Bu gaplar Aka-uka Karamazovlar uchun epigraf qilib olingan, shu epigrafni Dostoyevskiy bugʻdoy donalaridek sochib yuborgan asarga.
Bir-biridan mutlaq mustaqil obrazlar, yozuvchiga ham boʻysunmaydi hatto, yechimi yoʻq masalalar.
The Brothers Karamazov is just another level, even I don't know how deep it is. What a masterpiece.
Bir-biridan mutlaq mustaqil obrazlar, yozuvchiga ham boʻysunmaydi hatto, yechimi yoʻq masalalar.
The Brothers Karamazov is just another level, even I don't know how deep it is. What a masterpiece.