“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn.”©T. S. Eliot
"Noraso shoirlar taqlid qiladi, yetuk shoirlar esa o‘g‘irlaydi; yomon shoirlar o‘zlashtirgan narsasini buzib tashlaydi, yaxshi shoirlar esa uni yaxshiroq yoki hech bo‘lmaganda boshqacha narsaga aylantiradi. Yaxshi shoir o‘g‘irlaganini o‘ziga xos his-tuyg‘ular bilan qayta ishlaydi va uni butunlay o‘ziga xos, asl nusxasidan tubdan farqli bir asarga aylantiradi."©T. S. Eliot
"Steal like an artist" kitobidan, tarjima ideal emas lekin tushunasiz degan umiddaman)