Ingliz tili darslari

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 22-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Biden, Trump meet in White House for smooth power transition

💬 Over in Washington.
President-elect Trump has returned to the Oval Office for the first time in almost four years to meet with President Biden.
Unlike then, the two agreed on a smooth transition of power.
Choi Min-jung reports.

U.S. President Joe Biden and President-elect Donald Trump met at the White House on Wednesday, for the first time since the presidential election last week.
The two sat down for nearly two hours at the Oval Office.
Both the incumbent and incoming president called for a smooth transition of power.

"Well, Mr. President-elect and former president, Donald, congratulations."

"Politics is tough, and it's in many cases it's not a nice world, but it is a nice world today and I appreciate it very much "

The Oval Office visit upholds the tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, a gesture Trump declined to extend to Biden in 2020, after falsely claiming Biden had not won the election.
At the time, Trump filed lawsuits on voter fraud and was accused of helping incite a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol.
Despite this history, however, Wednesday's meeting was rather cordial.
The two are expected to have discussed U.S. foreign policy, the logistics of handing over power, and the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

The meeting comes as Trump continues his appointment of key roles in the upcoming cabinet and administration.
On Wednesday, he named Senator Marco Rubio of Florida as his nominee for secretary of state, Republican Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida to serve as his attorney general,
and Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic member of Congress and presidential candidate, to serve as his director of national intelligence.

✈️ @super_ingliztili

Репост из: Edu - Taʼlim yangiliklari
⚡️Rasman: IELTS endilikda BEPUL oʻqitiladi

3.1 milliard soʻmlik Grant eʼlon qilindi.

Kvota miqdori: 1000 ta

🇺🇿 Respublika miqyosida 1000 nafar yoshlar mutlaqo BEPUL o‘qitish rejalashtirilgan.

👉 Batafsil maʼlumot

— Hujjatlar 30-noyabrga qadar onlayn shaklda yagona internet portali orqali qabul qilinadi.

© Manba

Edu - ta'lim yangiliklari👇

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 22-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Biden calls for end to world conflicts during his final G20 Summit

💬Staying in Brazil.
U.S. President Joe Biden, who's attending the G20 Summit for the last time, reiterated his call for an end to the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza.

U.S. President Joe Biden is in Brazil, attending his last G20 Summit before the end of his presidency.
There, he took the time to call for an end to crises unfolding around the world.
Biden reiterated U.S. support for Ukraine's sovereignty, while calling for efforts for a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

“The United States strongly supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Everyone around this table, in my view, should as well. The United States has led the world in humanitarian aid to Gaza, and we're going to keep pushing to accelerate a ceasefire deal that ensures Israel’s security, brings hostages home, and ends the suffering of the Palestinian people and children."
Biden noted that the G20 this year is his last, and also called on world leaders to continue to assist countries in need, to usher in a new era of sustainable development.
Meanwhile,.. Chinese President Xi Jinping signaled a change in his foreign policy, as if the Chinese leader is preparing for worsening U.S.-China relations under the second Trump administration.
During the G20 Summit, Xi stated that the international community must build an open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory environment for mutual cooperation, and expressed Beijing's willingness to invest in developing countries.
This marks a stark contrast to his previous "give and take" policy, as pundits say Xi may be looking to diversity its market in preparation for Trump's second stint in the White House.

✈️ @super_ingliztili

Chegimali qabul boshlandi

⏳ Yangi yilga ham oz qoldi. Keyingi yildan ingiliz tilida gapirishni hohlaysizmi?

📍 Unday bo'lsa «Brains» o'quv markazi sizlarni o'zining tezkor ingiliz tili kursiga taklif qiladi

📊 Kurs level:
🔻 0 dan "beginner" - IELTS
🔻 0 dan "beginner" - CEFR

🗓 Darslar haftada uch kun:

- Dushanba
- Chorshanba
- Juma

Kunlari soat 20:30 da bo'lib o'tadi.

👉 Kurga yozilish: @brainscenter_admin

❗️ Shoshiling chegirma faqatgina dastlabki 10 ta birinchi to'lovni amalga oshirganlar uchun va kurs so'ngigacha amal qiladi

©️Bizning kanal - @brainscenter


▶️ IELTS va IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik
🎤 Bekzod Mirahmedov

00:00 Kirish
05:30 IELTS da eng muhim skill qaysi?
06:40 IELTS da grammatikaning o'rni qanday?
09:00 O‘qituvchilar uchun CELTAning muhimligi
13:00 Bizdagi balans va qobiq
17:30 Target qo‘yish haqida
20:00 Boshqa tillarni bilish IELTS ga poydevormi?
22:40 Writingda struktura yodlamang!
28:00 IELTS Uzbekistanda feyklar haqida
35:00 Karantin bergan imkonlar
38:30 O‘rganish uchun manba
45:00 IELTS Indicator haqida
55:10 IELTSda hayajonni yengish
58:30 Ingliz tilini o‘rganishda motivatsiya
1:03:00 Imtihonlarda an'anaviy va zamonaviy uslub
1:07:00 Eng mashxur o‘qituvchilar
1:11:30 Samarali Time Management
1:15:00 Musiqa va Jurnallarning hissasi
1:19:00 Til o‘rganishdan rohatlanmaysizmi?
1:30:30 O‘quv markazlari yoshlarni aldaydimi?
1:36:00 IELTSda repetitorlik ta‘siri qanday?
1:39:00 Maktabdagi ta‘lim sifati
1:43:00 IELTS topshirishda fasllar roli bormi?
1:50:00 IELTS da kimlar imtixon olishi mumkin?

️✈️ @super_ingliztili

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💥 Psixologiya faniga doir ilmiy asoslangan psixologik ma`lumotlarga qiziqsangiz, bu kanal ayni siz uchun.

📌 Kanalda quyidagi mazmundagi postlar mavjud:
🟢 qiziqarli faktlar;
🟢 tadqiqot natijalari;
🟢 kundalik hayot uchun foydali maslahatlar.


#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 21-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 21-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili


​🎙 “Ingliz tili faqat IELTS degani emas” – tajribali pedagogdan til o‘rganish sirlari

“Inglizchani biladigan kadrlar chiqyapti, lekin dars berishni bilmaydi” – IELTS’dan 12 yildan beri dars berayotgan pedagog bilan suhbat

😎“Chet tilini o‘rganish men uchun emas ekan”.
😎“Har doim yangidan boshlayman va tashlab qo‘yaman”.
😎“Ishdan ortib til o‘rganishga kuchim qolmayapti”.
💬Til o‘rganuvchilarda uchraydigan shu kabi savollar va o‘rganuvchilar duch keladigan muammolar haqida tajribali pedagog, IELTS instruktori Barno Muqimova bilan suhbat.

00:00 Tizer
00:58 Kirish
04:32 “Til o‘rganishda maqsadni to‘g‘ri qo‘yish muhim”
08:24 Bolalari til o‘rganishini istayotgan ota-onalarga tavsiya
10:41 Til o‘rganishda yo‘l qo‘yiladigan xatolar
17:22 “Ayol o‘qituvchini xohlashmasdi”
22:01 “IELTS — ingliz tilini bilishda aniq o‘lchov emas”
29:08 Til o‘rganishga qayta-qayta urinib, o‘rgana olmaslik...
32:10 Chet tilini o’rganishni nimadan boshlagan ma’qul?
36:41 Til o’rganish qobiliyatga bog’liqmi?
41:55 “Inglizchani biladigan kadrlar chiqyapti, lekin dars berishni bilmaydi”
46:46 Yakun. Baxt - xotirjamlikda…

🗣️O‘rganish uchun insonning ichida katta sababi, maqsadi bo‘lishi kerak. IELTS yoki boshqa narsa bilan emas, o‘sha ingliz tilida gaplashuvchi chet elliklar bilan gaplasha oladimi, yo‘qmi, shu bilan o‘lchash kerak. O‘shalar darajasida gapira boshlasa, haqiqiy natija shu bo‘ladi.
Ishdan bo‘sh vaqtda ingliz tilini o‘rganyapman degan bosim bilan emas, o‘yinlar, ko‘ngilochartarzda o‘rganish kerak. Masalan, Duolingo kabi dasturlar orqali. Sekin-sekin o‘rganib boradi. Boshida kuniga bitta so‘zni o‘rganishni maqsad qiling va shuni bajaring. O‘zingiz uchun qaysi usulda o‘rganish qiziq bo‘lsa, shundan foydalaning davomiyligi bo‘ladi.

✈️ @super_ingliztili

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 20-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 20-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 19-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 19-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 18-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

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📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
💖 Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 18-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari (1-dars)
😎 Elementary darslari (1-dars)
😎 Intermediate (1-dars)

😎 @super_ingliztili

#Intermediate #audiodarslar
📊 Ingliz tilini 0dan boshlab BEPUL o'rganing
▶️ Ingliz tili - Intermediate: 17-dars

Ushbu darslar ingliz tilini beginner va elementary bosqichidan o‘tib intermediate bosqichiga yetgan o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.

😎 Beginner darslari
😎 Elementary darslari

😎 @ingliztili_audiolar


The best way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills like English, through the lyrics of the songs.

🎤 Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

I raise my flags, don my clothes
It's a revolution, I suppose
We'll paint it red to fit right in

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

All systems go, the sun hasn't died
Deep in my bones, straight from inside

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

✈️ @ingliztili_audiolar


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Israel bans UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees amid ongoing attacks in Lebanon and Gaza

💬 In the Middle East.
Israel is banning a UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees from operating in its territory as well as in areas under its control.
Lee Eun-hee explains.

On Monday, Israel's parliament passed a bill banning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency from operating on Israeli territory and areas under Israel's control.
The "UNRWA," providing life-saving services in war-torn Gaza, was established in 1949 to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement about the legislation, reiterated his claims that UNRWA employees are involved in Hamas-related terrorist activities.
In response, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern, stating there is no viable alternative to the UNRWA, warning that the legislation could have "devastating consequences" for Palestinians.

The legislation is set to take effect in 90 days, further jeopardizing an already strained aid distribution process for Gazan civilians.

The UNRWA’s former General Counsel said on Tuesday that Israel's move represents a broader attack on the UN system, calling for a strong response.
The move has also drawn worldwide condemnation from countries including Australia, Belgium, Jordan, Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.
World leaders have described it as "intolerable, illegal, and nothing less than collective punishment."
This decision by Israel comes despite U.S. State Department concerns that there is no substitute for the UNRWA amid the ongoing crisis and a statement from foreign ministers of seven countries, including South Korea, opposing Israel's actions.

Meanwhile, Israel's attacks in Lebanon are intensifying.
According to Lebanon's Health Ministry, at least sixty people were killed in Israeli strikes on Monday night across twelve areas in Baalbek, eastern Lebanon, including two children.
Nearly 60 others were reported injured.
The Israeli military's offensive in Gaza continues, with reports of at least seven Palestinians killed in northern Gaza and ten in the central region.
Additionally, reports stated that the Israeli military set fire to a school run by the UNRWA in the Jabalia refugee camp.

Since the onset of the Middle East conflict, the death toll in Gaza has surpassed forty-3-thousand while in Lebanon, it has exceeded 2-thousand-and-7-hundred.

✈️ @ingliztili_audiolar

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