Фильтр публикаций

Репост из:
Har kungi muloqot uchun so'zlar - Фразы для общения на каждый день.

🟠 Келинг, (меҳмонхонада) учрашамиз. - Давайте встретимся в (фойе).

🟠 Танишганимдан хурсандман! - Приятно познакомиться!

🟠 Сизни яна кўришимдан хурсандман! - Рад вас снова видеть!

🟠 Сиз инглизча гапирасизми? - Вы говорите по-английски?

🟠 Мана менинг ташриф қоғозим. - Вот моя визитная карточка.

🟠 Сизни …га таништиришга рухсат этинг. - Позвольте представить вас …

🟠 …га мендан салом айтинг. - Передавайте привет от меня …

🟠 Раҳмат, бажонидил. - Спасибо, с удовольствием.

🟠 Бажонидил. - С удовольствием.

🟠Хайр. - До свидания.

🟠 Кўришгунча. - До встречи.

🟠 Яқин орада кўришгунча. - До скорой встречи.

🟠 Яхши қолинг. - Счастливо.

🟠Хабарлашиб турайлик. - Не пропадайте.

🟠 Кейинги учрашувимизни орзиқиб кутаман. - С нетерпением жду нашей следующей


Репост из:
✏️Nima dedingiz? - Что вы сказали?
✏️Bu kim? - Кто это?
✏️Nima? - Что?
✏️Tushundingizmi? - Вы поняли?
✏️Tushunarlimi? - Вам понятно?
✏️Tushunarli - Мне понятно,
✏️Bu yerda kim rus tilini biladi? - Кто здесь знает русский язык?
✏️Siz ruscha gaplashasizmi? - Вы говорите по-русски?
✏️Siz rus tilini bilasizmi? - Вы знаете русский язык?
✏️O‘zbek tilini o‘rganayapman Я изучаю узбекский язык,
✏️O‘zbek tilida gaplashish (o‘qish, yozish) ni o‘rganmoqchiman - Я хочу научиться говорить (читать , писать) по-узбекски,
✏️O‘zbekcha lug‘atlarni qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi? - Где можно достать узбекские словари?
✏️O‘zbekchani oz-moz tushunaman - Я немного понимаю по-узбекски,
✏️Gapimga tushunayapsizmi? - Вы меня понимаете?
✏️Qaytaring - Повторите,
✏️Tushunaman. Ammo javob qaytara olmayman - Я понемаю, но говорить не могу,
✏️Gapingizga tushunmayab an - Я вас не понимаю,
✏️Sekinroq gapiring - Говорите медленнее,
✏️Aytingchi - Скажите, пожалуйста
✏️Bu yerda nima yozilganini tushuntirib bering - Объясните, что здесь написано,
✏️Bu qog‘ozga yozing - Напишите на этом листке,
✏️Bu o‘zbekchada nima deyiladi - Как это называется по-узбекски?
✏️Bu so‘z qanday talaffuz etiladi? - Как произносится это слово?
✏️Baribir tushunolmayapman - Всё же я не могу понять,
✏️Iltimos, budan ham sekinroq gapirsangiz - Прошу вас, говорите еще медленнее,
✏️Nima istaysiz? - чего вы хотите?
✏️O‘zbek tili rus tilidan ancha oson - Узбекский язык гораздо легче русского...


Репост из:

🗣 Говори - gapir
🗣 Думай - o‘yla
🗣 Найди - top
🗣 Ищи - qidir
🗣 Не плачь - yig'lama
🗣 Не трогай - tegma
🗣 Садись - o‘tir
🗣 Читай - o‘qi
🗣 Спи - uxla
🗣 Жди - kut
🗣 Пиши - yoz
🗣 Вставай - tur
🗣 Считай - sana
🗣 Иди - bor
🗣 Уйди - ket
🗣 Смотри - qara
🗣 Молчи - jim tur
🗣 Закрой - yop
🗣 Открой - och
🗣 Глянь - nazar sol
🗣 Прости - kechir
🗣 Меняй - alish
🗣 Мой - yuv
🗣 Купайся - cho'mil
🗣 Собирайся - otlan
🗣 Проснись - uyg'on
🗣 Ложись - yot
🗣 Поднимайся - tepaga chiq
🗣 Спускайся - pastga tush
🗣 Трудись - mehnat qil
🗣 Успокойся - tinchlan
🗣 Знакомься - tanish
🗣 Улыбайся -jilmay
🗣 Дружи - do'st bo'l
🗣 Занимайся - shug'ullan
🗣 Вернись - qaytib kel
🗣 Одевайся - kiyin
🗣 Пой - kuyla
🗣 Шей - tik
🗣 Лей - quy


Репост из:

🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



Репост из:

🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



Репост из:

🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



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Аслини олганда 5 дақиқалик иш бўлсада, эркакларимиз учун бу дунёдаги энг оғир юмушлардан бири ҳисобланади.

Mini Shaver — Ишга шошилганда, командировкага йўл олганда ва умуман дангасалик тутганда энг қулай митти ёрдамчи!

— Зарядник орқали қувватлантирилади.
— Ишда, ўқишда, кўчада ва ҳ.к.
— Хаттоки сувга тушиб кетиши хам уни ишлашдан тўхтата олмайди.

💰Нархи: 59 000 сўм

: @Operatorchi
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/353957
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/353957

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Репост из:

🇬🇧Please ask him to call me back
🇷🇺Пожалуйста, попросите его позвонить мне.
🇺🇿Menga qayta qo'ng'iroq qilib yuborishini aytib qo'ying, iltimos.

🇬🇧I'll call again.
🇷🇺Я перезвоню.
🇺🇿Men yana qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧When should I call again?
🇷🇺Когда мне перезвонить?
🇺🇿Yana qachon qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Write down my number, please.
🇷🇺Запишите, пожалуйста, мой номер.
🇺🇿Iltimos, raqamimni yozib oling.

🇬🇧Tell her Petrov called.
🇷🇺Передайте ей, что звонил Петров.
🇺🇿Petrov qo'ng'iroq qildi deb aytib qo'yarsiz.

🇬🇧I'll give her the message.
🇷🇺Я передам ей.
🇺🇿Men unga (qiz bola) aytib qo'yaman.

🇬🇧I'll have her call you back.
🇷🇺Я скажу, чтобы она позвонила вам.
🇺🇿Sizga qo'ng'iroq qilishini aytib qo'yaman.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



Репост из:
🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 01.04.2021

🔸Describe your favourite park in your city.

You should say:

where it is
how can you go there
how frequently you go there
and explain why this is your favourite park.

Though the city is crowded with a lot of people, there are some places I would like to go to whenever I want to escape for a while. Among those places, I like visiting the Tashkent Botanic Garden, my favorite park in city, which is located near the western part of my city.

I have to say that there are a number of parks in Tashkent, which are mostly near residential areas. In the evenings or weekends, people often gather there for exercising or chatting. I would prefer a large and peaceful place for a short hibernation. Thus, Tashkent Botanical Garden is always among my short listed ones when it comes to park. It is about 3 kilometers from my house so I often drive there, mostly by bicycle, about 2 times a week. As there are many trees in this park, I can enjoy fresh air and peaceful environment there. It’s like a short escape from a noisy, narrow and busy city outside. I often bring a book to this park, hiding under a tree and getting into the story. This kind of activity helps nurture my soul as well as relax a little bit before coming back into real life.

Honestly, as I am an introvert, I do not prefer the bustle of crowded places like club or bar. Instead, I would prefer a peaceful places, thus, to some extent,I might be considered as boring people, regardless the fact that I’m still on my 20s now. However, it doesn’t matter much to me as I think that everyone has their own lifestyle, which contribute to the variety of personalities in our society.

Band 7+




Репост из:
🇺🇿 Iltimos, bir daqiqa kutib turing 😊

🇷🇺 Пожалуйста, подождите одну минуту

🇬🇧Hold on one minute, please 😊


Репост из:

🇬🇧What are you doing?
🇷🇺Что вы делаете?
🇺🇿Nima qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧Are you going any-where?
🇷🇺Куда-нибудь собираетесь?
🇺🇿Qayergadir otlanyapsizmi?
🇬🇧I need some change to make a call.
🇷🇺Мне нужна мелочь, чтобы позвонить.
🇺🇿Qo'ng'iroq qilishim uchun menga mayda pul kerak.

🇬🇧Sorry to have troubled you.
🇷🇺Простите, что я вас побеспокоил.
🇺🇿Bezovta qilganim uchun uzr.

🇬🇧I couldn't get him on the telephone.
🇷🇺Я не мог к нему дозвониться.
🇺🇿Unga (o'g'il bola) qo'ng'iroq qilib tusholmadim.

🇬🇧The telephone is out of order.
🇷🇺Телефон не в порядке.
🇺🇿Telefon ishlamayapti.

🇬🇧Go ahead!
🇷🇺Вас соединили, говорите.
🇺🇿Gapiravering, ulandi.

🇬🇧Are you through?
🇷🇺Вас соединили?
🇺🇿Siz bog'landingizmi?

🇬🇧Have you finished?
🇷🇺Вы закончили разговор?
🇺🇿Gaplashib bo'ldingizmi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



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Уйингизда Свет ёқми. Унда муоммо ҳам ёқ. Сиз учун ажойиб фанаримиз келди.😍😍



💰 НАРХИ: 79.000 сум ✅


: @Operatorchi
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/355836
👉 https://100k.uz/oqim/355836

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

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Жума айёми муборак бўлсин ҚАДРДОНЛАРИМ

✨Азиз диндошим Жуманинг файзи ва барокати сизга бўлсин

🌙 Энг яқин инсоним кириб келган “Жума” куни муборак бўлсин.



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🌤 Aссалому алайкум, ЖУМА тонги муборак бўлсин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин🤲

Янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли ўтсин!


Репост из: .
🏬  Наманган шаҳар ва Туманлардаги уйларни нархлари сизга хам  қизиқми ?

—  Керакли туман  устига босинг ва нархларини билиб олинг 👇

👉Наманган шаҳар

НАМАНГАН УЙЛАРИ - Сиз кутган ва излаган уйлар!

Шу ерни босиб каналга аъзо бўлинг👇

Репост из:

📌At - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
🔸at 2 oclock
🔸at 10:30.

📌At - yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiradi:
🔸at the table
🔸at the office
🔸at home

📌In - kunning ma'lum bir qismini aytganimizda ishlatamiz
🔸in the morning
🔸in the day time
🔸in the afternoon
🔸in the evening

📌In - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
🔸in the room
🔸in the pocket
🔸in the table

📌In - oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
🔸in may
🔸in summer
🔸in 1960

📌On - ustida ma'nosini ham anglatadi
🔸on the roof
🔸on the table

📌On - hafta kunlari bilan ham qo'llaniladi
🔸on Sunday
🔸on the 8th of March
🔸on the first of September

📌with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
🔸with my friend

📌after - keyin
🔸after the lessons

📌before - oldin, avval
🔸before the classes

📌Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha fe'llar bilan qo'shilib, fe'lli birikmaga aylanadi

🔸to look for - qidirmoq
🔸to look at - qaramoq
🔸to look through - qarab chiqmoq



Репост из:
Anne-Marie & Niall Horan
"Our Song"

I'll be honest, I'm alright with me
Sunday mornings, in my own bedsheets
I've been waking up alone, I haven't thought of her for days
I'll be honest, it's better off this way

But every time I think that I can get you out my head
You never ever let me forget 'cause

Just when I think you're gone, hear our song on the radio
Just like that, takes me back to the places we used to go
And I've been tryin' but I just can't fight it
When I hear it I just can't stop smiling
I remember you're gone, baby, it's just the song on the radio
That we used to know

I'll be honest, I'm alright with me
Sunday mornings, in my own white tee
I've been waking up alone
I haven't thought of him for days
I'll be honest
It's better off this way

Every time I think that I can get you out my head
You never ever let me forget 'cause

Just when I think you're gone, hear our song on the radio
Just like that, takes me back to the places we used to go
And I've been trying, but I just can't fight it
When I hear it I just can't stop smiling
I remember you're gone, baby, it's just the song on the radio
That we used to know

Just when I think you're gone, hear our song on the radio
Just like that, takes me back to the places we used to go

And I've been trying, but I just can't fight it
When I hear it I just can't stop smiling
I remember you're gone, baby, it's just the song on the radio
And I've been trying but I just can't fight it (Ooh)
When I hear it I just can't stop smiling (Ooh)
I remember you're gone, baby, it's just the song on the radio
That we used to know



Репост из:

🇬🇧Drop in.
🇺🇿Kelib turing.

🇬🇧Let's dine at a restaurant.
🇷🇺Давайте пообедаем в ресторане.
🇺🇿Keling restoranda ovqatlanamiz.

🇬🇧Let's have lunch together.
🇷🇺Давайте вместе пообедаем.
🇺🇿Keling birga tushlik qilamiz.

🇬🇧Come to my birthday party.
🇷🇺Приходите ко мне на день рождения.
🇺🇿Mening tug'ilgan kunimga keling.

🇬🇧Come to dinner.
🇷🇺Приходите на ужин.
🇺🇿Kechki ovqatga keling.

🇬🇧Spend the weekend with us.
🇷🇺Проведите выходные с нами.
🇺🇿Dam olish kunlarini bizlar bilan o'tkazing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.



Репост из:
Sean Kingston
"Eenie Meenie"
(with Justin Bieber)

[Sean Kingston:]
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holler (if, if, if she holler) let her go

She's indecisive
She can't decide
She keeps on lookin'
From left to right

Girl, come a bit closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin' is so wrong
I'm Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love 'em and leave 'em
And disappear right after this song
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don't leave me out here dancin' alone

You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
I'm not tryin' to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

'Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

[Justin Bieber:]
Let me show you what your missin'
With me you're winning, girl
You don't have to roll the dice
Tell me what you're really here for (here for)
Them other guys?
I can see right through you

You seem like the type
To love 'em and leave 'em
And disappear right after the song
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don't leave me out here dancin' alone

Can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
Not tryin' to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

'Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

[Sean Kingston:]
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holler (if, if, if she holler) let her go
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holler, holler, holler (let, let, let, let)

Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

(here we go)

You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
I'm not tryin' to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover



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🤰Кўпгина аёлларда туғруқдан кейин қорин қисми осилиб қолади. Агар бу ўз вақтида бартараф этилмаса, қоматнинг бузилишига олиб келади.

Slim Body бу муаммонинг олдини олишга ёрдам беради:
🎀 тери осилиб қолишининг олдини олади;
🎀 ортиқча ёғларни эритади;
😀 кийим остида билинмайди;
🎀 қоматни чиройли ва тик кўрсатади.

Эски нархи: ❎ 157 000 ❌ сўм;
Акция нархи: 🎉 59 000 сўм


💸 Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.