Репост из: Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS
Overall, while the majority of the world’s population lives in Asian pacific, the remaining regions show much smaller figures. As for(when it comes to) people’s spending on education, school education(high-school, followed by secondary and primary schools) was the main expense as opposed touniversity and further education.
Focusing on the world population by region, a staggering 54% live in Asian pacific, more than the other regions put together(=combined). Europe came next, with 11%, which was slightly higher than those who live in Africa(10%). While 9% of people were from Latin America and Caribbean, the figures for the remaining regions were smaller, ranging between 7% and 3%.
When it comes to the expenditure on education, high school emerged as the major expense, accounting for 33% of total education spending. This was followed by primary and secondary schools, with the same 26%. University and further education were responsible for the smallest shares, with respective figures standing at 8% and 7%.
Band 7.0
Focusing on the world population by region, a staggering 54% live in Asian pacific, more than the other regions put together(=combined). Europe came next, with 11%, which was slightly higher than those who live in Africa(10%). While 9% of people were from Latin America and Caribbean, the figures for the remaining regions were smaller, ranging between 7% and 3%.
When it comes to the expenditure on education, high school emerged as the major expense, accounting for 33% of total education spending. This was followed by primary and secondary schools, with the same 26%. University and further education were responsible for the smallest shares, with respective figures standing at 8% and 7%.
Band 7.0