💟💟💟 SPEAKINGda chiroyli va ta'sirchan gapirish uchun 👇
1. Indeed - Haqiqatan ham
2. Furthermore - Bundan tashqari
3. Moreover - Shuningdek
4. Nevertheless - Shunga qaramay
5. Consequently - Natijada
6. Undoubtedly - Shubhasiz
7. In other words - Boshqacha aytganda
8. For instance - Masalan
9. As a result - Natijada
10. On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
1. Indeed - Haqiqatan ham
He is indeed a talented person
2. Furthermore - Bundan tashqari
Furthermore, the project was completed on time
3. Moreover - Shuningdek
Moreover, she is also a great leader
4. Nevertheless - Shunga qaramay
It was raining, nevertheless, we went for a walk
5. Consequently - Natijada
He worked hard, consequently, he got a promotion
6. Undoubtedly - Shubhasiz
She is undoubtedly the best candidate
7. In other words - Boshqacha aytganda
In other words, we need to be more efficient
8. For instance - Masalan
For instance, eating healthy can improve your mood
9. As a result - Natijada
As a result of his efforts, he succeeded
10. On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
On the other hand, this option is more affordable