1️⃣Come close – to almost do something.
(Yaqin kelmoq)
We didn’t win, but we came close to win.
(Biz g’alaba qozona olmadik, ammo g’alabaga juda yaqin kelgandik.)
2️⃣ Come first – to be more important than something else
(Hammasidan ustun bo’lmoq)
He cares about his job, but his family comes first.
(U o’z ishi haqida juda ko’p o’ylaydi, lekin u uchun uning oilasi hammasidan ustun turadi.)
3️⃣ Come to a stop – If an activity comes to a stop, it stops happening.
(To’xtab qolmoq)
Working on this project has come to a stop because of a lack of funding.
(Loyiha ustida ish mablag’ yetishmovchiligi bois to’xtab qoldi.)
4️⃣ Come up with – to think of an idea, answer etc.
(O’ylab topmoq)
We have been asked to come up with some new ideas.
(Bizdan yangi fikrlar o’ylab topishimizn so’rashdi.)
5️⃣ Come cheap – to be available at a low price
(Arzonga sotilmoq)
These smartphones don’t come cheap.
(Bu telefonlarni arzonga olib bo’lmaydi.)
6️⃣ Come to a compromise – a way of ending problem
(Kelishuvga erishmoq)
Both sides have agreed to meet in the hope of coming to a compromise.
(Ikki taraf kelishib olish maqsadida uchrashishga ko’nishdi.)
7️⃣ Come to rescue – to save someone who is having problems or difficulties
(Qiyin vaziyatda yordamlashmoq)
Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her 1000$.
(Carolning akasi unga yordam berdi va 1000$ jo’natdi.)
8️⃣ Come on time – to arrive at the exact time
(Ayni vaqtda yetib kelmoq)
John always tries to come on time.
(John har doim ayni vaqtda yetib kelishga harakat qiladi.)
9️⃣ Come clean – be completely honest
(Rostgo’y bo’lmoq)
My friend Ann doesn’t always come clean.
(Do’stim Anna har doim ham rost gapiravermaydi.)
🔟 Come to life - If something such as machine comes to life, it starts to work.
(Ishga tushmoq)
Sometimes my TV doesn’t come to life.
(Ba’zida mening televizorim ishlamay qoladi)
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1️⃣Come close – to almost do something.
(Yaqin kelmoq)
We didn’t win, but we came close to win.
(Biz g’alaba qozona olmadik, ammo g’alabaga juda yaqin kelgandik.)
2️⃣ Come first – to be more important than something else
(Hammasidan ustun bo’lmoq)
He cares about his job, but his family comes first.
(U o’z ishi haqida juda ko’p o’ylaydi, lekin u uchun uning oilasi hammasidan ustun turadi.)
3️⃣ Come to a stop – If an activity comes to a stop, it stops happening.
(To’xtab qolmoq)
Working on this project has come to a stop because of a lack of funding.
(Loyiha ustida ish mablag’ yetishmovchiligi bois to’xtab qoldi.)
4️⃣ Come up with – to think of an idea, answer etc.
(O’ylab topmoq)
We have been asked to come up with some new ideas.
(Bizdan yangi fikrlar o’ylab topishimizn so’rashdi.)
5️⃣ Come cheap – to be available at a low price
(Arzonga sotilmoq)
These smartphones don’t come cheap.
(Bu telefonlarni arzonga olib bo’lmaydi.)
6️⃣ Come to a compromise – a way of ending problem
(Kelishuvga erishmoq)
Both sides have agreed to meet in the hope of coming to a compromise.
(Ikki taraf kelishib olish maqsadida uchrashishga ko’nishdi.)
7️⃣ Come to rescue – to save someone who is having problems or difficulties
(Qiyin vaziyatda yordamlashmoq)
Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her 1000$.
(Carolning akasi unga yordam berdi va 1000$ jo’natdi.)
8️⃣ Come on time – to arrive at the exact time
(Ayni vaqtda yetib kelmoq)
John always tries to come on time.
(John har doim ayni vaqtda yetib kelishga harakat qiladi.)
9️⃣ Come clean – be completely honest
(Rostgo’y bo’lmoq)
My friend Ann doesn’t always come clean.
(Do’stim Anna har doim ham rost gapiravermaydi.)
🔟 Come to life - If something such as machine comes to life, it starts to work.
(Ishga tushmoq)
Sometimes my TV doesn’t come to life.
(Ba’zida mening televizorim ishlamay qoladi)
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