Reading Strategy
1 . Multiple - choice questions are always in the same order as the information in the text.
2 . If there is a question testing the main idea of the text, or the writer's overall opinion , it will come last .
3 . The correct option will match the meaning of the text but use different words. Make sure the other options are not right or are not mentioned in the text.
4 . If you can't decide between the options, as intelligent guess is better than no answer.
1 . Ko‘p tanlovli (multiple - choice ) savollar har doim matndagi ma’lumotlar bilan bir xil tartibda bo‘ladi.
2 . Agar matnning asosiy g'oyasini yoki yozuvchining umumiy fikrini tekshiradigan savol bo'lsa, u oxirgi o'rinda turadi.
3 . To'g'ri variant matnning ma'nosiga mos keladi, lekin turli so'zlardan foydalaniladi. Boshqa variantlar to'g'ri emas yoki matnda aytilmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
4 . Agar siz variantlar o'rtasida qaror qabul qila olmasangiz, aqlli taxmin javob bermaslikdan yaxshiroqdir.
🏢 @ielts_centre
1 . Multiple - choice questions are always in the same order as the information in the text.
2 . If there is a question testing the main idea of the text, or the writer's overall opinion , it will come last .
3 . The correct option will match the meaning of the text but use different words. Make sure the other options are not right or are not mentioned in the text.
4 . If you can't decide between the options, as intelligent guess is better than no answer.
1 . Ko‘p tanlovli (multiple - choice ) savollar har doim matndagi ma’lumotlar bilan bir xil tartibda bo‘ladi.
2 . Agar matnning asosiy g'oyasini yoki yozuvchining umumiy fikrini tekshiradigan savol bo'lsa, u oxirgi o'rinda turadi.
3 . To'g'ri variant matnning ma'nosiga mos keladi, lekin turli so'zlardan foydalaniladi. Boshqa variantlar to'g'ri emas yoki matnda aytilmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
4 . Agar siz variantlar o'rtasida qaror qabul qila olmasangiz, aqlli taxmin javob bermaslikdan yaxshiroqdir.
🏢 @ielts_centre