Ingliz tili darslari

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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The best way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills like English, through the lyrics of the songs.

🎤 Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

I raise my flags, don my clothes
It's a revolution, I suppose
We'll paint it red to fit right in

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

All systems go, the sun hasn't died
Deep in my bones, straight from inside

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

✈️ @ingliztili_audiolar

O'zim xaqimda qisqacha!!!

Men Sarvar Botir Ali Xitoyda talim olganman. Sichuan science and Engineering University da va Shanghai Business school yani 上海商学院 da talim olganman. Dunyoda birinchi va ikkinchi o'rinlarda eng ko'p odam suxbatlashadigan tillarni o'rgataman.Xalqaro universitetlarga kirishga yordam beraman va Xalqaro grandlar yutib olib berishga yordam beraman.Rustam Bosimov xususiy maktabida Ingliz va Xitoy tillaridan dars beraman.Kanalda ingliz va xitoy tillariga bog'liq darslar va yangiliklar farzandlaringizni talimi va tarbiyasiga yordam beradigan malumotlar hamda o'zimning shaxsiy fikrlarim hayotiy tajribalarim bilan o'rtoqlashib boraman.

Kanalga obuna bo'lish uchun pastdagi kanal linkini ustiga bosing👇👇👇👇


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Israel bans UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees amid ongoing attacks in Lebanon and Gaza

💬 In the Middle East.
Israel is banning a UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees from operating in its territory as well as in areas under its control.
Lee Eun-hee explains.

On Monday, Israel's parliament passed a bill banning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency from operating on Israeli territory and areas under Israel's control.
The "UNRWA," providing life-saving services in war-torn Gaza, was established in 1949 to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement about the legislation, reiterated his claims that UNRWA employees are involved in Hamas-related terrorist activities.
In response, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern, stating there is no viable alternative to the UNRWA, warning that the legislation could have "devastating consequences" for Palestinians.

The legislation is set to take effect in 90 days, further jeopardizing an already strained aid distribution process for Gazan civilians.

The UNRWA’s former General Counsel said on Tuesday that Israel's move represents a broader attack on the UN system, calling for a strong response.
The move has also drawn worldwide condemnation from countries including Australia, Belgium, Jordan, Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.
World leaders have described it as "intolerable, illegal, and nothing less than collective punishment."
This decision by Israel comes despite U.S. State Department concerns that there is no substitute for the UNRWA amid the ongoing crisis and a statement from foreign ministers of seven countries, including South Korea, opposing Israel's actions.

Meanwhile, Israel's attacks in Lebanon are intensifying.
According to Lebanon's Health Ministry, at least sixty people were killed in Israeli strikes on Monday night across twelve areas in Baalbek, eastern Lebanon, including two children.
Nearly 60 others were reported injured.
The Israeli military's offensive in Gaza continues, with reports of at least seven Palestinians killed in northern Gaza and ten in the central region.
Additionally, reports stated that the Israeli military set fire to a school run by the UNRWA in the Jabalia refugee camp.

Since the onset of the Middle East conflict, the death toll in Gaza has surpassed forty-3-thousand while in Lebanon, it has exceeded 2-thousand-and-7-hundred.

✈️ @ingliztili_audiolar

Bugun 21:00 da listening’dan tekin dars o’tamiz🚀

— Shaxsiy IELTS ballim 7.5 va dars davomida qanday qilib men kabi Listening 8,5 olishingiz mumkinligi haqida gaplashamiz. Hayajonni yengish va barcha o’zimda ishlagan metodlarni o’rgataman.

— Dars davomida foydali va juda kerakli materiallarni ulashaman. Nasib, keyingi Listening band 9.0 egasi siz boʻlasiz

— Bundan tashqari, kanalda IELTS savollariga Band 8 answers, har xil quiz testlar, advanced grammar va vocabulary lar ham ulashib boraman. Kanal foydali maʼlumotlarga boy. Qisqasi, zerikmaysiz😉..

Soat 21:00da ko’rishguncha❗

Darsga qoʻshilish uchun link

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 17-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Intermediate (1-dars)
😎 Beginner darslari
😎 Elementary darslari

😎 @ingliztili_audiolar


Master-klasslar: Rivojlanishni orqaga surmang

💖 «Insonning o'ziga bergan va'dasi boshqa va'dalardan ustun bo'lishi kerak!» — Muhammadali Eshonqulov

💖 «Notiqlik siri nimada?» — Najot Nur

💖 «Odatni shakllantiruvchi sehrli kalit yo'q» — Bek Olimjon

💖 Biznes | Maqsad | Oliyhimmatlilik — Abdusattor Abdurahimov

💖 Shaxsiy rivojlanish — Valijon Turakulov

💖 Sunʼiy intellekt kelajakda ishsizlikka sabab boʻladimi?! — Anvar Narzulloh

💖 Najot ta'limdadir — Ikrom Sharif

💖 Ilm olish sirlari — Doniyor Nasriddinov

💖 Kompaniyangizda sevimli kadr bo'lay desangiz... — Abdulla Xaydarov

💖 Har qanday biznesning ustuni IT’dir — Jahongir Pulatov

💖 Ishga kirish jarayoni qanday bo'ladi? — Muhammadjavohir Surʼatov

💖 Loyihalar boshqaruvi va jamoaviy ishlash — Sardor Dushamov

💖 Onlayn marketing analitikasi, yoxud nega flayerlarni tashlab yuboramiz? — Abdulla Abdurahimov

💖 Kuchli marketolog bo'lmoqchimisiz? — Muhammad Xalil

💖 O'zbekistonda SMM'ning kelajagi yo'q?! — Farrux Turg‘unov

💖 Oʻzbekistonda frilanserlik istiqboli yoxud “Amerikacha” oylik — Zafarbek Ibrohimov

💖 Shaxsiy brendni rivojlantirish boʻyicha master-klass — Otabek Insavaliyey, Asrorbek Iskandarov

💖 Shaxsiy brend — bu lafzingizda turishingiz — Xurshid Maroziqov

💖 Bugungi marketing ertangi kun uchun eskimi? — Otabek Sharapov

💖 Chet elda dasturchi bo'lib ishlash imkonsiz emas! — Farhod Dadajonov

💖 Kreativlik formulasi nimada? — Mirzo Zominiy

💖 Kelajak dasturchilarini nimalar kutyapti? — Akmal Paiziev

💖 Ko‘k yozuv ustiga bosish orqali tinglashingiz mumkin.

IELTS'ga mustaqil tayyorlanish mumkinmi? Kitoblar va Manbalar!

✈️ @ingliztili_audiolar

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 16-dars

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😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 16-dars

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😎 Beginner darslari
😎 Elementary darslari

😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 15-dars

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😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 15-dars

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😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 14-dars

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😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 14-dars

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😎 @ingliztili_audiolar

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 13-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

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😎 Elementary darslari

😎 @ingliztili_audiolar


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Harris and Trump make Sunday stops in swing states as Obama rallies for Harris, Musk for Trump

💬 We are now counting down about a fortnight to the U.S. Presidential Election which takes place on November 5th.
That being said our Lee Eun-jin  covers the campaign trails of the candidates as well as their latest poll standings.

With the 2024 U.S. presidential election fast approaching both candidates, Democrat Kamala Harris and her Republican rival Donald Trump, remain locked in a tight race.
According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Harris holds a marginal 3-percentage-point lead over Trump -45 percent to 42 percent -among registered voters.
Scrambling for votes, the two candidates have been focusing their campaigns in the seven competitive swing states.

Over the weekend, Harris campaigned to early voters in Georgia. With polls showing a lack of enthusiasm for her candidacy among Black men, who have been a reliable voting bloc for Democrats, Harris highlighted that they were not different from any other demographic and their votes would have to be earned.
In order for Harris to repeat Joe Biden's 2020 wins in Michigan and Georgia, she will need to win the non-white cities of Detroit and Atlanta as well as their surrounding suburbs.
Analysis of the Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that Harris has overtaken any advantage that Trump had held among middle-income households and suburbanites, who make up about half of the U.S. electorate.
Harris also celebrated her 60th birthday on Sunday which she kicked off with a visit to a church in Georgia.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump campaigned in Pennsylvania this weekend, and on Sunday, handed out french fries that he fried himself, at a drive-through window of McDonalds. A photo-op, but also a jab at Harris, who he claims lied about having worked at the fast food chain during her college years.
During a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump made derogatory comments against his opponent prompting a response from Harris in an interview with MSNBC on Sunday where she said Americans "deserve so much better," and that Trump's behavior "demeans the office."
It is not uncommon for public figures to endorse presidential candidates.
But Elon Musk, who has already endorsed Trump and committed at least 70 million U.S. dollars to help the former president, has now pledged to give away one million dollars each day until the November 5th election, to a voter who signs his PAC petition.

Legal experts are raising red flags about the giveaway because being a registered voter is one of the conditions to be eligible for the million-dollar check.
The main issue is due to a U.S. law that prohibits paying people to cast a vote or register to vote.
For Harris, the Obamas will be making their first appearances on the campaign trail.
She is scheduled to appear with the former president in Georgia on Thursday and with Michelle Obama in Michigan on Saturday.


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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 13-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Intermediate (1-dars)
😎 Beginner darslari
😎 Elementary darslari

😎 @ingliztili_audiolar


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Khaled Mashal becomes Hamas leader after Sinwar’s death

💬 Thank you for joining us. I'm Yoon Jung-min.
We begin with the killing of the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, by Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza.
Responding to this, Israel says it will continue to fight.
Cha Yun-kyung has the latest.

On Thursday,.. Israel confirmed that the de facto leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, had been killed in an operation in southern Gaza.
Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, said that Israel "settled a years-long score with the leader, who is a despicable murderer and terrorist."
According to CNN, an Israeli drone flying over Gaza spotted Sinwar's body in the rubble of a building struck by an Israeli tank.
Israeli officials say they ran DNA tests and used dental records to confirm that it was Sinwar.
The leader is believed to be behind the deadly attacks on October 7th, 2023, which sparked the current conflict in the Middle East, leaving hundreds of Israelis dead, and many more injured.

In response to the death of Sinwar, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the moment marked the "beginning of the day after Hamas," calling on those holding Israelis captive to surrender and return hostages, promising safety for those who do so.
He also vowed Israel will continue to fight, saying it will continue with all its strength to bring back the hostages taken by Hamas last year.

"Yahya Sinwar is dead. He was killed in Rafah by the brave soldiers of the Israel Defence Forces. While this is not the end of the war in Gaza, it's the beginning of the end."

Meanwhile, according to Russian news agency TASS, citing Lebanon’s LBCI news website, Khaled Mashal, chief of the Hamas office abroad, has taken on the role of acting Hamas leader.
LBCI News reported that Mashal is now responsible for communication with the key parties involved in talks on the release of Israeli hostages.

Following Sinwar's death, Hamas has expressed concern that discussions on prisoner exchanges and a ceasefire will become more challenging.


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