#photoreport Part 2
On November 13, Amity University Tashkent hosted the 4th International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS 2024) on "Bridging the Industry-Academia Gap through Emerging Disruptive Technologies”
👉🏼 The main goal of ICTACS 2024 was to bring together scientists, researchers and industry representatives to discuss current issues in the field of computer science, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity.
Among the guests, representatives of well-known international companies and higher education institutions actively participated in panel discussions, which allowed participants to broaden their horizons and discuss innovations that have been tested on a global scale.
13-noyabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Sanoat va ilm-fan o‘rtasidagi tafovutni ilg‘or texnologiyalar yordamida bartaraf etish” mavzusida Hisoblash fanlaridagi texnologik yutuqlar bo‘yicha IV xalqaro konferensiya (ICTACS 2024) tashkil etildi
👉🏼ICTACS 2024'ning asosiy maqsadi olimlar, tadqiqotchilar va sanoat vakillarini kompyuter fanlari sohasidagi dolzarb muammolarni, jumladan, sunʼiy intellekt, mashinaviy ta’lim, katta maʼlumotlar, buyumlar interneti va kiberxavfsizlikni muhokama qilish uchun birlashtirish edi.
Mehmonlar orasida taniqli xalqaro kompaniya va oliy ta’lim muassasalari vakillari ishtirok etib panel muhokamalarda faol qatnashishdi, bu esa ishtirokchilarning dunyoqarashini kengaytirish va jahon miqyosida sinovdan o‘tgan innovatsiyalarni muhokama qilish imkonini berdi.
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On November 13, Amity University Tashkent hosted the 4th International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS 2024) on "Bridging the Industry-Academia Gap through Emerging Disruptive Technologies”
👉🏼 The main goal of ICTACS 2024 was to bring together scientists, researchers and industry representatives to discuss current issues in the field of computer science, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity.
Among the guests, representatives of well-known international companies and higher education institutions actively participated in panel discussions, which allowed participants to broaden their horizons and discuss innovations that have been tested on a global scale.
13-noyabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Sanoat va ilm-fan o‘rtasidagi tafovutni ilg‘or texnologiyalar yordamida bartaraf etish” mavzusida Hisoblash fanlaridagi texnologik yutuqlar bo‘yicha IV xalqaro konferensiya (ICTACS 2024) tashkil etildi
👉🏼ICTACS 2024'ning asosiy maqsadi olimlar, tadqiqotchilar va sanoat vakillarini kompyuter fanlari sohasidagi dolzarb muammolarni, jumladan, sunʼiy intellekt, mashinaviy ta’lim, katta maʼlumotlar, buyumlar interneti va kiberxavfsizlikni muhokama qilish uchun birlashtirish edi.
Mehmonlar orasida taniqli xalqaro kompaniya va oliy ta’lim muassasalari vakillari ishtirok etib panel muhokamalarda faol qatnashishdi, bu esa ishtirokchilarning dunyoqarashini kengaytirish va jahon miqyosida sinovdan o‘tgan innovatsiyalarni muhokama qilish imkonini berdi.
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