🎉 New Beginner Group Starting Soon! 🎉
🗓 Start Date: 28.10.2024
📍 Location: Everest Ganga
💼 What to Bring: A Brain eager to learn🤓
🎯 Who’s it for? Complete beginners
✔️Bring a friend to get a 10-per cent discount⚡️
☎️95 144 70 30
📲95 558 04 25
Write me directly on @Allamurodov_e or contact my assistant on @ezozabanu to register your seat!
Wait for the better…
@Ieltsmost 🚀
🎉 New Beginner Group Starting Soon! 🎉
Yil yakuniga yetishiga ozgina qoldi, siz esa haliyam Ingliz tilini boshlay olmayapsiz.😁 Har doim boshlash uchun hafta boshini kutasizmi?📅 Unda Siz uchun kelayotgan Dushanbadan Ingliz tilini '0'dan boshlovchi guruh ochyapmiz.🤩 This is the perfect opportunity for You to dive in!⏳
🗓 Start Date: 28.10.2024
📍 Location: Everest Ganga
💼 What to Bring: A Brain eager to learn🤓
🎯 Who’s it for? Complete beginners
✔️Bring a friend to get a 10-per cent discount⚡️
☎️95 144 70 30
📲95 558 04 25
Write me directly on @Allamurodov_e or contact my assistant on @ezozabanu to register your seat!
Wait for the better…
@Ieltsmost 🚀