Eng zo’r youtube kanallarning ro’yxati bilan bo’lishmoqchiman!
Shunchaki o’zingiz qiziqqan mavzuda inglizcha kantentlar ko’rish kelgusidagi speaking va listening ko’niklmalaringizni oshirib yuboradi!
Celebrity shows lovers:
•Ellen show
•Tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon
• The Late late show with James Corden
Make up & Fashion:
•Haily Rhode Bieber
Productivity& Business:
•Silicon valley girl
•Ali Abdaal
Science curious people:
•Top think
•Ted ed
•Psych2Go(more about relationships)
Entertainment/comedy people:
•Khalid Al Ameri
•Loic suberville
Health enthusiasts:
•Doctor Oz
Shunchaki o’zingiz qiziqqan mavzuda inglizcha kantentlar ko’rish kelgusidagi speaking va listening ko’niklmalaringizni oshirib yuboradi!
Celebrity shows lovers:
•Ellen show
•Tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon
• The Late late show with James Corden
Make up & Fashion:
•Haily Rhode Bieber
Productivity& Business:
•Silicon valley girl
•Ali Abdaal
Science curious people:
•Top think
•Ted ed
•Psych2Go(more about relationships)
Entertainment/comedy people:
•Khalid Al Ameri
•Loic suberville
Health enthusiasts:
•Doctor Oz