Tarnado team [IELTS]

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Poet since 2019
Founder of the Tarnado Team (2024)
A person who has took more than 5 international certificates ( 2021-?)
Student (10 th)
Wrestling champion of the Uzbekistan (5x)

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

U men uchun eng zoʻri, na Ronaldo va na Messi men uchun Federicochalik qadrli emas. Balki u Valverdeni sehridir yo uning oʻyin usuli . Umuman farqi yoʻq xatoki undan ming barobar zoʻrlari kelsin lekin u men uchun takrorlanmas boʻlib qoladi.

Ahmadjonov Muhammadrizo


“Hatolarimni etgan odam çin dustimdir” deb yozilgan post tagiga “Imlo xatolaringiz bor ekan” deb izoh qoldirsam negadir meni bloklab qoʻyibdi...😕


Domlaga berilgan savol:
–Agar masjidga dollar ehson qilsam, kurs ko‘tarilganda savobim ham ko‘payadimi🧐

Joke time😁

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Multiple choice 🥶

Guys. How's going?

🎙Listen one minute about calories 🦾 !

📝 Transcript

Do you ever think about or worry about the number of calories you eat and drink every day. It’s not really something I thought about when I was younger. But now I have to think about my calorie intake. I’m putting on weight and so need to be more careful with what I eat. This is difficult because all of the yummiest food has the most calories. I’ve found an answer to this problem. If I do lots of exercise, I can eat what I want and not have to worry about calories. I burn off 500 calories when I jog for an hour. This means I can have a pizza and dessert and not feel guilty. I wish there was more information about calories in restaurants. It would make it easier for me to know what to eat and what to avoid.

💌 @Podcaster_BBC

Репост из: Listening Practice Tests | Listening Full Tests
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Репост из: Listening Practice Tests | Listening Full Tests
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Ramadan is coming!!!!!!🫣

Hello guys! What's news in your life? Are you ready for our challange ?

From 21:00 to 00 :00

Starting day 1(st) of the march

Just for some people 😁
It is not fake

Next one 🫣

• Agar atrofdagi hamma narsa qorong'i bo'lib tuyulsa, yana bir bor qarang, balki yorug'lik o'zingizdirsiz.

El Tarnado

Siz ajoyib haftani boshdan kechirmoqchisiz! Buni tasdiqlang. Uni o‘ziga torting. Uni borliqqa gapirib chiqing. Siz buni eplay olasiz.

Gʻalaba muborak ,,Turon yulduzlari "

Guys after 10 days we will strart online lesson with us regarding IELTS sections , especially Listening and Speaking.
Other things about it is secret😁

If you want, you can stay with us :

Показано 20 последних публикаций.