2024-yildagi eng zo'r lahzani tanlash haqiqatda qiyin bo'ldi chunki variantlar ko'p edi. These include but not limited to my first ever stand up performance, my brother's wedding, seeing an OSR result (O8.5, R9) and CELTA graduation party.
Lekin eng zo'ri manimcha 21-Iyunda bo'lgan. On June 20, I sort of didn't feel like sleeping, checking the website frequently. The very next day I came to work earlier than usual so as to know the results before my best student. I sat and turned on my laptop. Before entering the password and username, I prayed to God, telling Him that I totally believe He knows what's best for us. Results appeared on the screen and my eyes were shut. I opened them to see a wonderful overall score - 7.0. I took a screenshot in no time and sent it to my student and then to other groups. You can see what happend next in the pic above.
P.S: she wasn't the first student to score a 7, nor was she the only one.
Lekin eng zo'ri manimcha 21-Iyunda bo'lgan. On June 20, I sort of didn't feel like sleeping, checking the website frequently. The very next day I came to work earlier than usual so as to know the results before my best student. I sat and turned on my laptop. Before entering the password and username, I prayed to God, telling Him that I totally believe He knows what's best for us. Results appeared on the screen and my eyes were shut. I opened them to see a wonderful overall score - 7.0. I took a screenshot in no time and sent it to my student and then to other groups. You can see what happend next in the pic above.
P.S: she wasn't the first student to score a 7, nor was she the only one.