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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Let your mind weigh your words, or your tongue will carry the burden of regret.”

Someone said this to me & it hit me hard:

"If you know how difficult and long it took some people to recover their peace of mind and happiness, you'll understand why they shut all doors at any potential negativity and also why they can be so selective about who they allow in their lives."

“ Agar inson insonga sajda qilishi mumkin bo’lganida edi, ayollarni erlariga sajda qilishga buyurardim “

•Payg‘ambarimiz Muhammad Mustafo sollallohu alayhi vasallam

Waiting for your bus to come while seeing your peers driving luxurious cars ? It hits different. And you know your time will come,too

Репост из: Matematika_Olami
🎓 Matematika kurslariga yozilish davom etmoqda! 🔢

Matematika bilimlaringizni mustahkamlashni va imtihonlarga tayyorlanishni xohlaysizmi? Endi yangi kurslarga yozilish imkoniyati mavjud! Darslar aniq va tushunarli shaklda o‘tiladi, sizni murakkab masalalar va mavzularni osongina tushunishga olib boramiz.

📚 Kurs davomida o‘rganasiz:

Matematikani chuqur tushunish

Murakkab masalalarni yechish

Imtihonlarga tayyorlanish usullari

⏰ Dars vaqti: 14:30 - 16:30
📍 Manzil: https://maps.app.goo.gl/yrUb6hcB2hLzZwWT7

📞 Ro‘yxat
dan o‘tish uchun:

telefon raqa@Abror_R' rel='nofollow'>mi: +998946440545

Telegram: @Abror_Rahmatov

O‘quv markazi raqami: +9

🔖 Joyla
r cheklangan!

Репост из: Geosiyosator
"Shaxsan men har doim o'rganishga tayyorman, garchi menga boshqalarning o'rgatishlari yoqmasa ham."

Uinston Cherchill

Репост из: Geosiyosator
Siyosat - qonunni chiroyli buza olish san'atidir.

I know you are tired but come, this is the way


Dear heart, stop getting emotional. Your job is to pump the blood. Thats it

It is usually 10-12k

Gul berish uchun special occasionni kutish shartmas, I guess

Your stance ?
  •   Artur Beterbiyev
  •   Dmitriy Bivol
12 голосов


Репост из: Geosiyosator
Doim ham raqobatchilardan o'tib keta olmaysiz, asosiysi - ulardan qolib ketmaslik.

Hell yeah or no” is a filter you can use to decide what’s worth doing. But this is simpler and more serious. This is a decision to stop deciding. It’s one decision, in advance, that the answer to all future distractions is “no” until you finish what you started. It’s saying yes to one thing, and no to absolutely everything else.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.