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The UK english is built different, isn’t it? 😂

Репост из: Mood Swings
Oh Allah, allow us to reach Ramadan in good health.

70 0 0 10 11

The real work is unseen. Your performance matters most when nobody is watching .


Word of the day- ethereal-
The sunset looked ethereal

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Word of the day- eunoia-
Her eunoia radiated warmth and kindness, touching everyone she met

Better days are on the way! Ramadan is coming

Репост из: ش
- Kechagi kunimiz qadrli bugungisi zavqli ertangi kun esa umidlidir.

There is no success without a sacrifice!

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Muhammad Ali

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But why do I do these things?
Because that’s what it takes to be successful

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The quoute of the day

There is no sleep till I get IELTS!!!
( sleeping is pivotal for our health, you know?):)

Kinda beatiful word

This masterpiece is my friend’s result🤩

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