🤍 Who do you think you are?
- O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?
💚 Who asked you?
- Sizdan kim so’radi.
❤️ Please, say it again.
- Takrorlab yuboring, iltimos.
🩷 Keep me posted.
- Menga xabar yozib turing.
💜 Write it down, please.
- Yozib bering, iltimos.
🩵 I’m sorry for the mix up.
- Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
💛 I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
- Uzr, nima deganingizni uncha tushunmadim.
🤍 Who do you think you are?
- O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?
💚 Who asked you?
- Sizdan kim so’radi.
❤️ Please, say it again.
- Takrorlab yuboring, iltimos.
🩷 Keep me posted.
- Menga xabar yozib turing.
💜 Write it down, please.
- Yozib bering, iltimos.
🩵 I’m sorry for the mix up.
- Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
💛 I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
- Uzr, nima deganingizni uncha tushunmadim.