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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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“Contrast” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Ba’zan “contrast” ma’nosini ifodalash uchun boshqa so’zlardan foydalanish mumkin. Quyida farqlarni ifodalashning boshqa yo’llarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Compare: Ikki yoki undan ortiq narsalar o’rtasidagi o’xshashlik va farqlarni ifodalash.
The essay compares the economic policies of two neighboring countries”.

Differentiate: Narsalar o’rtasidagi farqlarni tan olish yoki ko’rsatish.
“It's important to differentiate fact from opinion when reading the news”.

Distinguish: Farqlarni sezish va ko’rsatish.
Can you distinguish between these two shades of blue?”

Highlight differences: O’zaro zid narsalarga e’tibor qaratish va ularga urg’u berish.
“The report highlights differences in teaching methods across schools”.

Oppose: Biror narsa bilan ziddiyatda bo’lish.
“Their views on the subject directly oppose each other”

💬 “Contrast” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Ularni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


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Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'contrast'!

Sometimes 'contrast' can use a little variation. Let’s explore some other ways to describe differences:

Compare: To examine similarities and differences between two or more things.
‘The essay compares the economic policies of two neighboring countries.’

Differentiate: To recognize or show the difference between things.
‘It's important to differentiate fact from opinion when reading the news.’

✅ Distinguish: To perceive or point out a difference.
‘Can you distinguish between these two shades of blue?’

Highlight differences: To emphasize or draw attention to contrasts.
‘The report highlights differences in teaching methods across schools.’

Oppose: To be in conflict or contrast with something.
‘Their views on the subject directly oppose each other.’

💬 Do you know other ways to say 'contrast'? Share your ideas in the comments below! 👇


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🍞 Reading bo'yicha yangi chellenjga tayyormisiz?

Non tayyorlash jarayonini o’z ichiga olgan ushbu vazifani bajaring.

Sizning vazifangiz: Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirish. Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 😎


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🍞 Ready for a new reading challenge?

Tackle this task that outlines the process of making bread.

Your task: Put the sentences in the right order. Drop your answers in the comments! 😎


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🎨 Sinf mashg’uloti: Tinglang va chizing 🎧

Ushbu oddiy speaking mashg’uloti CEFR A2 darajasidagi o’quvchilarga aniq ko'rsatmalar berib, joy bilan bog’liq predloglarni o’zlashtirishga yordam beradi.

"At the top", "on the left" kabi iboralarga to’xtalib o’ting.
O’quvchilarga shakllar va chiziqlarni tanishtiring, so'ngra ular to'liq bo'lmagan iboralarni to’ldirishlari kerak bo’ladi.

Doskaga ikkita kvadrat chizing, ulardan biri o’z dizayniga ega bo’ladi va ushbu dizaynni yaratish uchun o’quvchilar ko'rsatmalariga amal qiling.
So’ng o’quvchilar o'z dizaynlarini chizadilar va keyin dizaynni ta’riflab beradilar va sheriklari uni chizishlari kerak bo’ladi.

Kengaytirilgan shakli:
O’quvchilar o'z dizaynlariga ta’rif yozadilar va tuzatishlar kiritish uchun daftar almashadilar.

Yosh guruhi: kattalar yoki o'smirlar
Daraja: A2 (pre-Intermediate)

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun havola ustiga bosing.


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🎨 Classroom Activity: Listen and Draw 🎧

This simple speaking activity helps CEFR A2 students practice prepositions of place while giving clear instructions.

Review phrases like “at the top,” “on the left,” etc.
Introduce shapes and lines, then have students complete incomplete phrases.

Draw two squares on the board, one with a design, and follow student instructions to recreate it.
Students then draw their own designs and describe them to a partner for them to draw.

Students write a description of their design and exchange notebooks for corrections.

Age group: adults or teenagers
Level: A2 (pre-Intermediate)

For more details, click the link.


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🤩 Identify the word that is an antonym of 'integrate':
  •   Unite
  •   Separate
  •   Combine
75 голосов

🎨 Choose the synonym for 'obsolete':
  •   Current
  •   Outdated
  •   Relevant
67 голосов

🚀 Select the correct synonym for 'articulate':
  •   Inarticulate
  •   Expressive
  •   Mute
70 голосов

🔍 Identify the word that is an antonym of 'innovative':
  •   Original
  •   Creative
  •   Unoriginal
70 голосов

👉 Choose the correct synonym for 'candid':
  •   Honest
  •   Deceptive
  •   Reserved
67 голосов

📝 So'z boyligingizni sinovdan o’tkazishga tayyormisiz?

Ta'lim sohasiga oid atamalarni qanchalik yaxshi bilishingizni tekshiring va ulardan nechtasi sizga tanish ekanligini bilib oling! 🧠

Quyida to'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va natijalaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


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📝 Ready to put your vocabulary to the test?

Check how well you know educational terms and see how many you're familiar with! 🧠

Select the right answers below and share your results in the comments! 👇


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📚 “Concept” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Ba’zan “concept” so’zi umumiy ma’noni anglatadi. Quyida o’xshash ma’noga ega boshqa so’zlarni ko’rib chiqamiz:

Framework: G’oya yoki tushunchani qo’llab-quvvatlash uchun foydalaniladigan struktura yoki tizim.
“The new policy provides a solid framework for decision-making”.

Idea: Biror bir narsaga oid fikr yoki taklif.
“He came up with a brilliant idea for improving the project”.

Notion: Biror bir narsaga oid tushuncha yoki ishonch.
“She had a clear notion of what the future of the company would look like”.

Principle: Ma’lum bir tizim uchun asos bo'lib xizmat qiladigan haqiqat yoki qonun.
“The principle of fairness is at the core of the new guidelines”.

Theory: Biror nimani tushuntirishga mo’ljallangan g’oyalar tizimi.
“The scientist proposed a new theory to explain the unusual results”.

“Concept” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Ularni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring 👇


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📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'concept'!

Sometimes 'concept' might feel too general. Let’s explore some words that convey similar meanings:

Framework: A structure or system used to support an idea or concept. ‘The new policy provides a solid framework for decision-making.’

Idea: A thought or suggestion about something. ‘He came up with a brilliant idea for improving the project.’

Notion: An understanding or belief about something. ‘She had a clear notion of what the future of the company would look like.’

Principle: A fundamental truth or law that serves as the basis for a system. ‘The principle of fairness is at the core of the new guidelines.’

Theory: A system of ideas intended to explain something. ‘The scientist proposed a new theory to explain the unusual results.’

Do you know any other synonyms for 'concept'? Share them in the comments below 👇


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📖 Yangi reading chellenjimizga tayyormisiz?

Shaharlarda chiqindilarni boshqarish muammolarini qamrab olgan ushbu topshirig’imizni bajaring.

Sizning vazifangiz: Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirish. Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 😎


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📖 Ready for a fresh reading challenge?

Take on this task that explores waste management issues in urban areas.

Your mission: Rearrange the sentences in the correct order. Share your answers in the comments! 😎


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💬 Siz yovvoyi hayvonlar uchun qanchalik qayg'urasiz? 🤔

Bu darsda o’quvchilar Braziliyada uy hayvonlarining noqonuniy savdosi haqida bilib olishadi. Ular savollarga javob berishadi, politsiya xodimi, hayvon savdosi bilan shug’ullanuvchi shaxs va veterinarning maqolalarini o’qishadi, so’ng guruhlarga bo’linib, jinoyat va jazo mavzusini muhokama qilishadi.

🔸 Uy hayvonlarining noqonuniy savdosiga oid xabardorlikni oshirish
🔸 Reading va speaking ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish
🔸 Atrof-muhit bilan bog'liq so'z boyligini kengaytirish
🔸 O’quvchilarni o'z fikrlarini asoslab berishga undash

Daraja: upper-intermediate level (CEFR B2)
Vaqt: 45-60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan


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💬 How much do you care about wild animals? 🤔

In this lesson, students will learn about the illegal pet trade in Brazil. They’ll guess answers to questions, read articles from a police officer, animal trafficker, and vet, then discuss crimes and punishments in groups.

Raise awareness of the illegal pet trade
🔸 Develop reading and speaking skills
🔸 Expand vocabulary related to the environment
🔸 Encourage students to justify their opinions

Level: upper-intermediate level (CEFR B2)
Time: 45-60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


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🌧 It __ raining heavily all night.
  •   be
  •   is
  •   was
121 голосов

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