12 Mar, 10:05
12 Mar, 09:52
12 Mar, 04:41
Sci-fi movies to enjoy in 2025 📺🍿
11 Mar, 17:29
Think Less , Do More
11 Mar, 16:59
11 Mar, 16:29
11 Mar, 05:08
Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you
10 Mar, 19:02
FOODS in Ramadan 🍟🍊🍓
10 Mar, 17:29
Buni qiling!O'tmishdagi xatolarni unuting.Muvaffaqiyatsizliklarni unuting.Hozir nima qilmoqchi ekanligingizdan boshqa hamma narsani unuting va shuni bajaring.— Uill Dyuranttarixchi
10 Mar, 08:26
"Your true friends become apparent when you're at your lowest."
9 Mar, 17:29
9 Mar, 05:46
"E’tiborsiz qoldirishni o‘rganish ichki xotirjamlikka eltuvchi buyuk yo‘llardan biridir."
8 Mar, 17:28
8 Mar, 04:46
Never Split the Difference is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.
7 Mar, 18:57
7 Mar, 17:34
7 Mar, 06:55
A short look at Ramadan's past.
6 Mar, 18:59
Be patient
6 Mar, 17:30
6 Mar, 14:40