The pie charts compare online shopping sales across four different retail sectors in New Zealand in the years 2003 and 2013.
Overall, it is clear that the travel sector had the highest sales percentage initially, while the clothes sector was the second most significant. However, both sectors experienced a decline over the period given. In contrast, the proportions of sales in the books and film and music sectors were initially lower but showed an increase by the end of the period.
In 2003, the travel sector accounted for the largest share of online sales at 36%, making it the most popular category. The clothes sector followed as the second most dominant, making up 24%. However, by 2013, the sales figures for both sectors had dropped considerably, with the travel sector decreasing to 29% and the clothes sector to 16.6%.
Turning to the books sector, it had the lowest share at 8% in 2003, but this figure rose significantly to 22% in 2013. Meanwhile, the film and music sector represented 21% of sales in 2003. This sector saw a sharp increase, climbing to 33% by 2013, making it the highest among the retail sectors in that year.
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