
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

—Aspiring teacher.
—Top manager at “ Maqsad education”
— Work at “ Maqsad edu since 2024”
— English 25% of my life,

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Haaah! Albatta hazil imtihoni borlarga omad!!!

Why has parent-child interaction declined, albeit slowly? The rapid population growth, mass migration, the rise of artificial intelligence, and automations have created an environment where competition in the job market has become fierce, which results in rising companies’ hiring standards and imposing harsh work conditions. Given this circumstance, it comes as no surprise that they feel compelled to work long hours and withstand heavy workloads, thereby finding it difficult to find time and energy for family bonding activities. Gone are the days when parents and children would spend quality time by taking scroll, pursuing their dreams, and meaningful discussions, as today’s demanding work conditions force them to neglect family engagements.

Why is parent-child interaction is declining? The rapid advancements of technology, along with the ubiquity of electronic devices have created an environment where many parents lean to solitary activities like scrolling through social media, binge watching TV shows, and playing video games, which has resulted in living isolated lifestyle. Given this circumstance, it comes as no surprise that those people are prioritizing such activities over their family, thereby finding it difficult to engage in family bonding activities. Gone are the days when parents along with children, spent more time some activities like carrying out household chores, meaningful discussions, and engaging in leisure activities, as today’s digital devices like smartphones and video gaming consoles have caused to take part in solitary activities.

Kontrchilar bormi💀!!

Репост из: IELTS with Mukhsin Norinboev📝


spontaneity — the quality of being natural.

If you follow social expectations, you will lose your spontaneity!

It helps those who are beginner or elementary students to improve their english proficiency!!!

"If you could talk to someone right now, what would you say? And what would you want to hear?"

Haaah 76😅

Bunaqa terma nomer terish ham hammaga emas💀

With students!

Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace.
Do the benefits of this mobility outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for many people to work remotely, especially in advanced parts of the world. While there are clear drawbacks to this trend, I believe that it is important to recognize its potential benefits.

There are various reasons why remote working is regarded with criticism and scepticism. Whenindividuals work remotely, they might rely heavily on technological devices, such as computers, mobile phones, and WIFI, which leads them to becoming vulnerable to unexpected technological problems. As a result, they are more likely to miss important orders and tasks provided by bosses and managers and receive punishments like fines, thus bringing about lowering employee efficiency. In a modern world where job assignments and expectations are becoming strict, office works can make a big difference in terms of avoiding technological distractions.

Remote jobs are considered as advantageous for several reasons. If people choose to get online jobs, they can eliminate the need for daily commuting, which helps them save money and time. As a result, they might have valuable opportunities to invest money in their dreams and to set aside enough time for themselves to focus on self-improvement activities, like reading books, exercising, and learning new languages, thereby gaining personal and professional developments in their lives. In today’s world where office workers are struggling with long work hours and commuting expenses, remote working can make a big difference when it comes to saving their time and money.

To sum up, although this trend offers certain disadvantages, in my opinion, its beneficial consequences outweigh the negative.

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Must watch. This is very important info .

Репост из: IELTS with Mukhsin Norinboev📝
#yerdagibolalar5 dan kichik epizod(

- tv ni qo’y.
- hop.
(📺 kelinizi uyiga junatvoring qo’shni, sepini qarang ahvolini, sizi shunga loyiq kuriptimi?!…)
- boshqa kanalga oleymi?
- serialimdi kurolamanmi senlarni dastingdan?
- oloreychi…!
- 😑!
(📺 agar sizda … muammolar bo’lsa unda biz Saturndan keltirilgan ajdahoni qoziq tishidan tayyorlangan birtinmen mahsulotlarini sizga …)
- bitta tuzuk narsa bormi uzi?
- oo ana shu kanalda tursinchi, kursatuv bo’lyapti ekan.
(📺 … toshkentga biror passportchami joriy qilish kerak - shunda tiqilinchlar oldi olinadi…)
- yo’qot buni!
(📺 … sportchilarimizga mars va dubaydan uy va Tesla kompaniyasi sovg’a qilindi…)
- oo, mana borakanu sal yaxshi habarlar, tursinchi.
(📺 … germaniyada falon fan olimpiadasida dunyoda birinchi o’rinni egallagani uchun bu qizimizga ajoyib komyuter berildi, ITchi yigitimizga esa kabel…)
- 😑
- 🥸, yana o’qiyman disan, tirrancha - o’qib olim bo’larmiding? nima qimoqchisan o’qib?!
- ha endi yurormimanu mol boqib, niyyatlarim bor.
- nima qimoqchisan uqib?
- ketaman!
- 🥸, boshqa kanalga ol!
(📺 … ahir menga monov mikrofonni berib quyibsilar, qinavordilaring… men yulduzman! … bu loyihaga fitfilyon dollar ajratganimizni o’ziga yarasha sabablari bor…)
- ha yaxshi sabablari bor ekan, oyog’ing nimaga loy?
- kecha yomg’irdan keyin mahallamizda yurib bumay qopti, hamma yoq loy, balchiq… shunga loy. men tv kurme dam osam maylimi, yoqmayapti tv hozir?
- pultti berib ket, Ahliyorxonni 235930-seriyasi boshlandi…
…’bir yotib instaga kiraychi, miyyam tinchlanar...
(📷 blogger tabiatni bulg’adi, blogger qupol prank qildi, yigit kishi 13 yoshida 44ta moshinasi bulishi kerak, sizga qaysi ism yoqmaydi…)
- obboo, kontentlarga nma bulyapti? scroll...
(📷 ingliz tinini 1 soatta o’rgataman - aylstan 14 olasiz… odilmidi kim bu… menga jang beriiing men jangchimaaan… gazning narxi apreldan... endi skutr uchun… manavi yerda falonchi falonchini… agar siz … sog' bulaslar...)
(💤 obed! …qarzini ber urto… maqsading shumidi…?…)
- Fikrbeeek! Ooou Fikr! Fikrbeek, shu paytta uxlame chiq baqa, urtog’in keldi.
- hozir.
- ke urto, yaxshimisan?
- nma qb uxlab yotipsan, yur moshina bozorga borib kelamiz, oldindan to’lov 2000 so’mga qora jentra beryaptiykan.
- keingi to’lovi qanaqa ekan?
- 1000$ dan 289 yil tulisan ekan, ha to’lavoraman!)
- tayinli ishing yug’u?!
- taxi qilaman, kuniga 800 mindan topaman, bir oyda 24mln buladi, bemalol tuliman! Yur!
- kuniga 800!? ha mayli, uy-ro’zg’oringchi? xarajat, gaz svet degandee…
- tavakkaldi bilmisandaa, qo’rqoqsan! mana utgan oy $3000 qarz olib 1 kunda 3050302mln toping degan treyding kursini uqidim - trenerim aytti - tavakkal qilish kerak ekan!
- bumasa bu safar sen borib turor…
- aytgancha, hapshanbaga to’yga o’torasan, marsda qilyappan, hamma kurib quysin meni kimligimi!
- ha gap yo’q, baxtli bugin urto! (mendan ogan pulini qaytarishini surolmadim…)


Manyam eplab bo’lmayapti, da kutila degandm🔥🙂


Репост из: Xusniddin Notes :)
You will live forever in my memory

Albatta bu telefon haqida emas… Hozirgacha kelishimga sabab bo’lgan insonla va sabablar bor!

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