The table gives information about how much waste was produced by six different countries in the years 1980, 1990 and 2000. Overall, almost all the listed countries experienced a rise in waste output, except for Korea, which managed to decrease it. Notably, the figure for the US is largest in all three years in question.
Looking at relatively larger figures first, Japan produced 28 million tons of waste initially, followed by 32 million in 1990. This figure had experienced almost a twofold rise by 2000, reaching 53, larger than any other except for the USA. Regarding the US, it had a figure larger than those of all other countries combined, starting with 131 in 1980 and increasing to 192 in 2000. Korea was another country with comparatively large figure, but it was the only nation where waste production declined, from 31 in 1990 to 19 in 2000.
Moving on to the nations with smaller rates of waste production, Ireland had only 0.6 million tons in 1980. However, the rate at which this figure rose is more rapid than any other, as it had increased almost tenfold by 2000 (5 million). Notably, Portugal also produced the same amount of waste as Ireland in that year. In terms of Poland, the figures show a moderate rise, going up from 4 million in 1980 to 5 million a decade later, and finally to 6.6 in 2000.
Looking at relatively larger figures first, Japan produced 28 million tons of waste initially, followed by 32 million in 1990. This figure had experienced almost a twofold rise by 2000, reaching 53, larger than any other except for the USA. Regarding the US, it had a figure larger than those of all other countries combined, starting with 131 in 1980 and increasing to 192 in 2000. Korea was another country with comparatively large figure, but it was the only nation where waste production declined, from 31 in 1990 to 19 in 2000.
Moving on to the nations with smaller rates of waste production, Ireland had only 0.6 million tons in 1980. However, the rate at which this figure rose is more rapid than any other, as it had increased almost tenfold by 2000 (5 million). Notably, Portugal also produced the same amount of waste as Ireland in that year. In terms of Poland, the figures show a moderate rise, going up from 4 million in 1980 to 5 million a decade later, and finally to 6.6 in 2000.