Assalomu alaykum
Dear subscribers, here is great news for you🤩
I'm planning to activate the channel. I will share daily
-audio materials🎧
-video materials🎬
-news about education🎤
- idioms📕
- beautiful sentence structures 📘
-and sometimes quizzes😁
Xullas, koooo'p tarmoqli kanalga aylantirmoqchiman🫶In shaa allah Ko'p tarmoqli kanalga kooo'p obunachilar kerakdir balki🤔
You can help me by sharing my channel. More subscribers inspire me to expand the list above
Dear subscribers, here is great news for you🤩
I'm planning to activate the channel. I will share daily
-audio materials🎧
-video materials🎬
-news about education🎤
- idioms📕
- beautiful sentence structures 📘
-and sometimes quizzes😁
Xullas, koooo'p tarmoqli kanalga aylantirmoqchiman🫶In shaa allah Ko'p tarmoqli kanalga kooo'p obunachilar kerakdir balki🤔
You can help me by sharing my channel. More subscribers inspire me to expand the list above