✅ Create job opportunities - ish imkonyatlarini yaratmoq
✅ Local residents - mahalliy aholi
✅ Damaging to the environment - Atrof muhitga zarar yetkazish
✅ Leave their trash carelessly - axlatini ehtiyotsizlik bilan qoldirib ketmoq
✅To be open to - qabul qila oladigan, qarshi emas.
✅Conservative - o’zgarishlarni yoqtirmedigan, against change
✅Cautious - ehtiyotkor.
➡️• @IELTS_Methods🔝
🕊 Idioms @IELTS_Idioms
✅ Create job opportunities - ish imkonyatlarini yaratmoq
✅ Local residents - mahalliy aholi
✅ Damaging to the environment - Atrof muhitga zarar yetkazish
✅ Leave their trash carelessly - axlatini ehtiyotsizlik bilan qoldirib ketmoq
✅To be open to - qabul qila oladigan, qarshi emas.
✅Conservative - o’zgarishlarni yoqtirmedigan, against change
✅Cautious - ehtiyotkor.
➡️• @IELTS_Methods🔝
🕊 Idioms @IELTS_Idioms