Tongue twister nima ekanligini bilasizmi?
Tongue twister tez aytish degani va u talaffuzingizni (l/r, t/d, æ) yaxshilashingiz uchun eng samarali usullardan biri.
Quyidagi twister larni aytib o'zingizni sinab ko'ring
*️⃣Betty Botter bought some butter,
But she said the butter's bitter,
If I put it in my batter,
it'll make my batter bitter.
*️⃣Thirty three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
*️⃣Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Qaysi birini ayta oldingiz?
Tongue twister tez aytish degani va u talaffuzingizni (l/r, t/d, æ) yaxshilashingiz uchun eng samarali usullardan biri.
Quyidagi twister larni aytib o'zingizni sinab ko'ring
*️⃣Betty Botter bought some butter,
But she said the butter's bitter,
If I put it in my batter,
it'll make my batter bitter.
*️⃣Thirty three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
*️⃣Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Qaysi birini ayta oldingiz?