Ingiliz tili gramatikasi

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

Kanalimiz maqsadi: Ingiliz tiliga qiziquvchi hamyurtlarimizga chet tilini o'rganishda ko'maklashish!
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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Kanalni ozgartiraylikmi?? 🤔🤔
  •   Ha 😀
  •   Yoq😑
1445 голосов

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🔑 Green, adjective.

💭 Example: The new lieutenant was very green.

🧲 Synonyms:

1. inexperienced, unversed, callow, immature
2. new, raw, unseasoned, untried
3. inexpert, untrained, unqualified, ignorant
4. simple, unsophisticated, unpolished
5. naive, innocent, ingenuous, credulous, gullible, unworldly
6. (informal) wet behind the ears, born yesterday

🧿 Antonyms:

1. experienced

Boost your vocabulary with @Ingiliz_tili_gramatikasi_N1

🔑 Cheap, adjective.

💭 Example: He was so generous he made the other guests look cheap.

🧲 Synonyms:

1. miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, parsimonious, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, ungenerous, penurious, illiberal, close, grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, Scrooge-like
2. (British) mean
3. (Australian, New Zealand, Scottish) miserable
4. (informal) tight-fisted, stingy, tight, mingy, money-grubbing, skinflinty
5. (North American • informal) grabby
6. (Australian • informal) hungry
7. (British • vulgar slang) tight as a duck's arse, tight-arse, tight-arsed
8. (North American • vulgar slang) tight-ass, tight-assed
9. (archaic) near, niggard

Boost your vocabulary with @Ingiliz_tili_gramatikasi_N1

🔑 Main, adjective.

💭 Example: The main office.

🧲 Synonyms:

1. principal, chief, head, leading, foremost, most important, major, ruling, dominant, central, focal, key, prime, master, premier, primary, first, high, grand, fundamental, supreme, predominant, prominent, most prominent, pre-eminent, paramount, overriding, cardinal, crucial, vital, critical, capital, pivotal, salient, elemental, essential, staple, intrinsic, urgent

🧿 Antonyms:

1. subsidiary, minor

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💡10.4 - dars: Present perfect (I have done) (4)

💡study this example:
🔹️Tom: Have you heard from George?
🔹️Ann: No, he hasn’t written to me recently.

🔹️Tom: Jorjdan xat-xabar oldingmi?
🔹️Anna: Yo’q, u yaqin orada menga yozgani yo’q.

💡We use the present perfect when we talk about a period of time that continues up to the present. Tom and Ann are talking about the period between a short time ago and now. So they say “have you heard” and “he hasn’t written”.
💡biz “present perfect”ni hozirgacha davom etgan ish harakat uchun ishlatamiz. Tom bilan Anna qisqa vaqt avval va hozirgi payt oralig’idagi davr haqida gaplashishyapti.

🔹️Have you seen my dog? I can’t find him anywhere.
🔹️Itimni ko’rdingmi? Uni hech qayerdan topa olmayapman.

🔹️Everything is going fine. We haven’t had any problems so far.
🔹️Hammasi yaxshi ketyapti. Shu paytgacha birorta muammoga duch kelmadik.


Репост из: Muhammad Ali | Rasmiy Blog
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SAVOL: Men abiturientman. So'nggi oylarda odatda 2 soatdan 4 soatgacha uxlayapman. Ba'zida umuman uyqu yo'q. Miyamni ortiqcha ishlatib yubormayapmanmi? Nima maslahat berasiz?

Sizda ham shu kabi holatlar bo'lganmi? Va siz bu kabi holatlarda qanday yo'l tutasiz?

Rasmiy sahifalarimizga obuna bo'ling!
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🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_2_unit 7

🔸basis - tartib, yo'nalish
🔸biology - biologiya
🔸case - qafas
🔸colleague - hamkasb
🔸colony - kaloniya
🔸debate - muhokama qilmoq
🔸depart - jo'nab ketmoq
🔸depress - hafa qilmoq
🔸factual - asosli, dalilga boy
🔸fascinate - maftun qilmoq
🔸mission - topshiriq
🔸nevertheless - shunga qaramay
🔸occupation - kasb
🔸overseas - okean orti
🔸persuade - ko'ndirmoq
🔸route - yo'nalish
🔸ruins - xaroba
🔸scholar - bilimdon
🔸significant - muhim
🔸volcano - vulqon


Репост из: Dotcoinbot l Dodcoinbot
Choose the correct answer. The noise of the children ... us the whole morning.
  •   A) depended
  •   B) reduced
  •   C) suffered
  •   D) disturbed
989 голосов

Репост из: Dotcoinbot l Dodcoinbot
Choose the correct answer. He ... a workman to bring his new T V set home.
  •   A) evaluated
  •   B) concentrated
  •   C) worked
  •   D) hired
953 голосов

Репост из: Dotcoinbot l Dodcoinbot
Choose the correct answer. If my father ... time, he would help me to fix my bicycle.
  •   A) had had
  •   B) had
  •   C) would have
  •   D) will have
978 голосов

Репост из: Dotcoinbot l Dodcoinbot
Choose the correct answer. We ... much better if we had received your instructions before our performance.
  •   A) performed
  •   B) had performed
  •   C) will perform
  •   D) would have performed
899 голосов

Репост из: Dotcoinbot l Dodcoinbot
Choose the correct answer. I would help you if you ... me more.
  •   A) trust
  •   B) would trust
  •   C) trusted
  •   D) had trusted
937 голосов

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Fe'lli birikmalar

🎯 bad AT sth - …da yomon, uquvsiz
🎯 belong TO sb/sth - …ga tegishli

🎯 blame… sb FOR sth - birovni biror narsada ayblamoq
🎯 bored WITH sth/sb -…dan zerikkan

🎯 depend ON sth - bog'liq boʻlmoq
🎯 divide INTO sth -…ga boʻlmoq

🎯 dream OF sth - orzu qilmoq
🎯 drink TO sb - sharafiga ichmoq

🎯 drop OFF (ph.v) - uxlab qolmoq
🎯 fall DOWN - pastga tushib ketmoq, qulamoq

🎯 face (WITH) sth/sb - duch kelmoq
🎯 fear FOR sb/sth - …dan tashvishlanmoq

🎯 fall IN love WITH sb - …ni sevib qolmoq
🎯 fall OFF - yiqilib tushmoq

🎯 feed ON sth - ovqatlanmoq
🎯 feel LIKE sth/gerund - xohlamoq

🎯 feel sorry FOR sb - achinmoq
🎯 fill IN a form (ph.v) - toʻldirmoq

🎯 fix UP a meeting (ph.v) - tashkillashtirmoq
🎯 furious ABOUT sth - …dan jahli chiqqan

🎯 give UP - tashlamoq, voz kechmoq
🎯 go AHEAD sth - boshlamoq, sodir boʻlmoq

O‘z kelajagingizni o‘zingiz quring


Репост из: Successpictures ✴️|🇺🇿 OmadRasmlar | РисункиУспеха |
🇬🇧 Everytime I thought I was being rejected from something good I was actually being re-directed to something better

🇺🇿 Har safar meni biron bir yaxshi narsadan rad etishadi deb o'ylardim, aslida men biror yaxshiroq narsaga yo'naltirilgan boʻlib chiqishim mumkin

🇷🇺 Каждый раз, когда я думал, что меня отвергают от чего-то хорошего, меня фактически перенаправляют на что-то лучшее


🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 14

🔸coach - murabbiy, trener
🔸control - nazorat qilmoq
🔸description - ta'rif, tavsif
🔸direct - to'g'ridan-to'g'ri
🔸exam - imtihon
🔸example - misol, namuna
🔸limit - me'yor
🔸local - mahalliy
🔸magical - sehirli, sirli
🔸mail - xat, pochta
🔸novel - roman
🔸outline - reja
🔸poet - shoir
🔸print - qog'ozga tushirmoq
🔸scene - sahna, epizod
🔸sheet - varoq
🔸silly - ahmoqona
🔸store - do'kon, unvermarg
🔸suffer - azoblanmoq
🔸technology - tehnologiya

👉 @ingliz_tili_grammatika_ielts

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 13

🔸blood - qon
🔸burn - olovda yonmoq
🔸cell - kamera (turmada)
🔸contain - o'z ichiga olmoq
🔸correct - to'g'ri, bexato
🔸crop - hosil, o'rim
🔸demand - talab qilmoq
🔸equal - teng, barobar
🔸feed - ovqatlantirmoq
🔸hole - teshik, chuqurcha
🔸increase - oshirmoq, ko'tarmoq
🔸lord - lord
🔸owe - qarz bo'lmoq
🔸position - pozitsiya, holat
🔸raise - ko'tarmoq
🔸responsible - masuliyatli
🔸sight - manzara
🔸spot - joy, makon
🔸structure - tuzilish
🔸whole - barcha, butun

👉 @ingliz_tili_grammatika_ielts

🔎Yod olish uchun yangi so'zlar:

Pay - to'lamoq
Paid - to'langan
Payment - to'lov
Payable - to'lasa bo'ladigan
Poor - kambag'al
Poorly - nochor tarzda
Poverty - kambag'allik
Real - haqiqiy, real
Unreal - haqiqiy emas
Really - rostdan
Realise - anglamoq
Realisation - anglash
Reality - haqiqat, reallik
Realistic - real qarash
Realistically - ochiqchasiga yondashganda
Value - qadr
Valuable - qadrli
Invaluable - qadrsiz
Valuably - qadrli tarzda
Invaluably - qadrsiz tarda
Valueless - qadrsiz
Valuation - qadrlash
Wealth - boylik
Wealthy - boy

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