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Ingliz va Rus tilida o'z ona tilingizdek erkin gaplashish sirlarini o'rganasiz 👩🏻‍🏫

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🔥GOOD BYE deyishning boshqacha turlari SINONIMLARI🔥

👋I’m off
👋I’m out
👋Gotta go!
👋Take care
👋Take it easy
👋Bye for now
👋See you later
👋Keep in touch
👋See you soon
👋I gotta jet / roll
👋Catch you later
👋I gotta take off
👋Until next time!
👋Have a nice day!
👋Talk to you later
👋Have a good day!
👋Have a good one!
👋See you next time
👋I've got to get going

#learn #english #phrases

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


Bizning kanalda kimlar ko'p
  •   Bollar
  •   Qizlar
81 голосов

🔎Ingliz tilida tush, hayol ma'nolarini bildiruvchi so'zlar:

🔹️dream - tush
*the thoughts, images, and feelings that go through your mind while you are asleep

🔹️nightmare - qo'rqinchli tush
*a very unpleasant and frightening dream

🔹️daydream - hayol, hayol surish
*a series of pleasant thoughts that go through your mind when you are awake, so that you do not notice what is happening around you

🔹️reverie - hayol, orzu qilmoq (rasmiy)
*a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, that is like dreaming

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


Ⓜ️avzu: It is time

Biz it’s time iborasi xabardorlikni oshirish bu narsani bajarish payti bo’ldi degan ma’no ishlatiladi. Bir nechta qoliplari bor.

🔹It’s time to V1 - biror ishni qiladigan payt
It’s time to go home Uyga ketadigan paytimiz bo’ldi
🔸It’s time for someone to V1 – biror kishini biror ishni qiladigan payti
It’s time for us to go home - Uyga ketadigan paytimiz bo’ldi

💠It’s time iborasidan so’ng gap o’tgan zamonda yasalishi mumkin, bunda gapning tuzilishi o’tgan zamonda bo’lsa ham ammo beradigan ma’nosi hozirgi va kelasi zamoni anglatib, tanbeh tandiq shikoyat ma’nolarni beradi. O’zbek tiliga allaqachon …shi kerak edi, …digan payt bo’lgani qachon edi birikmalariga to’g’ri keladi.
▪️It’s late. It’s time we went home – Kech bo’ldi. Allaqachon uyga ketishimiz kerak edi(bu payt biz uyda bo’lshimiz kerak edi)
▪️ It’s time the children were in bed. It’s long after their bedtime – Bollarning yotadigan payti bo’lgani qachon edi. Ularning yotadigan paytidan ancha o’tib ketibdi.

💠Agarda biz o’tgan zamon haqida gapirmoqchi bo’lsa biz It was time S + Past perfect shaklida gap tuzamiz

▪️ It was time you had told him the truth – Unga haqiqatni aytadigan paytingiz allaqachon bo’lgan edi

⚠️Ma’noni kucaytirish maqsadida biz “about va high” so’zlarini qo’shishimiz mumkin.
▪️It’s about/high time you stopped smoking – Siz allaqachon chekishni tashashingiz kerak edi/ tashaydigan paytingiz allaqachon bo’lgan edi.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing



bog’lovchisi ikkita narsa yoki ikkita faktni orasida farqni takidlab aytishda ishlatiladi.

O’zbek tiliga
holbuki, vaholanki, esa so’zlariga to’g’ri keladi ba’zan biroq deb tarjima qilsangiz ham bo’ladi.

Jim is rich, whereas Tom is poor
▪️Jim boy, vaholanki Tom kambag’al
▪️Jim boy, Tom esa kambag’al
▪️Jim boy, biroq Tom kambag’al

🔹People say 'fries' in America, whereas in Britain they call them 'chips'.
▪️Amerikada odamlar “fries” deyishadi, Britaniyada
esa ularni “chips deb atashadi.

Whereas o’rnida while ham ishlatishingiz mumkin.

🔹Nuremberg was in West Germany, while/whereas Dresden was in East Germany.
▪️Nürnberg G'arbiy Germaniyada, Drezden
esa Sharqiy Germaniyada bo'lgan.

Vergul whereasdan oldin ishlatiladi, undan keyin emas.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Complements - Xushomadlar

🎯 You look very pretty.
— Judayam chiroyli ko'rinasiz.

🎯 Your new hairdo is not bad.
— Menga yangi soch turmagingiz yoqdi.

🎯 You look lovely.
— Siz ajoyib ko'rinasiz.

🎯 You have a wonderful taste in clothes.
— Sizda kiyimlarga nisbatan ajoyib didingiz bor.

🎯 You look so well after the holiday!
— Ta'tildan so'ng judayam yaxshi ko'rinyapsiz!

🎯 What a charming girl you are!
— Qanday yoqimtoy qizsiz-a!

🎯 You don't look your age.
— Yoshingizga o'xshamaysiz.

🎯 Thank you for your compliment.
— Xushomad uchun rahmat.

🎯 Thank you for a nice day.
— Ajoyib kun uchun rahmat.

🎯 Thank you for picking me up.
— Meni olib ketganingiz (men bilan birga kelganingiz) uchun rahmat.

🎯 That’s very kind of you.
— Judayam mehribon ekansiz.

🎯 You’re very generous.
— Siz judayam saxiy ekansiz.

🎯 I’m really grateful to you.
— Men sizdan judayam mamnunman.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


♻️ New vocabulary

🔰entrepreneur — person who organizes and manages a business enterprise — tadbirkor
🔰content — happy; satisfied — mamnun
🔰revenue — income — daromad
🔰be after — looking for; trying to get (phrase) — ketiga tushmoq
🔰desire — wish; strong feeling of want — kuchli xohish
🔰destiny — future; fate — taqdir, qismat
🔰ingenuity — cleverness; skill; ability to think of new ideas — aqllilik, zukkolik
🔰inner drive — self-motivation (phrase) — ichki turtki
🔰clear-cut — obvious; distinct; easy to understand — aniq, tushunarli
🔰engaging — holding your attention; seeming attractive — jalb qiluvchi
🔰effervescent — lively; enthusiastic — jonli, jo’shqin
🔰rear — (of children) bring up; raise — voyaga yetmoq, ulg’aymoq
🔰unprecedented — never done or known before — ko’z ko’rib, quloq eshitmagan
🔰mayhem — chaos; state of no control — tartibsizlik


Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


​​Band 7 Vocabulary for the both #writing tasks

🎈 shopping habits - odamlar odatiy xarid qiladigan narsalr
🎈 depend more on - ko‘proq bog‘liq bo‘lmoq
🎈 age demographics - yosh demografiyasi, yosh guruhlari
🎈 factors - omillar
🎈 relevant to - ...ga aloqador
🎈 in terms of - ... ning haqida
🎈 tastes - odamlarning didlari yoki qiziqishlar
🎈 social class - ijtimoiy sinf (boy yoki kambag‘alga ajratish)
🎈 greater determiner - muhimroq
🎈 argue in favor of - qo‘llab-quvvatlash uchun bahslashmoq
🎈 point out - tortishmoq
🎈 preferences - afzal ko‘rishlik
🎈 largely fixed - ko‘pincha o‘zgarmaydigan
🎈 witnessed seismic changes - katta o‘zgarishlarni boshidan kechirgan
🎈 particularly related to technology - ko‘prow texnologiyaga aloqador
🎈 digital age - raqamli era
🎈 inclined - ...ga moyil
🎈 non-digital - elektronikaga aloqador emas
🎈 style - imidj, uslub (kiyinish,ovqatlanishda)
🎈 traditional - an'anaviy
🎈 modern - zamonaviy
🎈 electronic vehicle - elektr transport
🎈 minimalist - oddiy
🎈 disparities widen - farqlari kattalashmoq
🎈 considering - deb hisoblamoq
🎈 youngest generations - yosh avlod
🎈 even more inclined - ga ko‘proq moyil
🎈 value - qiymat
🎈 virtual world - virtual dunyo
🎈 NFTs - online mahsulotning bir turi
🎈 cryptocurrencies - kriptovalyuta
🎈 majority - ko‘pchilik
🎈 major purchases - asosiy xaridlar
🎈 afford - qurbi yetmoq
🎈 evident - aniq, ravshan
🎈 variety - turli tumanlik
🎈 ranging from … to - ...dan ...gacha qamrab olmoq
🎈 wellness items - salomatlikka foydali mahsulotlar
🎈 released - chop qilingan
🎈 luxury car - hashamatli avtomobil
🎈 healthy organic products - tabiiy organik mahsulotlar
🎈 financial status - moliyaviy holat
🎈 express - o‘zingizni ko‘rsatmoq
🎈 desires - istaklar, xohishlar
🎈 frugally - tejamkorlik bilan
🎈 lack of discretion - mulohazakorlikning kamligi
🎈 uninhibited - dangal
🎈 financial concerns - moliyaviy havotir
🎈 attempt - urinib ko‘rmoq
🎈 despite - ga qaramasdan
🎈 clear differences - aniq farqlar
🎈 present in - hozirda
🎈 financial flexibility - moliyaviy erkinlik
🎈 clearest factor influencing - asosiy ta'sir qiluvchi omil
🎈 true for most of history - tarixning aksariyat qismi uchun to‘g‘ri
🎈 remains the case today - hozirga qadar haqiqat

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing



Predloglar – Prepositions

o'rin-paytni bildiruvchi predloglar.

at - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
at 2 oclock
at 10,30.
at yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiadi:
at the table
at the office
at home
in - kunning ma'lum bir bo'lagi bilan ishlatiladi
in the morning
in the day time
in the afternon
in the evening
in - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
in the room
in the pocket
in the table
in-oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
in may
in summer
in 1960
on - ustida ma'nosini anglatadi
on the roof
on the table.
On hafta kunlari, oylar raqami bilan kelsa qo'llaniladi:
on Sunday
on the 8th of March
on the first of September
with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
with my friend
after - so 'ng, keyin
after the lessons
before - oldin, avval
before the classes.

Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha bir til
predloglar kelib, turlicha ma'no anglatib iboralarga aylanadilar.

to look for — qidirmoq
to look at - qaramoq
to look through — qarab chiqmoq.
Va boshqa ma'nolarda keladi. Bunday iboralarni yodlash kerak.

Predloglarga e'tibor berib gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. Some men are in the corridor.
2. He is at the desk.
3. The TV set is in the corner of the room.
4. After the lessons we go ho me.
5. I wash my hands before dinner.
6. This is a picture of a cafe.
7. The books are on the shelves
8. There are some now words in the text.
9. My father is at the office.
10. At 12 o'clock we have dinner.
11. These texts are for reading.
12. We haven't much snow in winter.
13. The dog is under the table.
14. He is looking through the window.
15. English people like to speak about weather.

II. Mos predloglarni qo'llang:

1. Ann, what are you doing here? I am waiting for ...Mary.
2. Mary and I go to the library together.
3. We have breakfast .. the kitchen.
4. My father is ... work now.
5. We go for a ... the now.
6. My friend likes playing chess.
7. He spends a lot ... time ... it.
8. Yesterday we played chess ... six
9. We spent Sunday ... the country.
10. His house is a long way... his office.
11. He is always ... time ... work.
12. I.. enjoyed traveling.. ship.
13. The Caucasus is famous ... its holiday centers.
14 ... the way ... Italy they flew ... many European countries.

Predloglarni qo'ying.

1. I'd like this letter to go mail.
2. I wonder why you are not pleased ... your sons progress?
3. "I am afraid I haven't got any knowledge ... me".
4. The old man says that her life retired ... 50
5. ... my first visit too Samarkand I spent three hours sightseeing.
6. I met ... a friend ... the way ... the factory.
7. The graduated ... the University of Economics.
8. She usually goes ... the Institute ... 8 o'clock ... the morning and gets .. early.
9. They' ll move ... a new flat soon.
10. He always looks ... his books.
11. She is leaving ... London next week.
12. My daughter studies ... school.

IV. Gaplarni tarjima qiling.

1. Talabalar hozir kutubxonadalar.
2. Biz sinfdamiz.
3. Yakshanba kunlari biz uydamiz.
4. Dadam ertalabdan kechgacha ofisda bo'ladilar.
5. Stolimda kitoblarim ko'p.
6. Men bog'da sayr qilishni yoqtiraman.
7. Men institutga piyoda boraman.
8. Men gazetadagi maqolalarni ko'rib chiqdim. 10.0'qituvchi doska yonida turibdi.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


😁Hayotimizda juda kop ishlatadigan Iboralar😳

⚡️Come to think of it - Aytgancha, esimga tushib ketdi

⚡️Come to think of it, Did you talk with Tom?

⚡️I thought as much - O'zim ham shunday (bo'ladi) deb o'ylagandim.

⚡️"He passed the exam succesfully" . Oh, i thought as much.

⚡️Not think much of - Yoqtirmaslik, yomon ko'rmoq

⚡️I don't think much of his idea

⚡️Think (the ) better of sb - yaxshi fikrda / taassurotda bo'lmoq

⚡️Your boss will think better of you if you stand up for yourself.

⚡️Think badly of somebody - yomon fikrda bo'lmoq / yomon fikrga bormoq

⚡️I though badly of him when he lashed out on me.

⚡️Think better of it/ of doing something - o'ylab ko'rmaslikga qaror qilmoq/ fikridan qaytmoq

⚡️Originally, i though about studying in Korea, but i thought better of it.

⚡️Think big - katta narsalarni rejalashtirmoq / orzu qilmoq

⚡️You have to think big if you want to get there.

⚡️Think for yourself - O'z kallasini ishlatmoq, o'z aqliga suyanmoq

⚡️The aim is to get the students to think for themselves.

⚡️Think highly / a lot of somebody - haqida yaxshi, iliq fikrda bo'lmoq

⚡️I think highly of her as she always gives a hand to those who are out on a limb.

⚡️Think nothing of smth / of doing smth - Oddiy hol deb qabul qilmoq

⚡️He thinks nothing  of scoring a 9 out of 9 in reading

⚡️Think on your feet - tezkor qaror qabul qilmoq.

⚡️You have to think on your feet on standardized tests.

⚡️Think of as ( think of sb/sth as sb/sth) - dek ko'rmoq, sifatida qaramoq

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing



🔰Collocations starting with the verb ‘do’.

✅Do me a favour.
✅Do the cooking.
✅Do the housework.
✅Do the shopping.
✅Do the washing up.
✅Do your best.
✅Do your hair.

🔰Collocations with the verb ‘have’.

✅Have a good time.
✅Have a bath.
✅Have a drink.
✅Have a haircut.
✅Have a holiday.
✅Have a problem.
✅Have a relationship.
✅Have lunch.
✅Have sympathy.

🔰Collocations with the verb ‘break’.

✅Break the law.
✅Break a leg.
✅Break a promise.
✅Break a record.
✅Break someone's heart.
✅Break the ice.
✅Break the news to someone.
✅Break the rules.

🔰Collocations with the verb ‘take’.

✅Take a break .
✅Take a chance.
✅Take a look.
✅Take a rest.
✅Take a seat.
✅Take a taxi.
✅Take an exam.
✅Take notes.
✅Take someone's place.

#COLLOCATIONS #vocabulary

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


Uy yumushlarini ifodalash uchun fe’llar:

🔹 Cook - pishirmoq
My mother loves to cook delicious meals for the whole family.

🔹 Clean - tozalash / yig’ishtirish
Every Saturday, they clean the entire house to keep it tidy.

🔹 Decorate - bezamoq
We plan to decorate the living room with new curtains and paintings.

🔹 Organize - narsalarni joy joyiga qo’yib chiqish
She likes to organize her books alphabetically on the shelf.

🔹 Renovate - ta’mirlash
They decided to renovate the old farmhouse and turn it into a vacation home.

🔹 Install - o’rnatish / o’tkazmoq
They will install a new air conditioning unit in the living room.

🔹 Dust - changlarni artish
Don't forget to dust the shelves and furniture to remove the accumulated dirt.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


Most commonly used phrases for speaking 🗣👥

1. How is it going? - Ishlaring qanday?

Long time no see! - Anchadan beri ko’rishmadik!

What have you been up to? - Nimalar qilib yuribsan?

Can’t complain. Hamma ishlarim joyida.

How do you know? Qayerdan bilasan?

That’s a good one. Zo’r hazil.

It is very kind of you. Yordamingiz uchun rahmat.

Thank you anyway. Nima bo’lganda ham rahmat.

Thank you in advance. Oldindan rahmat.

No worries! Tashvishlanmang.

What’s going on? Bu yerda nima bo’lyapti?

Did I get you right? Sizni to’g’ri tushundimmi?

Don’t take it to heart. Ko’nglingga yaqin olma.

I didn’t catch the last word. Oxirgi so’zizni eshitmay qoldim.

Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Uzr, sizni tinglamayotgan edim.

It doesn’t matter. Farqi yo’q.

Fingers crossed. Omad!

Oh, that. That explains it. Ha, tushundim.

Things happen. Bo’lib turadi.

Sorry to bother you. Uzr, bezovta qilgan bo’lsam.

I’ll be with you in a minute. Bir daqiqa!

Where were you? Biz nima deyayotgan edik?

You were saying? Nima deyayotgan edingiz?

Lucky you! Qanchalar omadlisiza!

I freaked out! Juda jahlim chiqdi!

Good for you! Omadingiz keldi!

You’ve got to be kidding me! Hazillashayotgan bo’lsangiz kerak!

Cheer up! Kayfiyatingni ko’tar!

Come on, you can do it! Qani, sen buni eplaysan!

Keep up the good work! Yaxshi ishlashda davom eting.

That’s lit! Zo’rku!

There you go! Aytgandimku!

Not a bit. Umuman unday emas!

There is no room for doubt. Shubhaga o’rin yo’q.

I’ll text you! Sizga xabar jo’nataman.

It’s not worth it! Xafa bo’lishga arzimaydi.

You rock! Siz zo’rsiz!

You should go the extra mile… Siz qattiqroq ishlashiz kerak.

Step up your game. Qattiqroq ishlang.

Pull yourself together. O’zingni qo’lga ol.

You sold me! Siz meni ko’ndirdingiz!

Couldn’t care less. Bu juda zerikarli.

This is a no-brainer. Bu juda oson ish.

I screwed up! Men xato qildim.

Can you cover me? O’rnimga ishlay olasizmi?

I’d be better be going! Man ketishim kerak.

Take care! O’zingizni ehtiyot qiling.

Thank heavens it’s Friday/Saturday! Xudoga shukur, bugun Juma/Shanba (dam olish kuni ma'nosida).

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🛳Haqiqiy inglizlar qanday gaplashishadi:

✳️ gonna - going to:
(... qilmoxchi bo'lish yoki juda yaqin kelajakda qiladigan ish)
🏹I'm gonna buy this car. - Men bu mashinani sotib olaman.

✳️ wanna - want to:
🏹You wanna go? - Borishni xohlaysanmi?

✳️ kinda - kind of:
🏹She is kinda serious person. - U jiddiyroq odam.

✳️ outta - out of: 
🏹I’m outta money. - Pulim tugadi.

✳️ dunno - don’t know: 
🏹I dunno y — Bilmayman, nega
(y - Why? - Nega so'zining qisqartirmasi - [vay] deb o'qiladi)

✳️ lotsa - lots of:
🏹I've lotsa homework! - I have lots of homework! - (menda ko'p uyga vazifalar bor)

✳️ gacha - gocha - got cha - got ya - got you: 
🏹Ah, gotcha! - Haa tushundim!

✳️ gimme - give me: 
🏹Gimme your hand! — Qo'lingni ber!

✳️ lemme - let me: 
🏹Lemme guess, ... — Tahmin qilaychi, ...

✳️ cuz - ’cause - because: chunki
🏹Cuz I told so. - Chunki men shunday dedim.

✳️ ain’t - be not: 
🏹It ain’t right. - Bu to'g'ri emas.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🔖 Phrasal verbs

▪️ Go in
- Ichkariga kirmoq
▪️ Walk in - Yurib kirmoq
▪️ Look out - tashqariga qaramoq / ehtiyot bo'l
▪️ Get out - transportdan tushmoq
▪️ Get on - transportga chiqmoq
▪️ Come on - Bo'laqol
▪️ Hold on - kutmoq
▪️ Carry on - davom etmoq
▪️ Go / walk / drive on - yo'lda davom etmoq
▪️ Fall off - tushib ketmoq
▪️ Take off - ko'tarilmoq
▪️ Stand up - turmoq
▪️ Go up - balandlamoq
Look up - qaramoq
▪️ Wake up - uyg'onmoq
▪️ Get up - o'rindan turmoq
▪️ Grow up - ulg'aymoq
▪️ Speak up - balandroq gapirmoq
▪️ Wash up - yuvmoq
▪️ Hurry up - shoshilmoq
▪️ Give up - harakatdan to'xtamoq.
▪️ Sit down - o'tirmoq
▪️ Lie down - uyquga yotmoq
▪️ Fall down - qulamoq
▪️ Slow down - sekinlamoq
▪️ Break down - buzilmoq
▪️ Run away (yoki off) - yugurib ketmoq
▪️ Come back - qaytib kelmoq
▪️ Look round - burilib qaramoq
▪️ Fall over - yiqilmoq
Climb over - oshib o'tmoq

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing



1️⃣ Bu guruhga bir qator sanalmaydigan otlar kiradi:

🔹pneumonia — pnevmoniya — o‘pka shamollashi
🔹influenza (flu) — gripp
scarlet fever — qizilcha kasalligi,
skarlatina cholera — vabo
🔹diabetes — qand kasalligi
🔹lumbago — bel og‘rig‘i
🔹cancer — rak, saraton
🔹diphtheria — difteriya, bo‘g‘ma
🔹tuberculosis — sil kasalligi
🔹mumps — tepki
🔹measles — qizamiq

a) kasalliklar nomlari ko‘p hollarda ma’lum kasallikning turini atash uchun ishlatilganligi sababli odatda ular artiklsiz qo‘llaniladi:

🔹The doctor said he had pneumonia and told him to keep warm. - Doktor unga o‘pkasini shamollatganini hamda issiq kiyinishi lozimligini aytdi.
🔸The boy Roger arrived home with measles. - Rojer uyiga qizamiq bilan qayt- di.

b) ajratuvchi aniqlovchi bilan kelgan kasalliklar nomi oldida yoki ma’lum bir shaxsning boshidan kechirgan kasallik nomi oldidan aniq artikl ishlatilishi mumkin:

🔹The family were sitting around watching TV, recovering from the flu. - Grippdan tuzalgan oila televizor ko‘rib o‘tirar edi.
🔸After the diphtheria Jane felt very weak and depressed. - Bo‘g‘madan keyin Jeyn holdan toygan va ruhi tushgan edi.

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🏛Yosh, ma'lumot va manzil

✅Age - Yosh

How old are you? - Yoshingiz nechada ?
I’m 25 - Men 25 ga kirdim
I’m 2 years older than you are - Men sizdan ikki yosh kattaman
I’m over 30 - Men 30 yoshdan oshganman
I’m not 30 yet - Men hali 30ga kirmaganman

aged - keksa
eldest - eng katta
grown-up - voyaga etgan
middle-aged - o’rta yashar
young - yosh
younger - yoshroq
youngest - eng yosh
youth - yoshlik

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🏛Yosh, ma'lumot va manzil

✅Age - Yosh

How old are you? - Yoshingiz nechada ?
I’m 25 - Men 25 ga kirdim
I’m 2 years older than you are - Men sizdan ikki yosh kattaman
I’m over 30 - Men 30 yoshdan oshganman
I’m not 30 yet - Men hali 30ga kirmaganman

aged - keksa
eldest - eng katta
grown-up - voyaga etgan
middle-aged - o’rta yashar
young - yosh
younger - yoshroq
youngest - eng yosh
youth - yoshlik

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


🔖 So'zlashuvdagi iboralar

💠 Tashakkur, maqtov, minnaddorchilik.

🔻 I'm Proud of you - Siz bilan faxrlanaman

🔻 I have always been proud of you - Men siz bilan doim faxrlanganman

🔻 Although this is the first time, you did a good jab - Birinchi marta bo'lishiga qaramasdan yaxshi ishladingiz.

🔻 You get finished quickly. Well established - Ishni tez tugatibsiz, Yaxshi ishladingiz.

🔻 You learn quickly to work - Ishni tez o'rganar ekansiz.

🔻 You are healthy - Siz sog'lomsiz

🔻 I can not know how to express to you my gratitude - Sizga qanday qilib minnatdorchilik bildirishni bilmayman

🔻 Thank you for being nice to me - Menga yaxshi munosabatda bo'lganingiz uchun rahmat

🔻 I did it because I wanted - O'zim hohlaganim uchun shunday qildim

🔻 It's my pleasure! - Arzimaydi

🔻 Congratulations - Tabriklayman

🔻 Good - Yaxshi

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


Imkoniyatni ifodalash: may va might

👉May va might hozirgi yoki kelasi zamondagi imkoniyatni ifodalaydi. Ularning ma'nosi bir xil

It may rain tomorrow
— Ertaga yomg‘ir yog‘ishi mumkin.

It might rain tomorrow
— Ertaga yomg‘ir yog‘ishi mumkin.

👉Bo‘lishsiz shakli: may not va might not 

It may not rain  tomorrow
— Ertaga yomg'ir yog'masligi mumkin
It might not rain tomorrow          — Ertaga yomg‘ir yog‘masligi mumkin

Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️‍🔥 reaksiya bosing


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