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Uzr so'rash

🇬🇧 Sorry 😔
🇷🇺 Простите
🇺🇿 Uzr

🇬🇧 I'm sorry.😞
🇷🇺 Простите меня.
🇺🇿 Meni kechiring.

🇬🇧 Excuse me.🙁
🇷🇺 Простите меня.
🇺🇿 Meni kechiring.

🇬🇧 I beg your pardon.
🇷🇺 прошу извинит меня.
🇺🇿 Men uzr so'rayman.

🇬🇧 I'm very sorry.😫
🇷🇺 Простите,я очень сожалею.
🇺🇿 Kechiring,juda ham afsusdaman.

🇬🇧 I'm terribly sorry.☹️
🇬🇧 Forgive me.
🇷🇺 извините меня.
🇺🇿Meni avf eting.

🇬🇧 Pardon (me).😕
🇷🇺 Извините.
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz

🇬🇧 Excuse my mission.😟
🇷🇺 Простите мою оплошность.
🇺🇿Xatoimni kechiring.

🇬🇧It's my fault.😞
🇷🇺 Виноват, извините.

🇬🇧 It's my mistake,sorry.
🇷🇺 Это моя ошибка. Извините.
🇺🇿 Bu mening xatoyim,kechiring.



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Ingliz tilida suhbatlashish - Ota-onangiz qayerda yashaydilar?


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#Сенсация | 39 000 сўм эвазигая..?😳

💐 Арзимаган пул эвазига хонангиз ёки офисингизни гуллатиб юборишингиз мумкин!

💰 Нархи атига: 39.минг сўм


👉 https://alijahon.uz/oqim/76611


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🇬🇧You're lucky.
🇷🇺Вам везет.

🇬🇧You're in luck.
🇷🇺Вам повезло.
🇺🇿Omadingiz keldi.

🇬🇧Lucky dog!

🇬🇧Lucky dog you are!
🇷🇺Ну и везет же тебе!
🇺🇿Rosa omadingiz keldi!

🇬🇧What a stroke of luck!
🇷🇺Вот это удача!
🇺🇿Buni omad desa bo'ladi. Ana sizga omad!

🇬🇧I want to try my fortune.
🇷🇺Я хочу попытать счастья.
🇺🇿O'z omadimni sinab ko'rmoqchiman.

🇬🇧One success after another.
🇷🇺За успехом следовал успех.
🇺🇿Omad ketidan omad.

🇬🇧Some people have all the luck!
🇷🇺Везет же людям!
🇺🇿Odamlarning omadi keladi-da!

⚜ Yod oling va do'stlaringiz bilan suhbatlarda foydalaning!



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1️⃣ Saying something in another way

🔸What I'm trying to say is...

🔸In other words...

🔸To put it another way...

🔸What I mean is...

🔸Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...

2️⃣ Agreeing with an opinion

🔸Yes, I agree...

🔸That's my view exactly.

🔸I would tend to agree with that.

🔸I couldn't agree more.

3️⃣ Disagreeing with an opinion

🔸No, I disagree.

🔸I'm afraid I disagree.

🔸I see things rather differently myself.

🔸I wouldn't say that is necessarily true.

🔸I tend to disagree.

🔸I'm not so sure about that.

4️⃣ Partially agreeing with an opinion

🔸I don't entirely agree. It is true that......however...

🔸That is partly true, but...

🔸I agree with that to an extent. However...

5️⃣ Getting asked an opinion (by the examiner)

🔸What do you think?

🔸What's your view / opinion?

🔸What are your views on...?

🔸How do you feel about...?

6️⃣ Saying your opinion could vary according to the situation

🔸That depends...

🔸I think it really depends...

🔸That depends on how you look at it.

7️⃣ Asking for clarification (part 3 only)

🔸Could you please explain what ...(word)... means?

🔸Sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you explain?

🔸Sorry, I'm afraid I didn't understand the question.

🔸Sorry, can I just clarify what you mean. Are you asking me ...(say what you believe you have been asked)...

8️⃣ Asking for repetition

🔸Sorry, would you mind repeating the question?

🔸Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat the question?

9️⃣ Summing up

🔸So all in all...

🔸To sum up...

🔸To conclude...



Репост из:
🛑Bugun TAQIQLASHga oid gaplarni , so'zlarni o'rganamiz.🛑


🇬🇧 No🙅
🇺🇿 Yo'q

🇬🇧It is prohibited! 😁
🇺🇿Man etilgan!

🇬🇧It is impossible. 😱
🇺🇿Mumkun emas.

🇬🇧You're not allowed. 🤞
🇺🇿Sizga ruxdat etilmagan.
🇷🇺 Ваи не разрешает.

🇬🇧Sorry, it can't be done.😔
🇺🇿Afsuski, bunday qilish mumkun emas.
🇷🇺К сожалению, так делать нельзя.

🇬🇧I'm afraid it is🙅‍♂ prohibited.
🇺🇿Menimcha bu man etilgan.
🇷🇺По-моему, это запрещено.

🇬🇧Absolutely not.🤜
🇺🇿Qatiyan taqiqlanadi.
🇷🇺Категорически запрещается.

🇬🇧By no means.😇
🇺🇿Xech qachon.
🇷🇺Ни в коем случае.

🇬🇧It is out of the question.🙃
🇺🇿Bu tug'risida gap ham bo'lishi mumkun emas.
🇷🇺Об этом и речи быт не может.

🇬🇧Positively not.😉
🇺🇿Yo'q deyildimi, demak yo'q.
🇷🇺 Нет-раз и навсегда.

Yod oling!



Репост из:
🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 26.04.2021

🔸Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally

You should say

What it is
Who do you do it with
Why is it expensive
And explain how you feel about it

I would love to talk about an expensive activity that I enjoy a lot and its tandem skydiving. I am crazy about this activity. If you love to do daring things, you would love it too. It is an exciting sport. Skydiving is usually done from an airplane. Basically, a person jumps from the plane with a parachute. Typically skydives are carried out from around 4,000m. The person gets almost 40 to 50 seconds to enjoy the freefall.
When I did it for the first time, I did it alone. Frankly speaking, I was pretty scared. However, the second and third time, I was fearless. This time I was with my wife. We went to Dubai to do a tandem skydive over the desert.
It is a pretty pricey sport, and I can’t do it regularly. We all know air traveling is pretty expensive compared to road and train traveling. Therefore, we need to book a spot on an airplane. Besides, we get gears such as parachutes and other safety equipment. The price of the ticket also covers the charges of the instructor. They also provide insurance cover. So, one needs to pay approximately 500 USD for a single ticket. When I do skydiving, I feel on top of the world. I love doing courageous things. I get excited when I go to perform this activity. Last time before jumping from the plane, my brain was struck, but I was super excited. When my parachute opened, I started enjoying the freefall. It happens so fast that it is hard to explain. On average, a person falls 60 metres per second during a skydive.

Band 8

#speakingpart2 #recent



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Ultra Smart watch T800

TW8 ULTRA Smart Watch Apple IOS 2022 
🔻Apple IOS Android ikalasida ham qotmasdan ishlaydi 
🔻Batareya chidamliligi 100% 48 soatga yetadi 
🔻Ranglari aplesin, qora, seriy, yashi l ranglari mavjud 
🔻Funksiyalari Juda ko'p, suvda ham ishlaydi 
🔻Ob-havo aniqlash qon bosm puls prabeklar qo'ng'iroq qilish 
🔴Tezda bizga murojat qiling Tanlovda adashmang.

💰 Mahsulot narxi:
-- Qora rang: 92000 so'm
-- Apelsin rang: 92000 so'm
-- Seriy rang: 92000 so'm
-- Oq rang: 92000 so'm
-- Yashil rang: 92000 so'm

🎁 2 ta mahsulot xarid qilgan mijozga buyurtma mutlaqo tekinga yetqazib beriladi,

Батафсил: @Operatorchi
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/325718
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/325718

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

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Жума айёми муборак бўлсин ҚАДРДОНЛАРИМ

✨Азиз диндошим Жуманинг файзи ва барокати сизга бўлсин

🌙 Энг яқин инсоним кириб келган “Жума” куни муборак бўлсин.



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🌤 Aссалому алайкум, ЖУМА тонги муборак бўлсин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин🤲

Янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли ўтсин!


Репост из:
📖 Dars #20 Past simple va Past continuous tense qo'llanish holatlari

1️⃣ Oʻtgan zamon davom fe'li (past continuous tense) qo'shma gaplarda oʻtgan zamondagi biror ish-harakat bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Tom hurt his arm while he was playing his last game. (Tom oxirgi oʻyinini oʻynayotganda qo'lidan jarohat oldi)

💡Yuqoridagi vaziyatda oʻtgan zamonda bir ish-harakat davom etib turgan (while he was playing…) paytda boshqa bir ish-harakat boʻlib oʻtganligi (Tom hurt his arm) koʻrsatilgan. Bunday vaziyatlarda tugallangan ish-harakat uchun oddiy oʻtgan zamon (past simple tense), davomiy ish-harakat uchun oʻtgan zamon davom fe'li (past continuous tense) qoʻllanadi.

2️⃣ Oʻtgan zamonda ish-harakatlar ketma-ket sodir boʻlganini ifodalashda faqat oddiy oʻtgan zamon (past simple tense) qoʻllaniladi.
🔸He opened the door, entered the room, found the paper and read it. (U eshikni ochdi, xonaga kirdi, hujjatni topdi va uni oʻqidi.)
🔸When we heard the fire alarm, we rushed to the door. (Biz yong'in signalini eshitishimiz bilan eshikka yugurdik)

3️⃣ Oʻtgan zamonda ikkala ish-harakat bir vaqtning oʻzida davom etib turgan boʻlsa, ikkala ish-harakat uchun ham oʻtgan davomiy zamon (past continuous tense) qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Nina was playing the guitar while Jack was reading a book. (Jek kitob oʻqiyotganida Nina gitara chalayotgan edi)

💡Yuqoridagi misollarda vaziyatni tasavvur qilib, fe'llarni toʻg'ri zamonda qoʻyish mumkin. Misol uchun bir vaziyatni tahlil qilamiz.
▪️ He … (fall) off the ladder while he … (paint) the ceiling.
(fall - yiqilmoq, paint - boʻyamoq). Ko'z oldimizga keltirsak, odatda biror ish qilayotganimizda yiqilib tushishimiz mumkin, demak, fall fe'li - oddiy oʻtgan zamonda, paint fe'li - oʻtgan zamon davom fe'lida qoʻllaniliishi lozim.
🔸He fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling. (U shiftni bo'yayotganda narvondan yiqilib tushdi)



Репост из:

🇬🇧Mr. Brown

🇬🇧Mrs. Brown
🇺🇿Honim (turmushga chiqqan ayol)

🇬🇧Ladies and Gentlemen!
🇷🇺Дамы и господа!
🇺🇿Honimlar va janoblar!

🇬🇧Excuse me, please!

🇬🇧Dear friends!
🇷🇺Дорогие друзья!
🇺🇿Aziz do'stlar!



Репост из:

🇬🇧I'll call you later.
🇺🇿Qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧Have a comfortable journey!
🇷🇺Счастливого пути!
🇺🇿Oq yo'l!

🇬🇧Keep well!
🇷🇺Не болей. Будь здоров.
🇺🇿Kasal bo'lma. Sog' bo'l.

🇬🇧Till we meet again.
🇷🇺До новых встреч.

🇬🇧Write to us.
🇷🇺Пишите нам.
🇺🇿Yozib turing.

🇬🇧Here's my address.
🇷🇺Вот мой адрес.
🇺🇿Mana mening manzilim.

🇬🇧Take it for а keepsake.
🇷🇺Возьмите это на память.
🇺🇿Shuni eslab qoling.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!



Репост из:

🇬🇧Good Morning. Morning.
🇷🇺Доброе утро!
🇺🇿Hayrli tong!

🇬🇧Good day
🇷🇺Добрый день!
🇺🇿Hayrli kun!

🇬🇧Good afternoon.
Good evening.
🇷🇺Добрый вечер!
🇺🇿Hayrli kech!

🇬🇧Hello. Hi.
🇺🇿Assalomu Alaykum!

🇷🇺Добро пожаловать!
🇺🇿Hush kelibsiz.

🇬🇧How are you?
🇷🇺Как поживаете?
🇺🇿Ahvollaringiz qalay?

🇬🇧How are you feeling?
🇷🇺Как вы себя чувствуете?
🇺🇿O'zingizni qanday his qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧I hope you are feeling well.
🇷🇺Надеюсь, вы себя хорошо чувствуете.
🇺🇿Umid qilamanki, o'zingizni yaxshi his qilyapsiz.



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🦶Варикоз касаллиги билан курашиб келадиган ёки ўша касаллик аломатлари ўйлантираётган, шунингдек совуқ тушиши билан оёқ суяклари оғрийдиган яқинларингиз учун ажойиб тавсия...

🧦Бу қиздирувчи пайпоқлар медицинада турли касалликларга қарши кенг қўлланилиб келаётган турмалин моддасига туйинтирилган бўлиб:
— Марказий асаб системасини яхшилайди,
— Қон айланиш тизимини нормаллаштиради,
— Бўғим касалликларини даволайди...

Бу пайпоқларни харид қилишингиз учун қандайдир касал бўлишингиз шарт эмас. Қиздирувчи ҳусусиятга эга бу пайпоқларни совуқ кунларда кийиб иссиққина юришингиз мумкин. 🔥

💰Нархи: 49.000 сўм

Батафсил: @Operatorchi
👉 https://alijahon.uz/oqim/47155
👉 https://alijahon.uz/oqim/47155

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Репост из:
🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 25

🔸associate - bog'lamoq
🔸environment - atrof-muhit
🔸factory - fabrika, zavod
🔸feature - haqiqiy
🔸instance - misol, namuna
🔸involve - jalb qilmoq
🔸medicine - dori-darmon
🔸mix - aralashma
🔸organize - tashkil etmoq
🔸period - davr, zamon
🔸populate - yashamoq
🔸produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
🔸range - qator, miqdor
🔸recognize - tanimoq, bilmoq
🔸regular - muntazam
🔸sign - belgi, ishora
🔸tip - uch
🔸tradition - an'ana, udum
🔸trash - axlat
🔸wide - keng



Репост из:

🇬🇧Let me introduce Mr. Brown.
🇷🇺Позвольте предстaвить господина ... (официально)
🇺🇿Janob ...ni sizga tanishtirishga ijozat bering.

🇷🇺Meet Olga.
🇬🇧Познакомьтесь с Ольгой.
🇺🇿Olga bilan tanishing.

🇬🇧Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you
🇷🇺Рад(а) познакомиться.
🇺🇿Tanishganimizdan xursandman.

🇬🇧We've met before.
🇷🇺Мы встречались paньше.
🇺🇿Biz oldin uchrashganmiz.

🇬🇧I know you.
🇷🇺Я знаю вас.
🇺🇿Men sizni bilaman.

🇬🇧What is your name?
🇷🇺Как вас зовут?
🇺🇿Sizning ismingiz nima?

🇬🇧What is her name?
🇷🇺Как ее зовут?
🇺🇿Uning ismi nima? (qiz bola)

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!



Репост из:
🇺🇿 Мен рус тилини яхши билмайман

🇷🇺 Я не очень хорошо знаю русский язык

🇺🇸 I don't know Russian very well



Репост из:

🇬🇧I must be going.
🇷🇺Мне надо идти.
🇺🇿Ketishim kerak.

🇷🇺До свидания.

🇬🇧Bye for now.
🇺🇿Hozircha hayr.

🇬🇧See you soon.
🇷🇺До встречи.

🇷🇺See you again.
🇷🇺До скорого свидания.
🇺🇿Tez orada ko'rishguncha.


🇬🇧Good luck!

🇬🇧Give my regards to Mrs. Brown.
🇷🇺Передайте привет госпоже ...
🇺🇿... honimga salomlarimni ayting.

🇬🇧My love to Olga.
🇷🇺Передайте привет Ольге. (менее официально)
🇺🇿Olgaga salom ayting (norasmiyroq).

🇬🇧I hope to see you soon.
🇷🇺Надеюсь вскоре встретиться.
🇺🇿Tez orada ko'rishamiz deb umid qilaman.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!



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