 🛏️
Ovqatlar 🌮

Tashrif buyuring:

Deadline: 2024 yil 26 iyun


P.s:Endi faollik ko’rsatib, postni kanal linki bilan yaqinlarga tarqatib tashlimiz.


Репост из: ssaidamirr

1️⃣ Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) Program
YYGS program is a highly competitive summer academic enrichment program for outstanding high school students from around the world. Scholarship is available, but highly competitive.
Learn more:

2️⃣ Ai4ALL (Princeton, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, UMichigan, etc.)
Ai4All is for you if you are into computer science, AI, etc. This program is available for students from all over the world, including Uzbekistan, at the top universities like Princeton and Stanford, and even more!
Learn more:

3️⃣UWC (United World Colleges) Program
similar to FLEX, but this program is more in-depth into education by providing pre-university program, IB diploma curriculum. UWC is highly competitive and requires strong academic potential as well as leadership qualities. Financial aid is available.
Learn more:

4️⃣ EducationUSA Academy
This program is fully online, however you will have the opportunity to connect with one of these universities closely: Boston University, St. John's University, University of Wisconsin, etc. and acquire necessary skills to study in the US.
Learn more:

5️⃣ ACCESS by the US Dept
If you want to improve your English and are passionate about cultural exchange, you will be able to travel to the US for a month with this program for free!
Learn more:

6️⃣ Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies (SPCS)
Would like to challenge yourself academically? At an Ivy League? At Standford? For free?!
Learn more:

7️⃣ TechGirls
If you are passionate about STEM, and would like to spend 4 weeks in summer in Washington D.C., don't miss your chance this year !
Learn more:

Join my blog:

Looking for Fully Funded Study Abroad Scholarships 2024-2025? without IELTS? Without Application Fee?

Apply for 10 Best Fully Funded Study Abroad Scholarships 2024-2025 for World Studenets for Studies in Top World Universities.

No Agent - Direct Apply.

👉👉Apply Link:

Programs: Undergraduate, Masters & Ph.D. Degree Programs

Scholarship: Multiple Scholarships Programs at Top Universities
1) Airfare
2) Tuition
3) Accommodation
4) Monthly Stipend

Deadline: Different Deadlines

#Scholarships365 #study_abroad_Scholarships #belgium #europe #norway #ielts #toefl #asia #china #education #follow #studyAbroad #study #kdiSchool #KoreaScholarships #StudyInBelgium #university #scholarships #FullyFundedScholarships

📢 Join the Hogwarts Camp - Summer of Research! 🏕

Are you a school or university student looking to dive into the world of research this summer? Look no further! The Hogwarts - Summer of Research camp is here to make your summer unforgettable.

🗓 Duration: 19.06.2024 - 25.06.2024
📋 Eligibility: High School and University students
💵 Price of Participation: 1,250,000 sums
🎓 Grants Available: 100%, 70%, 50%

🏡 The camp includes:
• Accommodation
• Four meals a day
• Working with specialists in these spheres
• Developing your own project
• Chance for the investment

🔍 Project Topics:
• Software technologies 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
• Ecology 1 / 2
• Education 1

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore cutting-edge topics and enhance your research skills.

📅 Deadline for Registration: 30.05.2024
🔗 Register here:

Join us for an enriching experience that combines learning and fun. See you at Hogwarts!

Follow us on:
Telegram | Instagram | Website

📌 UNESCO Poland Fellowship Program 2024📌

UNESCO Poland Fellowship Program 2024 is a fully funded scholarship program in Poland for individuals who are looking for a sponsored opportunity to have some foreign exposure in their academic learning and careers.

Fellowship Program Level:
Undergraduate and Graduate

Kindly visit our:
Instagram: @youthbreakheboundaries
Linkedin: Youth Break The Boundaries
Youtube: YBB Foundation

Talabalar uchun Xitoyda barcha xarajatlari to'liq qoplanadigan 10 kunlik yozgi maktab — UCAS International Summer School 2024🔥🔥🔥

— Nomzod Xitoy fuqarosi bo'lmasligi kerak;
— 35 yoshdan oshmagan, jismonan hamda ruhan sog'lom bo'lishi lozim;
— Bakalavriatning oxirgi kursi, magistratura yoki doktoranturaning istalgan kursida tahsil olayotgan va yuqori akademik ko'rsatkichiga ega bo'lishi kerak

Foydali tomonlari
— Xitoyga borish/qaytish safar xarajatlari to'liq qoplanadi;
— Bepul turarjoy va oziq-ovqat bilan ta'minlanadi;
— Tibbiy sug'urta xarajatlari to'lab beriladi;
— Dastur yakunida sertifikat beriladi.

Oxirgi muddat



UEnter startap loyihalar o‘rtasida dunyodagi eng yirik tanlov K-STARTUP GRAND CHALLENGE 2024 boshlanganligini ma'lum qiladi.

K-Startup Grand Challenge - dunyoning 120dan ortiq mamlakatlaridan ishtirokchilarni qamrab olgan va Koreyaning "silikon vodiysi"da (Pangyo Techno Valley) o'tkaziladigan startaplar uchun akseleratsiya dasturi hisoblanadi.

Bu yil Koreyaga 40 ta startap-jamoalar 3 oy muddatga taklif etiladi. Ulardan TOP 20 ta loyiha Demo Dayga qabul qilinadi hamda g'oliblar aniqlanib, quyidagi miqdorda grant mablag‘lari ajratiladi:
1-o'rin: $150,000
2-o'rin: $100,000
3-o'rin: $70,000
4-o'rin: $50,000
5-o'rin: $30,000

Dastur bilan tanishish.

Ariza yuborish.

Arizalar 2024-yil 7-iyungacha qabul qilinadi.

UEnter сообщает о запуске крупнейшего в мире конкурса среди стартап проектов K-STARTUP GRAND CHALLENGE 2024.

K-Startup Grand Challenge - это программа акселерации стартапов, которая охватывает участников из более 120 стран мира и проходит на территории корейской "силиконовой долины" (Pangyo Techno Valley).

В этом году в Корею будут приглашены на 3 месяца 40 стартап команд, из которых ТОП-20 будут допущены на Demo Day, где будут определены победители с выделением грантовых средств в следующих размерах:
1-ое место: $150,000
2-ое место: $100,000
3-е место: $70,000
4-ое место: $50,000
5-ое место: $30,000

Ознакомиться с программой.

Подать заявку.

Заявки принимаются до 7 июня 2024 года.


Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Website

⏺🟩🟩🟩 #xalqaro_forum

🟦 18-35 yosh oraligʻidagi yoshlar uchun Shvetsariyaning Jeneva shahrida barcha xarajatlari qoplanadigan xalqaro forum - IUCN Leaders Forumi.

📝 Talablar:

- Dasturda 18-35 yosh oralig'idagi barcha fuqarolar ishtirok etishi mumkin;
- Nomzodlar tabiatni saqlash, bioxilma-xillik, iqlim o'zgarishi, barqaror rivojlanish sohalarida yetakchilik va innovatsion faoliyatlarni olib borgan bo'lishi lozim.

🏆 Foydali tomonlari:

- Jenevaga borish/kelish safar xarajatlari qoplanadi;
- Loyihani xalqaro miqyosda taqdim etish;
- Bepul turarjoy, oziq-ovqat bilan ta'minlanadi

⏰ Oxirgi muddat: 28.05.2024-yil, 22:00

➡️ Batafsil:

#yoshlaragentligi #universe #uva #tanlov


Butunrossiya kongressida qatnashish imkoniyati🤩

📍Qayerda: Vladivostok
🗓️Qachon: 2024 yil 15 iyuldan 17 iyulgacha

Ariza uchun link:

Deadline: 2024-yil 30-aprel

P.s:Endi faollik ko’rsatib, postni kanal linki bilan yaqinlarga tarqatib tashlimiz.


🔖Stipendium Copernicus: bakalavr va magistrlar uchun Germaniyada🇩🇪1 semestr oʻqish imkoniyati! 🔖

Qabul qilinganlar ushbu
imkoniyatlar bilan taʼminlanadi: ✔️✔️✔️
– Aviachipta va viza xarajatlari qoplanadi.
– Semestr uchun oʻqish toʻlovi toʻlab beriladi.
– Turar joy, sug'urta, oziq-ovqat va transport xarajatlari qoplanadi.
– Oyiga 300 yevro choʻntak puli ajratiladi.

Kimlar uchun 🔔🔔🔔
Bakalavrni tugatgan va magistraturaga oʻqishga kirishni rejalashtirayotganlar ham ariza topshira oladi.

Arizalar har yili quyidagi sanagacha qabul qilinadi: 📣📣📣
– Bahorgi semestr
uchun 1-sentyabrgacha;
– Qishki semestr uchun 1-martgacha.

Hozirda eng yaqin ariza topshirish muhla
ti: 2024-yil 1-sentabr 🖥

Batafsil maʼlumot olish uchun: Havola 🔗

Ariza topsh
irish uchun : Havola 🔗

us dasturi bakalavriat va magistratura bosqichi t
alabalariga Gamburg universitetida 1 semestr oʻqish imkonini beradi.

Change your life with us ✅


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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