🆙 #Prepositions
🤯 Ko'pchilik, xatto tilni yaxshi biladiganlar ham "prepositions" ya'ni "old ko'makchilar (predlog)" ni qo'llashda adashadi.
👨🏫Sizga eslab qolishga oson bo'lishi uchun predloglarni qarama-qarshi manoli sherigi bilan yozib chiqdim va ularga misol tariqasida gaplar ham bor. Sizga yoqadi degan umiddaman😊
TO - (tomon) ga
FROM - (tomon) dan
I am from Tashkent and I go to choyxona
ON - ustida
UNDER - tagida
the somsa is on the table but the beer is under the table
ABOVE - tepasida
BELOW - pasida
above the door is a sign "Welcome" and below the sign is another sign "Choyxona"
OVER - ustidan
UNDER - tagidan
I go over the Chilonzor bridge and under the Yunusobod bridge
IN FRONT OF - oldida
BEHIND - orqasida
Damas drivers are in front of Chorsu but the dollar exchange boys are behind Chorsu
INTO - ichiga
OUT OF - dan tashqariga
Come into the room only when I come out of the room
ONTO - ustiga
OFF - ustidan
If you're bored, jump onto the bed and jump off the bed
ALONG - bo'ylab
ACROSS - narigi tomonga
I walk along the street and then across the street
AMONG - orasida
BETWEEN - o'rtasida
Nigora is among ten girls and Oybek is between two boys
AWAY FROM - dan uzoqda
NEAR - yaqinda
she doesn't run away from me, she comes near me!
AROUND - atrofida
IN THE MIDDLE - o'rtasida
I walk around the park and she walks in the middle of the park
THROUGH - orasidan
PAST - yonidan
I walk through the park and she walks past the paynet
RIGHT - o'ng
LEFT - chap
I turn right and she turns left
UP - tepa
DOWN - past
I walk up the street and she walks down the street and we finally meet. She says "Hi, handsome. Whats your number?"
✈️ @super_ingliztili
🤯 Ko'pchilik, xatto tilni yaxshi biladiganlar ham "prepositions" ya'ni "old ko'makchilar (predlog)" ni qo'llashda adashadi.
👨🏫Sizga eslab qolishga oson bo'lishi uchun predloglarni qarama-qarshi manoli sherigi bilan yozib chiqdim va ularga misol tariqasida gaplar ham bor. Sizga yoqadi degan umiddaman😊
TO - (tomon) ga
FROM - (tomon) dan
I am from Tashkent and I go to choyxona
ON - ustida
UNDER - tagida
the somsa is on the table but the beer is under the table
ABOVE - tepasida
BELOW - pasida
above the door is a sign "Welcome" and below the sign is another sign "Choyxona"
OVER - ustidan
UNDER - tagidan
I go over the Chilonzor bridge and under the Yunusobod bridge
IN FRONT OF - oldida
BEHIND - orqasida
Damas drivers are in front of Chorsu but the dollar exchange boys are behind Chorsu
INTO - ichiga
OUT OF - dan tashqariga
Come into the room only when I come out of the room
ONTO - ustiga
OFF - ustidan
If you're bored, jump onto the bed and jump off the bed
ALONG - bo'ylab
ACROSS - narigi tomonga
I walk along the street and then across the street
AMONG - orasida
BETWEEN - o'rtasida
Nigora is among ten girls and Oybek is between two boys
AWAY FROM - dan uzoqda
NEAR - yaqinda
she doesn't run away from me, she comes near me!
AROUND - atrofida
IN THE MIDDLE - o'rtasida
I walk around the park and she walks in the middle of the park
THROUGH - orasidan
PAST - yonidan
I walk through the park and she walks past the paynet
RIGHT - o'ng
LEFT - chap
I turn right and she turns left
UP - tepa
DOWN - past
I walk up the street and she walks down the street and we finally meet. She says "Hi, handsome. Whats your number?"
✈️ @super_ingliztili