“Wanderlust” bilan hamkorlikda O‘zbekiston turizm salohiyatini targ‘ib qilish masalalari muhokama qilindi
“ITB Berlin 2025” turizm ko‘rgazmasi doirasida Berlin shahrida Buyuk Britaniyaning “Wanderlust” sayohat jurnalining rahbariyati bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Issues of promoting the tourism potential of Uzbekistan in cooperation with Wanderlust were discussed
A meeting with the management of the British travel magazine “Wanderlust” was held within the framework of the tourism exhibition “ITB Berlin 2025” in Berlin.
Обсуждены вопросы продвижения туристического потенциала Узбекистана в сотрудничестве с “Wanderlust”
В рамках туристической выставки “ITB Berlin 2025” в Берлине состоялась встреча с руководством британского журнала о путешествиях “Wanderlust”.
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“ITB Berlin 2025” turizm ko‘rgazmasi doirasida Berlin shahrida Buyuk Britaniyaning “Wanderlust” sayohat jurnalining rahbariyati bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Issues of promoting the tourism potential of Uzbekistan in cooperation with Wanderlust were discussed
A meeting with the management of the British travel magazine “Wanderlust” was held within the framework of the tourism exhibition “ITB Berlin 2025” in Berlin.
Обсуждены вопросы продвижения туристического потенциала Узбекистана в сотрудничестве с “Wanderlust”
В рамках туристической выставки “ITB Berlin 2025” в Берлине состоялась встреча с руководством британского журнала о путешествиях “Wanderlust”.
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