Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Фильтр публикаций

Travel Vocabulary ✈️🌍

✈️ Itinerary – sayohat rejasi yoki marshrut

✈️ Departure – jo’nab ketish

✈️ Destination – boriladigan joy

✈️ Layover – tranzit bekati

✈️ Sightseeing – diqqatga sazovor joylarni tomosha qilish

✈️ Souvenir – esdalik sovg‘a

✈️ Customs – bojxona

✈️ Passport – pasport

✈️ Jet lag – vaqt zonasi o‘zgarishidan charchoq

✈️ Backpacking – yengil yuk bilan sayohat qilish

✈️ Travel insurance – sayohat sug‘urtasi

✈️ Accommodation – yashash joyi

✈️ Check-in – ro‘yxatdan o‘tish

✈️ Check-out – mehmonxonani tark etish

✈️ Tour guide – ekskursiya rahbari

✈️ Budget travel – arzon narxlardagi sayohat

✈️ Seatbelt – xavfsizlik kamar

✈️ Wanderlust – sayohat qilishga bo‘lgan ishtiyoq

Sayohatga oid yana qaysi so’zlar qolib ketdi? Izohlarda yozing👇


⚡️10 beautiful idioms for speaking ✅

1. An early bird 🦜- erta turuvchi inson

2. A night owl 🦉 - kech uxledigan inson

3. A lone wolf 🐺 - yolg’iz bo’lishni yoki yolg’iz ishlashni yoqtiradigan inson

4. A party animal 🦓 - bazmlarni yoqtiradigan inson

5. A gold digger 🏅 - faqat puli uchun kimnidur yaxshi ko’radigan inson

6. A creature of habit - bir xil kun tartibiga ega inson. Bir xil narsani qilishni afzal ko’radigan inson

7. In deep water 💧 - juda qiyin vaziyatda bo’lmoq

8. Get to the point - maqsadga o’t! Gapni aylantirma

9. Kill two birds with one stone - bir o’q bilan, ikkita quyonni urmoq

10. A fish out of water 🐠- o’zini noqulay his qilmoq (xuddiki suvdan tashqarida turgan baliq kabi)

🇬🇧Lake Como , Italy

🇺🇿Komo ko'li , Italiya


📌At - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
🔸at 2 oclock
🔸at 10:30.

📌At - yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiradi:
🔸at the table
🔸at the office
🔸at home

📌In - kunning ma'lum bir qismini aytganimizda ishlatamiz
🔸in the morning
🔸in the day time
🔸in the afternoon
🔸in the evening

📌In - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
🔸in the room
🔸in the pocket
🔸in the table

📌In - oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
🔸in may
🔸in summer
🔸in 1960

📌On - ustida ma'nosini ham anglatadi
🔸on the roof
🔸on the table

📌On - hafta kunlari bilan ham qo'llaniladi
🔸on Sunday
🔸on the 8th of March
🔸on the first of September

📌with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
🔸with my friend

📌after - so'ng, keyin
🔸after the lessons

📌before - oldin, avval

📌Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha fe'llar bilan qo'shilib, fe'lli birikmalarga aylanadi


🔸to look for - qidirmoq
🔸to look at - qaramoq
🔸to look through - qarab chiqmoq



1.Vehicles - transport vositalari

2.Congested (roads) - tiqilinch (yo‘llar)

3.Clog - tiqilib qolmoq

4.Private cars - shaxsiy mashinalar

5.Motorists - haydovchilar

6.Traffic jams - tiqilinchlik (probka)

7.Chock-a-block - tiqilinch, to‘la

8.Car parks - avtoturargohlar

9.Garages - garajlar

10.Parking meters - to‘lovli avtoturargoh metrlar

11.Frustration - asabiylashish, g'azablanish

12.Traffic offences - yo‘l harakati qoidabuzarliklari

13.Fine - jarima

14.Gridlock - harakat to‘xtalishi, tiqilinch

15.Pedestrianized - piyodalarga ajratilgan

16.Rush hour - shoshilinch soatlar

17.Traffic warden - yo‘l nazoratchisi (GAI)

18.Windscreen - old oyna

19.Tailback - tiqilinchlik

20.Bottle-neck - tiqilinch joy, tor joy

Har bir so'zni yod oling , lug'at boyligi speaking uchun juda muhim !


Tarjima qilib ko'ring, siz uchun notanish so'zlarni kommentariyada qoldiring !

At age 17, she was rejected from college.
At age 25, her mother died from disease.
At age 26, she suffered a miscarriage.
At age 27, she got married.
Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born.
At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression.
At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare.
At age 30, she didn't want to be on this earth.
But, she directed all her passion into doing the one thing she could do better than anyone else.
And that was writing.
At age 31, she finally published her first book.
At age 35, she had released 4 books, and was named Author of the Year.
At age 42, she sold 11 million copies of her new book, on the first day of release.
This woman is J.K. Rowling. Remember how she considered suicide at age 30?
Today, Harry Potter is a global brand worth more than $15 billion dollars.
Never give up. Believe in yourself. Be passionate. Work hard. It’s never too late🖤

P.s. This is

Assalomu alaykum
Qadrli obunachilar !
Uzoq tanaffusdan so'ng kanalimizni yana yuritishni boshladim.
Siz uchun ajoyib postlar , yangiliklar joylashda davom etaman.

Siz ham kuzatishda davom eting. Kanalimizdagi postlar uchun reaksiya qoldirishni , do'stlaringizga share qilishni unutmang.

Kanalimizda qolganingiz uchun rahmat !

Sharing is caring 😊

Please support 🍀

Thank you all subscribers 🥰

They say
You know when you know
So let's face it, you had me at hello
Hesitation never helps
How could this be anything, anything else?
All I dream of is your eyes
All I long for is your touch
And darling, something tells me that's enough, mmm
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much, but
I Think They Call This Love
One smile, one kiss, two lonely hearts is all that it takes
Now baby, you're on my mind, every night, every day
Good vibrations getting loud
How could this be anything, anything else?
All I dream of is your eyes
All I long for is your touch
And darling, something tells me that's enough, mmm
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much, but
I Think They Call This Love
Oh, I Think They Call This Love
What could this be
Between you and me? Oh
Oh, all I dream of is your eyes
All I long for is your touch
And darlin', something tells me, tells me it's enough, mmm
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much
But I think they call-
Oh, I think they call-
Yes, I Think They Call This Love
This love



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What I wish on 2025 for you...!


"GET" phrasal verbs

Get married - turmush qurmoq👫
Get devorce - ajrashmoq🧍‍♀🧍‍♂
Get engaged - unashtirilmoq👩‍❤️‍👨
Get dark - qoronģu tushmoq🌒
Get hot - isimoq🌝
Get cold - sovuq tushmoq❄️
Get better - yaxshilanish(ahvoli)✨
Get lost - adashmoq🤯
Get excited - hayajonlanmoq😬
Get worried - xavotirlanmoq 😨
Get hungry - och qolmoq 😋
Get ready - tayyorlanmoq🙇‍♀
Get dressed - kiyinmoq🙎
Get wet - ho'l bòlmoq💦
Get ill - kasal bòlmoq👨‍🦽
Get accustomed - odatlangan bòlish🚶‍♂
Get tired - charchash💆‍♂
Get upset - xafa bòlmoq😒
Get worse - yomonlashmoq🥴
Get old - qarimoq👵
Get young - yasharmoq👩‍🦰


4 So'zlarni takrorlab turing !


3Yangi so'zlar yordamida gap tuzing!


2. So'zlarni baland ovozda takrorlang !



1 So'zlarning tarjimasini yozib chiqing .


⚡️ Parts of The Day

✔️ in the morning – ertalab;

✔️ in the evening – kechqurun;

✔️ in the day – kunduzi;

✔️ in the afternoon – kunduzi;

✔️ at night – tunda;

✔️ at dawn – tongda;

✔️ before dawn – tongdan oldin;

✔️ after sunset – shomdan keyin;

✔️ from morning to night – ertalabdan kechgacha;

✔️ early in the morning - sahar tongda;

✔️ all through the day – kun boʻyi;

✔️ day after day – kundan kunga;

✔️ night after night – har kecha;

✔️ during the summer – yozda;

✔️ day and night – kun-u-tun;


🚀 Don't forget to share with your friends!


📋 What/Which

Narsalarni rangi, razmeri, sana va soat vaqtlari, poytaxtlarga o'xshash (tanlash varianti yo'q) bitta bo'ladigan narsalar, nima qilyapti, nimani yoqtiradi, nima bo'lyapdi, nomi nima, nomeri nechchi kabi so'roqlarda "What" ishlatiladi.

What colour is your car?
- Sizning mashinangiz rangi qanaqa?

What size is this shirt?
- Bu ko'ylakning razmeri qanaqa?

What time is it?
- Soat necha bo'ldi?

What is your telephone number?
- Sizning telefon nomeringiz necha?

What kind of music do you like?
- Siz qanaqa musiqani yoqtirasiz?

What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
- O'zbekiston poytaxti qayer?

Tanlash imkoni bor holatlarda "Which" ishlatiladi. Bu bilan savol berilganda bir nechta javob varianti bo'lishi kerak.
There are four umbrellas here. Which is yours?
- U yerda to'rtta soyabon turibdi. Qaysi biri sizniki?

Which is bigger - Canada or Australia?
- Qaysi biri katta, Kanada yoki Avstraliya?

Agar variantlar odam bo'lsa "Which" o'rnida "Who" ishlatiladi.
Who is taller - Bobur or Akmal?
- Qay biri novcharoq,
Bobur yoki Akmal?



🇬🇧Do you know what it is called in English ?
Comment below .

🇺🇿Bu ingliz tilida qanday nomlanishini bilasizmi ?
Kommentlarda yozib qoldiring.



👉 Qancha degan so'roqning ko'p turlarida "How" ishlatiladi.

👉 Yoshi nechada, masofa qancha, qanchalik tez, qanchalik katta, qanchalik og'ir, qanday bo'ldi so'roqlarida ishlatiladi.

How old are you? - Yoshingiz nechchida?

How tall is your father? - Sizning otangizning bo'yi qancha?

How often do you go on holiday? - Siz dam olishga qanchada bir chiqib turasiz?

How was the party last night? - O'tgan kechadagi bayram qanday bo'ldi?

How do you usually go to work? - Siz doim ishga qanday ketasiz?

How far is it from Paris to Moskow? - Parijdan Moskvagacha qancha masofa bor?

How big is the house? - Uy qanchalik katta?

How heavy is it box? - Bu qutining og'irligi qancha?

How fast can this plane fly? - Bu samolyot qanchalik tez uchadi?


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