Blog | IELTS | Band 7.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

Ielts score : 7.5
Here you can find:
📌 Ielts exam materials for reading and listening 📝
📌 Sample answers for essays and speaking questions

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

My jaw dropped when my 5-year-old niece started singing “San mani dardim” out of nowhere


2 07235541968
3 June
4 coast
5 garden
6 barbecue
7 cave
8 golf
9 surfing
10 music
11 B
12 C
13 C
14 A
15 H
16 A
17 D
18 I
19 E
20 D
21 A
22 C
23 A
24 C
25 B
26 B
27 C
28 E
29 C
30 B
31 bridges
32 safety
33 stress
34 Pollution
35 coal
36 cement
37 spray
38 weather
38 cost
40 training


🤔 What does “ to have bigger fish to fry” mean?
  •   To prepare a large meal
  •   To finish a task quickly
  •   To have more important things to do
  •   To go fishing
25 голосов

Репост из: Siroj's notes | 8.0
Silar xursand bo'saylar bo'ldi bizga

🎯📝2025 IELTS test dates

+ Definitions

1. Across the board
Definition: In all areas or respects; affecting or involving all parts of something.
Example: The company decided to give a 5% salary increase across the board.

2. Out of the loop
Definition: Not informed about or not included in something.
Example: After taking a long vacation, I felt completely out of the loop at work.

3. Back to square one
Definition: Returning to the starting point of a process or activity, usually because previous attempts have failed.
Example: After the prototype failed, the team had to go back to square one.

4. Beat around the bush
Definition: Avoid getting to the point or avoiding the main issue.
Example: Stop beating around the bush and tell me what really happened.

5. Behind the scenes
Definition: Where the public cannot see, in secret or private.
Example: A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes before the product launch.

6. Bite off more than you can chew
Definition: To take on a task that is too big or beyond one's ability.
Example: She bit off more than she could chew by enrolling in too many classes while working full-time.

7. On track
Definition: Proceeding or progressing as planned or expected.
Example: The project is on track to be completed by the deadline.

8. At a standstill
Definition: A situation in which there is no movement or activity; a halt.
Example: Traffic was at a standstill during the rush hour.

9. Bring to the table
Definition: To offer something, especially a useful skill, attribute, or proposal.
Example: She brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the table in her new role.

10. Call it a day
Definition: To stop what one is doing for the rest of the day.
Example: After several hours of intense study, I decided to call it a day.

11. At the end of the day
Definition: Ultimately; after everything has been taken into consideration.
Example: At the end of the day, the most important thing is your health.

12. Clear the air
Definition: To remove doubts or misunderstandings.
Example: We had a meeting to clear the air about the misunderstandings from last week.

13. Come a long way
Definition: To make significant progress.
Example: Technology has come a long way in the past few decades.

14. Under the radar
Definition: Not detected or noticed; doing something quietly or without attracting attention.
Example: The startup operated under the radar for years before it became a major player in the industry.

15. Draw the line
Definition: To set a boundary; to define a limit beyond which one will not go.
Example: We need to draw the line on how much we can spend on this project.

16. By and large
Definition: For the most part; generally speaking.
Example: By and large, the feedback on the new policy has been positive.

17. In the long run
Definition: Over a long period into the future; in the final outcome.
Example: Eating healthy may seem expensive, but it pays off in the long run.

18. For the time being
Definition: Temporarily; for now.
Example: Let's shelve this project for the time being and focus on more urgent matters.

19. To get the hang of something
Definition: To learn how to do something; to become accustomed to or skilled at something.
Example: It took me a while, but I finally got the hang of riding a skateboard.

20. To take something into account
Definition: To consider or include something when making a decision or judgment.
Example: You need to take the weather into account before planning your outdoor event.

Full Listening Test [ @ielts_materials_and_more ].pdf
🎧 Full Listening Test
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Qisqa qilib etganda , 2025-yil omadli va hayrli o’tsin ✨

In short, I wish you happiness and luck 🍀



Happy new year, guys. Thanks for being a part of my channel :) ✨

And I guess I won’t send my wish list for 2025.

545 0 0 18 15

What time is suitable for you guys? for tomorrow
I guess it is a day-off

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