⚡Words related to "MARKETING"
🛍 1. Catalogue - ro'yxat, list
🛍 2. Newsletter - Eng so'ngi o'zgarishlar malumotnomasi (reklamada yoki savdo sotiqda)
🛍 3. Questionnaire - so'rovnoma, savol varaqasi
🛍 4. Margin - sotib olingan va sotilgan narsa o'rtasidagi farq/foyda
🛍 5. Trainee - o'rganuvchi
🛍 6. Merchandise - tovarlar, mollar
🛍 7. Manufacture - ishlab chiqarmoq
🛍 8. Testimonial - guvohlik, tavsiyanoma
🛍 9. Sales representative - sotuvchi vakil
Source: ielts with us
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@MultiIevell ● @MultiIevell ●
🛍 1. Catalogue - ro'yxat, list
• More details are given in our catalogue
🛍 2. Newsletter - Eng so'ngi o'zgarishlar malumotnomasi (reklamada yoki savdo sotiqda)
• This newsletter gives an update on current activities.
🛍 3. Questionnaire - so'rovnoma, savol varaqasi
• All staff were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their job.
🛍 4. Margin - sotib olingan va sotilgan narsa o'rtasidagi farq/foyda
• Margins are low and many companies are struggling
🛍 5. Trainee - o'rganuvchi
• He is a trainee dentist/electrician
🛍 6. Merchandise - tovarlar, mollar
• This store has a wide selection of merchandise for sale.
🛍 7. Manufacture - ishlab chiqarmoq
• He works for a company that manufactures toys.
🛍 8. Testimonial - guvohlik, tavsiyanoma
• The advertisement was full of testimonials from satisfied customers.
🛍 9. Sales representative - sotuvchi vakil
• He is a sales representative.
Source: ielts with us
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@MultiIevell ● @MultiIevell ●
@MultiIevell ● @MultiIevell ●