1) Extract (noun)
Definition: A part of something, especially a text, taken out for use.
Translation: parcha, iqtibos, ko‘chirma
Example: This reading passage is an extract from a text about tidal power.
2) Tidal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the rise and fall of the sea caused by the moon and sun.
Translation: To‘lqin.., to‘lqin bilan bog‘liq
Example: Tidal currents are a reliable source of energy.
3) Turbine (noun)
Definition: A machine that produces power using energy from water, steam, or air.
Translation: Turbina, oqimdan energiya ishlab chiqaruvchi qurilma
Example: The marine turbine produces energy from tidal currents.
4) Blade (noun)
Definition: A flat, wide part of a machine that moves or rotates.
Translation: parrak qanoti
Example: The turbine blade rotates to generate electricity.
5) Station (noun)
Definition: A place where specific work or activity is done, often related to energy production.
Translation: Stansiya
Example: A new tidal power station is being constructed in Devon.
6) Jointly (adverb)
Definition: Together with others.
Translation: Birgalikda, hamkorlikda
Example: The project is jointly funded by the government and the EU.
7) Fund (verb)
Definition: To provide money for a project or activity.
Translation: Moliyalashtirmoq
Example: The department of trade funded the research.
8) In charge of (phrase)
Definition: Responsible for something.
Translation: Mas’ul bo‘lmoq, boshqarmoq, javobgar bo‘lmoq
Example: Dr. Bahaj is in charge of the tidal power research.
9) Predictable (adjective)
Definition: Something that can be expected or foreseen.
Translation: Oldindan bilsa bo‘ladigan, kutilgan
Example: Tidal currents are predictable and constant.
10) Hostile (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or harsh, often dangerous.
Translation: xavfli, qarshi, qiyin
Example: The underwater environment is very hostile.
11) Saline (adjective)
Definition: Containing salt.
Translation: Tuzli
Example: The turbine must withstand the saline water conditions.
12) Propeller (noun)
Definition: A device with blades that rotates to push a vehicle forward.
Translation: Vint, parrak
Example: Ship propellers inspired the design of turbine blades.
13) Subsidiary (noun)
Definition: A company that is controlled by a larger company.
Translation: Filial, sho‘ba korxona
Example: The project involves a subsidiary of IT power.
14) Round (preposition)
Definition: Around or surrounding a place.
Translation: Atrofida.
Example: Tidal energy sites are round the coast of Britain.
15) Coast (noun)
Definition: The land next to the sea.
Translation: sohil, qirg‘oq
Example: The turbines are installed near the coasts.
16) Indented (adjective)
Definition: Having a jagged or uneven edge.
Translation: Notekis
Example: The best sites are near indented coastlines.
17) At risk from (phrase)
Definition: In danger of being harmed by something.
Translation: Xavf ostida bo‘lmoq
Example: Fish are at risk from the turbine blades.
18) Mounted (adjective)
Definition: Fixed onto something.
Translation: O‘rnatilgan, mahkamlangan
Example: The turbines are mounted on tall towers.
19) Tower (noun)
Definition: A tall structure that supports something.
Translation: Minora
Example: The turbine is attached to a tower.
20) Stick out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To extend or project outward.
Translation: Chiqib turmoq, tashqariga ko‘rinib turmoq
Example: The tower sticks out of the water to warn ships.
21) Seaweed (noun)
Definition: Plants that grow in the sea.
Translation: Dengiz o‘tlari
Example: Workers clean seaweed from the turbine blades.
22) Bubble (noun)
Definition: Small balls of air or gas in a liquid.
Translation: Pufakcha
Example: Air bubbles can cause damage to the turbines.
23) Vibration (noun)
Definition: A continuous, rapid shaking movement.
Translation: Tebranish, qimirlash
Example: Vibration can reduce the efficiency of turbines.
24) Slight (adjective)
Definition: Small or not significant.
Translation: Kichik, ahamiyatsiz, biroz
Example: There is a slight concern about submerged debris.
Definition: A part of something, especially a text, taken out for use.
Translation: parcha, iqtibos, ko‘chirma
Example: This reading passage is an extract from a text about tidal power.
2) Tidal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the rise and fall of the sea caused by the moon and sun.
Translation: To‘lqin.., to‘lqin bilan bog‘liq
Example: Tidal currents are a reliable source of energy.
3) Turbine (noun)
Definition: A machine that produces power using energy from water, steam, or air.
Translation: Turbina, oqimdan energiya ishlab chiqaruvchi qurilma
Example: The marine turbine produces energy from tidal currents.
4) Blade (noun)
Definition: A flat, wide part of a machine that moves or rotates.
Translation: parrak qanoti
Example: The turbine blade rotates to generate electricity.
5) Station (noun)
Definition: A place where specific work or activity is done, often related to energy production.
Translation: Stansiya
Example: A new tidal power station is being constructed in Devon.
6) Jointly (adverb)
Definition: Together with others.
Translation: Birgalikda, hamkorlikda
Example: The project is jointly funded by the government and the EU.
7) Fund (verb)
Definition: To provide money for a project or activity.
Translation: Moliyalashtirmoq
Example: The department of trade funded the research.
8) In charge of (phrase)
Definition: Responsible for something.
Translation: Mas’ul bo‘lmoq, boshqarmoq, javobgar bo‘lmoq
Example: Dr. Bahaj is in charge of the tidal power research.
9) Predictable (adjective)
Definition: Something that can be expected or foreseen.
Translation: Oldindan bilsa bo‘ladigan, kutilgan
Example: Tidal currents are predictable and constant.
10) Hostile (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or harsh, often dangerous.
Translation: xavfli, qarshi, qiyin
Example: The underwater environment is very hostile.
11) Saline (adjective)
Definition: Containing salt.
Translation: Tuzli
Example: The turbine must withstand the saline water conditions.
12) Propeller (noun)
Definition: A device with blades that rotates to push a vehicle forward.
Translation: Vint, parrak
Example: Ship propellers inspired the design of turbine blades.
13) Subsidiary (noun)
Definition: A company that is controlled by a larger company.
Translation: Filial, sho‘ba korxona
Example: The project involves a subsidiary of IT power.
14) Round (preposition)
Definition: Around or surrounding a place.
Translation: Atrofida.
Example: Tidal energy sites are round the coast of Britain.
15) Coast (noun)
Definition: The land next to the sea.
Translation: sohil, qirg‘oq
Example: The turbines are installed near the coasts.
16) Indented (adjective)
Definition: Having a jagged or uneven edge.
Translation: Notekis
Example: The best sites are near indented coastlines.
17) At risk from (phrase)
Definition: In danger of being harmed by something.
Translation: Xavf ostida bo‘lmoq
Example: Fish are at risk from the turbine blades.
18) Mounted (adjective)
Definition: Fixed onto something.
Translation: O‘rnatilgan, mahkamlangan
Example: The turbines are mounted on tall towers.
19) Tower (noun)
Definition: A tall structure that supports something.
Translation: Minora
Example: The turbine is attached to a tower.
20) Stick out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To extend or project outward.
Translation: Chiqib turmoq, tashqariga ko‘rinib turmoq
Example: The tower sticks out of the water to warn ships.
21) Seaweed (noun)
Definition: Plants that grow in the sea.
Translation: Dengiz o‘tlari
Example: Workers clean seaweed from the turbine blades.
22) Bubble (noun)
Definition: Small balls of air or gas in a liquid.
Translation: Pufakcha
Example: Air bubbles can cause damage to the turbines.
23) Vibration (noun)
Definition: A continuous, rapid shaking movement.
Translation: Tebranish, qimirlash
Example: Vibration can reduce the efficiency of turbines.
24) Slight (adjective)
Definition: Small or not significant.
Translation: Kichik, ahamiyatsiz, biroz
Example: There is a slight concern about submerged debris.