CW Projects

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Другое

All updates regarding my hobby projects will be posted here.
Use @cwpsupport for any discussion

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Since heroku is no longer free, All bots except @betterfilterbot, @uptotgrobot @renamer_bot is down until further notice 🙂

@UptoGDriveBot is now available as @Up2GoogleDriveBot with minor bug fixes and obviously with lot of known issues 😅.The repo was left unmaintained for past 1+ year and hope I could push some updates till EOL of heroku free tier.btw do let me know if you find any alternatives for heroku as heroku (you know what I mean 😜)

155.6k 1 71 164 766

@BetterFilterBot update v1.0.0 (stable)

- First stable release
- Completely rewrited the filter parser so now bot can parse contents including medias from any type of input such as message, replies, captions, etc.
- Added new button parser (bot can parse buttons from existing buttons)
- Fixed anonymous admin bug
- Fully redesigned help menu hope it make sense
- Added private filters
- Added filter migration which supports both move and copy actions (creator only)
- Creator of a chat can now override the default permissions
- Added alert buttons
- Added alias keywords url (buttonurl) and alert (buttonalert) in button formatting
- Delete command now supports multiple keywords seperated with spaces
- Changed database schema
- Some easter eggs are there, find it

NB: As usual even this is said to be a stable build, there will be certain un noticed bugs, glitches or typos, if you find anything bad feel free to report it in @cwpsupport and I'll try to fix it ASAP

Maintenance notice

@betterfilterbot will under go maintenance at 18/07/2021 10:00 AM IST, meantime bot will be up as normal but you can't add or delete filters

its up now

236.4k 2 20 582 62

An unoffcial python API client for

pip install primeuploads-py

Don't forget to ⭐️ the repo 🏃‍♂

Telegram Bot List v2

Hey guys today we gonna introduce a simple web application for searching bots that are available in Telegram Messenger.As the name botlist suggests this is a place where you can find bots of any category as you needed, moreover we provides an option to add your own telegram bots which will be carefully reviewed by the moderators. So feel free to drop your bots or the bots that are missing in this list, report the inactive ones and so on...

This is application not officially associated with telegram by any means and EOL of every bots in this list are truly depended upon its developers and we are not responsible for any loss caused by these bots

Key features:
-> Fully dark themed
-> Search over multiple catagories
-> You could add own creations
-> Requests are manually reviewed by the moderators
-> Mini bot profile




Credits: WeV & @tgbot_list

384.5k 2 321 257 72

For last 2 days I've been waiting for the reply from copyright holder which leads telegram to block @UptoTGbot, but unfortunately they are not responding to my emails, so I've planned to release the bot again with a new username @UptoTGRobot, Enjoy 🥺🥳

@UptoTGBot is blocked by telegram due to copyright infringement and will be down until further notice 😬🙂

141.5k 2 51 234 27

@Renamer_bot Update v2.5 (stable)

- Stable release based on latest pyrogram 1.2.9
- Minor improvements in UI
- Added settings for switching the additional features
- Added a custom caption support which is fully customizable via settings

- Fixed cancel button
- Fixed file extension issues
- Migrated DB to a different DC for better performance
- Improvements in error handling

NB: Even this is said to be a stable build, as usual there will be certain un noticed bugs, glitches or typos, if you find anything bad feel free to report it in @cwpsupport and I'll try to fix it ASAP.
Bot may take 1-2 days for acquiring stability because everyone will be testing it now, so if bot is responding slowly don't consider that as a bug.

Thanks for the 25k subs ❤️😄

123.5k 1 12 317 18

@UptoTGBot and @Renamer_bot have serious down time since past three days, it is actually a server side issue because most of the bots that's hosted in heroku are experiencing the same, anyway both the bots are now up and it's been bit late to notify and sorry for the inconvenience.

NB: Still i don't know how long this issue will last so let's keep our fingers crossed and wait until they fix it.

150k 1 48 317 17

Wishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come 😇

146.5k 1 24 143 15

DC 4 is now online so all the bots are up 😄🥰

119.8k 1 16 170 11

@UptoTGBot Update (v2.6.5)

Change log:
- rewroted the whole project
- updated to pyrogram v1.0.x so the bot is now more stable
- there was an issue if we press the cancel button multiple times and now its totally fixed
- added bit more stuffs in the settings to switch
- Now you could create photo collages out of the screenshots (should enable from the settings)
- Video trimming is now more convenient so that you could set the custom start and end time while trimming your videos
- Number of screenshot generated while uploading can be changed from the settings (enhancement)
- added some site plugins out of the box other than direct links so don't forget to check that out in the /help section
- added buttons to confirm downloads from each and every sites
- Added mirror support for some third-party sites like source forge, androidfilehost etc
- If your process raise any errors or you've cancelled the process you don't have to wait anymore for sending the next request (fix)
- Added /myplan command for checking your today's usage and details regarding your current plan
- moved to new DC for better performance
- important metadatas from the Mediainfo is now available as messages other than URL and txt files
- added timeout for heavy functions
- .torrent files to magnet link converter is will not be available anymore (heroku 😢)

From today onwards you are free to upload any contents via this bot and the auto ban is now disabled 😌

As usual if you have any suggestions or found any bugs do let me know in @cwpsupport or leave a comment and It may take 1-2 days for acquiring stability because everyone is flooding now so don't consider it as a bug

NB: if you found the bot as a deleted account delete that chat and find it from the global search or via the following button

As I've mentioned earlier @UptoTGbot is deleted and recreated in different DC so if you found the bot as a deleted account delete that chat and find it from the global search or via the following button

@UptoGdrivebot (Bug Fix)

Fixed a critical bug in the cancel button

@BetterFilterBot (Update)

• Add
ed confirmation buttons for /delall command
• Minor bug fixes and handled some internal er

found any bugs? feel free to report in @cwpsupport

​​Introducing Quotes API

Yet another simple API for fetching quotes from (ofcourse web scrapping) for now you could search for any quotes or can get any random quote just by an API call.Don't forget to star ⭐ the repo if you find this useful 😄

Introducing Quotes API

Yet another simple API for fetching quotes from (ofcourse web scrapping) for now you could search for any quotes or can get any random quote just by an API call

Показано 20 последних публикаций.

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