Reading va listeningda so’zlar va iboralarni ma’nosini bilish bu muvaffaqiyat kalitidir.
- Wrestle with - to try very hard to deal with a problem
- Enigma - a thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand
- strike - occur suddenly
- puzzle - a person or thing that is difficult to understand or explain
- Combination lock - a lock that is opened by rotating a set of marked or numbered dials to show a specific sequence
- labour - employment
- affluent - wealthy
- mass-produced objects - large quantities of standardized products
- sufficient - enough
Masalan, quyidagi savolda:
1. According to an idea known as the … Ya’ni bu javobda ideani nomini so’ragan va kalit so’zi known bo’lib kelgan.
In the passage:
Their role may be rooted in what is called the bridge hypothesis, which dates back to 1975.
🏢 @ielts_centre
- Wrestle with - to try very hard to deal with a problem
- Enigma - a thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand
- strike - occur suddenly
- puzzle - a person or thing that is difficult to understand or explain
- Combination lock - a lock that is opened by rotating a set of marked or numbered dials to show a specific sequence
- labour - employment
- affluent - wealthy
- mass-produced objects - large quantities of standardized products
- sufficient - enough
Masalan, quyidagi savolda:
1. According to an idea known as the … Ya’ni bu javobda ideani nomini so’ragan va kalit so’zi known bo’lib kelgan.
In the passage:
Their role may be rooted in what is called the bridge hypothesis, which dates back to 1975.
🏢 @ielts_centre