Uy yumushlarini ifodalash uchun fe’llar:
🔹 Cook - pishirmoq
My mother loves to cook delicious meals for the whole family.
🔹 Clean - tozalash / yig’ishtirish
Every Saturday, they clean the entire house to keep it tidy.
🔹 Decorate - bezamoq
We plan to decorate the living room with new curtains and paintings.
🔹 Organize - narsalarni joy joyiga qo’yib chiqish
She likes to organize her books alphabetically on the shelf.
🔹 Renovate - ta’mirlash
They decided to renovate the old farmhouse and turn it into a vacation home.
🔹 Install - o’rnatish / o’tkazmoq
They will install a new air conditioning unit in the living room.
🔹 Dust - changlarni artish
Don't forget to dust the shelves and furniture to remove the accumulated dirt.
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
🔹 Cook - pishirmoq
My mother loves to cook delicious meals for the whole family.
🔹 Clean - tozalash / yig’ishtirish
Every Saturday, they clean the entire house to keep it tidy.
🔹 Decorate - bezamoq
We plan to decorate the living room with new curtains and paintings.
🔹 Organize - narsalarni joy joyiga qo’yib chiqish
She likes to organize her books alphabetically on the shelf.
🔹 Renovate - ta’mirlash
They decided to renovate the old farmhouse and turn it into a vacation home.
🔹 Install - o’rnatish / o’tkazmoq
They will install a new air conditioning unit in the living room.
🔹 Dust - changlarni artish
Don't forget to dust the shelves and furniture to remove the accumulated dirt.
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing