✅ Topic vocabulary MAP
➡️Facing - ro’baro kelgan / qarshi tomonda
➡️In the middle / centre of - markazidagi
➡️Behind - orqasida
➡️In front of - oldida
➡️Next to / by – dan keying, yonidagi
➡️Left-hand side - chap qo’l tomon
➡️Right-hand side - o’ng qo’l tomon
➡️Turn right - o’ngga buriling
➡️To your right - o’ng tomonizda
➡️Pass through - orqali o’tib ketadi
➡️On the other side - narigi tomonida
➡️Beyond - narida
➡️Along - bo’yida
➡️Corner - burchak
➡️Opposite - qarshisida
➡️Across the road - uyog’ida
➡️Same side - bitta tomon
➡️Before you get to - yetmasdan oldin
➡️Junction - chorraxa
➡️Dead end - eng oxiri
➡️Leads off - olib boradi
➡️Turn - burilish
➡️Twist - burilish
➡️Roundabout - kurug, aylana
⏩Havolani ulashing