Фильтр публикаций

Huh, that's something

What do we live for?

The response came anonymously:

"I think we live to be tested by Allah to enter Jannat. We want to be happy for ourselves, but in reality, it's not just about that. Often, we want to improve ourselves and live a better, happier life than we have now. Sometimes, we may even feel like we need to prove ourselves to others, but really, it’s about trying to be a better person, passing Allah’s test, achieving and chasing our dreams. Ultimately, we want to live a life that’s better than today."

For any other thoughts:

My little brother's piece of work🪄
Even though he is only 6 and left-handed, he creates beautiful drawings. He is so creative that he wanted to show his hand in a different way😁

You know how they say "It's been a pleasure"? It hasn't.

Nobody's promised tomorrow...🌘


This podcast is about a girl who managed to escape from North Korea when she was 13 (15 in Korean age). I was already aware of some of the crazy rules in the country, but hearing it from someone who actually experienced them felt completely different.

According to her the government controls the public through fear and hunger, similar to Stalin's regime. What I found most shocking was that seeing dead bodies on the streets is completely normal for them, and they feel nothing about it..

After escaping, Yeonmi Park went through very hard times. She had never even seen a world map before. Now, she lives in the USA and feels upset that people don’t speak up or help those suffering in North Korea. In a way, it seems understandable because China supports North Korea, and no one has had the courage to challenge such a dictatorship.

Listening to the podcast gave me a chance to see the world from a different perspective. Additionally, made me truly grateful for the life now I have.


#ifyougetityougetit 😁


The worst day ever, but okay - let's enjoy some music hech bo'lmaganda)

Репост из: .
Nobody cares, just study, make money, and enjoy)

Alhamdulillah. I am another year older, wiser and more grateful. 18🤍

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