Young Leaders Development Project

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: не указана

💡Develop your leadership and interpersonal skills.
💡Meet new friends and have fun.
💡Build your future.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Hogwarts school

Репост из: Hogwarts school
📣 Exciting News from the Hogwarts Team!

🔔On November 22nd, the Nexus Business Forum celebrated the 10th anniversary of YLDP, and we were thrilled to participate! 🎉

Our Hogwarts Intern Club members played a significant role in organizing this amazing forum. A huge shoutout to all the interns for their hard work and dedication! 🙌

This event was organized by Mahorat Management, a company we greatly admire for their continuous support of young world changemakers. They were also our sponsor for the Hogwarts Summer School (Summer of Research) 2024, and we're excited to continue this partnership. 🌟

At the forum, our team not only engaged in learning and socializing but also forged new connections. These connections will help us create even better conditions and more opportunities for the upcoming Hogwarts Summer School 2025. 🔮

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey!


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Ready to level up your leadership skills?

📝 Young leaders of Uzbekistan, apply today for the Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy (GLEA) — a three-week, fully funded exchange to the University of Connecticut! 💡

Through hands-on learning and service, you'll advance your leadership abilities and join a community of leaders dedicated to tackling global challenges. 🤝

Deadline: January 19th

🔗 Click the link to learn more and apply!

#UConn #UConnGlobal

Репост из: @Proficiency
We are excited to announce the opening of an internship program for aspiring professionals eager to gain valuable experience in the international fields of education, science, and innovation. This opportunity is designed for individuals passionate about contributing to global projects both in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Join us to embark on a journey that bridges knowledge and practice, preparing you to excel in a dynamic, international environment! 🌟

Yangi yil muborak bo'lsin! Biz 2025 yil ishlarini boshlab yubordik!

Репост из: 70386
📣 E'LON!!!

🤝 Hurmatli hamkasblar!!!

❗️ EduJob loyihasi doirasida online webiner tashkil etilmoqda❗️

✅ Online webiner spikerlari:
Iqtisodiyot Assambleyasi Raisi - Dr. Muxtor Umarov, Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi Matbuot xizmati rahbari - Dr. G'ulom Samadov, O'zbekiston Nodavlat ta'lim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasi Raisi - Dr. Nuriymon Abulhasan, EduJob loyihasi rahbari, Iqtisodiyot Assambleyasi Raisi o'rinbosari - Dr. Feruza Rashidova, OWL Xalqaro online kattalar ta’limi va "lmiy saloyihat benchmarki” loyihasi rahbari - Dr. Manisha Kaw, Pinnacle, Teaching Solutions direktori, “Pedagoglar xalqaro malakasi" loyihasi direktori - Dr. Don Vassel, Vista xalqaro kadrlarni ta’minlash ofisi direktori - Mr. Vijay Raju.

✅ Moderator - Dr. Feruza Rashidova.

EduJob loyihasiga 2024-yilda asos solingan. Ushbu loyihaning asosiy maqsadlari:
- ta’lim tizimi sifatini yaxshilash, ya’ni inson kapitali sifatini xalqaro darajaga olib chiqish;
- tashkilotlar bilan hamorlikda xalqaro malakani baholash markazlarini ochishga qaratilgan strategiyalarni hayotga tatbiq etish;
- oliy ta’lim muassalari va ilmiy tekshirish institutlarini xalqaro akkreditasiyaga tayyorlash hisoblanadi.

🗓 Online webinar sanasi va vaqti:
📌 2025-yil 3-yanvar
⏰ Davomiyligi: 19:00-21:00

✅ Online bog'lanish uchun: ZOOM LINKI

Murojaat uchun:
338807661; 977767661

Репост из: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Leadership Opportunity for Uzbek Students 😎

The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent and the University of West Georgia (UWG) are thrilled to announce an opportunity for undergraduate students across Uzbekistan to strengthen their leadership potential at UWG in the summer of 2025 at no cost!

Program highlights:
✅ Workshops on business skills, communication, and leadership
✅ Meetings with local entrepreneurs, civic, and political leaders
✅ Visits to Atlanta's state capitol and Savannah's historic sites
✅ Hands-on service-learning projects to develop real-world skills

Apply now and take the first step toward an enriching leadership training experience!


Join the Hogwarts Summer Internship Program for Mentors, a transformative 2.5-month online and 1-week in-person experience designed to guide, empower, and connect future innovators.

Program Timeline for Mentors:
1️⃣ Pre-Bootcamp (Online-offline, 2.5 months):
🔘Mentor students for 4-5 hours per week (flexible timing).
🔘Guide real-world projects, provide feedback, and hold virtual check-ins.

2️⃣ Summer Bootcamp (1 Week, In-Person):
🔘Full-time mentorship in a scenic retreat.
🔘Facilitate workshops, project discussions, and social activities.
🔘Time commitment: 6-9 hours per day.

📌 Why Become a Mentor?
✅ Impact Future Talent: Help shape the next generation of leaders.
✅ Professional Growth: Develop leadership, coaching, and communication skills.
✅ Expand Your Network: Connect with talented students and industry experts.
✅ Be Part of a Community: Join passionate mentors and students on an exciting journey.
✅ A Rewarding Experience: Gain personal satisfaction by helping students succeed.

🔗 Interested? Sign up now: Google Form
Deadline for Registration: 10.01.2025
ℹ️ More Details: Click here

🔥 Telegram | Instagram | Website | YouTube | Linkedin

The graduate of YLDP-2024, initiator of Howard School Faxriddin is announcing:

Репост из: Mahorat
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🇺🇿 Mahorat&Management tashkiloti va O'zbekiston Nodavlat taʼlim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasi (NTMA) hamkorligida universitet, maktab va o'quv markazlari Rahbarlari ishtirokida taʼlim muassasalarini raqamlashtirish tizimiga o'tkazish, ularda ELMS dasturini joriy qilish asnosida xalqaro akreditatsiyaga tayyorlash bo'yicha mahorat darsi tashkil etildi.

🤝 Mahorat darsi davomida NTMAning rasmiy aʼzosi hisoblangan Xalqaro innovatsiya Universitetini xalqaro akreditatsiyaga tayyorlash bilan bog'liq chora-tadbirlarni amalga oshirish yuzasidan kelishuvlarga erishildi.

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☎️ +998937027923

Репост из: Nurafshon_TV
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Kadrlar malakasini tayyorlash va baholash bo'yicha milliy  ekspertlar platformasi.


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Репост из: iQtidorly
📣 IGO 2025 ijodiy olimpiadasi bo‘yicha eksklyuziv suhbat!

Xalqaro Greenwich Olimpiadasi (IGO) – Buyuk Britaniyadagi North London Grammar School tomonidan tashkil etilgan, ijodkorlik va muammolarni hal qilish qobiliyatini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan nufuzli musobaqa.

🇺🇿 Xabaringiz bor, IGO 2025 uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish rasman ochilgani haqida e'lon bergan edik. Biz ushbu olimpiadaning rasmiy hamkor tashkiloti sifatida, O'zbekistondagi iqtidorli jamoalarni izlab topish hamda, ularni qo'llab-quvvatlash maqsad qilganmiz.

🎙 Ushbu munosabat bilan bizga kelib tushgan savol va takliflarni hisobga olgan holda, bu yilgi bo'lib o'tadigan IGO 2025 musobaqasi haqida to'liqroq ma'lumotga ega bo'lishingiz uchun IGO Coordinator sifatida faoliyat yurituvchi vatandoshimiz Shahista Rahimova bilan eksklyuziv suhbat tashkil qilmoqdamiz.

📆 Sana: 28-noyabr
Vaqti: 20:00
📍 Manzil: Telegram Voice Chat

Suhbatni o‘tkazib yubormang! IGO 2025 olimpiadasi haqida savollaringizga javob oling va xalqaro imkoniyatlardan boxabar bo‘ling!

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