✅ To compare apples and/with oranges
🇺🇸Meaning: used to say that two things are completely different and it is not sensible to compare them
🇺🇿Ma'nosi: boshqa boshqa narsalar, umuman boshqa masalalarni taqqoslamoq
⚡ Example:
You can't compare the new scores to the previous years. It's apples and oranges.
Yangi ballar bilan oldingi yillarnikini taqqoslay olmaysan, ular ikkisi boshqa boshqa masala.
📊 Kanalga obuna bo'ling : Bekhruz Muradov
✅ To compare apples and/with oranges
🇺🇸Meaning: used to say that two things are completely different and it is not sensible to compare them
🇺🇿Ma'nosi: boshqa boshqa narsalar, umuman boshqa masalalarni taqqoslamoq
⚡ Example:
You can't compare the new scores to the previous years. It's apples and oranges.
Yangi ballar bilan oldingi yillarnikini taqqoslay olmaysan, ular ikkisi boshqa boshqa masala.
📊 Kanalga obuna bo'ling : Bekhruz Muradov