How to study in the morning💙
📌Oʻqib chiqishingiz shart💜
❤️Take enough sleep at night:
If you want to wake up early to study, it’s essential to get enough sleep at night.For instance, if you want to wake up at 4 am, you should aim to sleep at 10 PM because I believe that six hours of sleep is sufficient for a student
If you’re struggling to wake up early, try this simple trick: repeat in your mind, “I have to wake up early.” This can be a powerful tool for training your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goal.
Even after applying all the tips, it can still be challenging to get out of bed once you’ve woken up. One way to combat this is to drink a glass of cold water instead of coffee or tea
💙Don’t jump straight into studying after waking up
Although your goal is to study, it’s not recommended to immediately start studying as soon as you wake up. Instead, prepare yourself for studying by doing some exercises
💚Post uzun lekin o'qishga arzigulik qo'llab ko'ring judayam ma'noli🎉 qachongacha oxirgi daqiqalar turib ishga chopib borasiz? Erta uygonib hamma narsaga ulgurish yaxshimasmi???
✅Study tips😎
Qanday qilib ertalab o'qish mumkin?
📌Oʻqib chiqishingiz shart💜
❤️Take enough sleep at night:
If you want to wake up early to study, it’s essential to get enough sleep at night.For instance, if you want to wake up at 4 am, you should aim to sleep at 10 PM because I believe that six hours of sleep is sufficient for a student
Yetarlicha uxlang:💙 Repeat in your mind, “I have to wake up early”
Agar siz o'qish uchun erta uyg'onmoqchi bo'lsangiz, kechasi etarli darajada uxlash juda muhimdir. Masalan, agar siz ertalab soat 4 da uyg'onmoqchi bo'lsangiz, soat 22:00 da uxlashingiz kerak, chunki men olti soatlik uyqu etarli deb hisoblayman. talaba uchun
If you’re struggling to wake up early, try this simple trick: repeat in your mind, “I have to wake up early.” This can be a powerful tool for training your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goal.
"Men erta uyg‘onishim kerak” degan so‘zni xayolingizda takrorlang.💜Think about your goal after waking up:
Agar siz erta uyg'onishga qiynalayotgan bo'lsangiz, ushbu oddiy hiylani sinab ko'ring: "Men erta uyg'onishim kerak" deb takrorlang. Bu sizning maqsadingizga erishish uchun ongsiz ongingizni o'rgatish uchun kuchli vosita bo'lishi mumkin
Even after applying all the tips, it can still be challenging to get out of bed once you’ve woken up. One way to combat this is to drink a glass of cold water instead of coffee or tea
Uyg'onganingizdan keyin maqsadingiz haqida o'ylab ko'ring:
Barcha maslahatlarni qo'llaganingizdan keyin ham, uyg'onganingizdan so'ng yotoqdan chiqish hali ham qiyin bo'lishi mumkin. Bunga qarshi kurashish usullaridan biri qahva yoki choy o'rniga bir stakan sovuq suv ichishdir
💙Don’t jump straight into studying after waking up
Although your goal is to study, it’s not recommended to immediately start studying as soon as you wake up. Instead, prepare yourself for studying by doing some exercises
Uyg'onganingizdan so'ng darhol o'qishga shoshilmang
Maqsadingiz o'qish bo'lsa-da, uyg'onganingizdan so'ng darhol o'qishni boshlash tavsiya etilmaydi. Buning o'rniga ba'zi mashqlarni bajarish orqali o'zingizni o'rganishga tayyorlang
💚Post uzun lekin o'qishga arzigulik qo'llab ko'ring judayam ma'noli🎉 qachongacha oxirgi daqiqalar turib ishga chopib borasiz? Erta uygonib hamma narsaga ulgurish yaxshimasmi???
✅Study tips😎