British Council Uzbekistan

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Русский
Категория: Образование

We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Русский
Фильтр публикаций

😎 Black powder FIRST invented or used by
  •   the Chinese
  •   the Indians
  •   the British
  •   the Arabs
70 голосов

👉 Rockets as war weapons FIRST invented or used by
  •   the Chinese
  •   the Indians
  •   the Arabs
  •   the British
54 голосов

😅 Rocket-propelled arrows for fighting FIRST invented or used by
  •   the Chinese
  •   the Indians
  •   the British
  •   the Arabs
42 голосов

🚀 According to the text, the greatest progress in rocket technology was made
  •   from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries.
  •   from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.
  •   from the late nineteenth century to the present days.
39 голосов

👀 The greatest outcome of the discovery of the reaction principle was that
  •   Rockets could be propelled into the air.
  •   Space travel became a reality.
  •   A major problem had been solved.
  •   Bigger rockets were.
42 голосов

📚 Reading mashqiga tayyormisiz?

Matnni diqqat bilan o‘qing va quyidagi savollarga javob bering. Tayyor turing — bu savollar sizni qiynab qo'yishi mumkin. Quyidagi izohlarda nechta savolga to'g'ri javob topganingizni yozib qoldiring! 🤔


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

📚 Ready for the reading exercise?

Read the text carefully and answer the questions below. Be prepared—these questions might challenge you. Let us know how many you got correct in the comments below! 🤔


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

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Who hasn't registered for Study Abroad Day from QS Apply yet?

🎓 Don't miss the opportunity to meet with universities from the UK, USA and Europe!
We also will be attending to answer all your IELTS related questions!

👏 Hurry up and register now, places are limited!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🔍 "Tired" so'zining sinonimlari bilan so'z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Ba'zan "tired" so'zining ma'nosini ifodalash uchun boshqa so'zlardan ham foydalanish mumkin. Quyida bu ma'noni ifodalaydigan bir nechta alternativ so'zlarni ko'rib chiqamiz:

Burnt out: Ko'pincha haddan ortiq ish yoki stress tufayli o'zini juda charchagan his etish.
"After weeks of non-stop meetings, she felt completely burnt out".

Drained: Energiya va g'ayratni butunlay yo'qotish
"The long hike left me feeling utterly drained".

Exhausted: Ishni davom ettira olmaydigan darajada charchash.
"He was exhausted after running the marathon".

Fatigued: Jismoniy yoki ruhiy zo'riqish sabab charchash yoki holdan toyish.
"The patient reported feeling fatigued despite getting plenty of rest".

Weary: Haddan tashqari zo'riqish natijasida charchoqni his etish.
"She felt weary after a full day of travel".

Ushbu sinonimlarni do'stlaringizga yuboring va ularning so'z boyligini kengaytirishga yordam bering! 😎


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🔍 Let’s enhance our vocabulary by exploring synonyms for ‘tired’!

Sometimes ‘tired’ could use a bit of variety. Here are some alternatives to express this idea:

Burnt out: Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, often from too much work or stress.
‘After weeks of non-stop meetings, she felt completely burnt out.’

Drained: Completely depleted of energy or vitality.
‘The long hike left me feeling utterly drained.’

Exhausted: Extremely tired, often to the point of being unable to continue.
‘He was exhausted after running the marathon.’

Fatigued: Feeling tired or worn out, usually from physical or mental exertion.
‘The patient reported feeling fatigued despite getting plenty of rest.’

Weary: Feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion.
‘She felt weary after a full day of travel.’

Share these synonyms with your friends and help them add some variety to their vocabulary! 😎


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🎓 Prestigious universities from the UK, USA and Europe are coming to Tashkent!

Don't miss the opportunity to meet with top universities and ask questions about admission abroad at Study Abroad Day with our partners QS Quacquarelli Symonds!

You will have the opportunity to:
🔸 Personally meet with famous foreign university representatives
🔸 Consultation on visas and document collection
🔸 Special discounts for exhibition guests


We will also be at this event and will be happy to tell you all about IELTS!

📍 Tashkent | 🗓 26 September
InterContinental Tashkent | 14:30-19:30

👉 Register now.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

⚡️Real exam environment for free!

🗓 On 22 September, the British Council conducted free IELTS Pre-Test exam including special master classes in partnership with our ambassador Jakhongir Isomiddinov.

The British Council is proud to support our ambassadors and candidates!

IELTS is more with 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Bek School is a proud IELTS registration partner of the British Council 🔵

Our IELTS Partnership programme with educational institutions provides many opportunities and benefits.

🔖 Through any of our partner centres, you can:
— access free counselling sessions
— prepare for IELTS
— book the test with no additional fees

Contact Bek School:
📞+ 998 55 513 32 93

🤝 Intere
sted in becoming an official IELTS partner of the British Council?
Discover how pa
rtnering with us not only elevates your business but also provides opportunities for exponential growth. Learn more now!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

📣This week was all about celebrating Uzbekistan-UK partnership in education, sharing success stories and achievements of outstanding UK programme alumni and offering them professional development opportunities.

📆On 20-21 September, in partnership with the British Embassy, we organised exciting UK Alumni Networking and Learning and Development Days to talk about AI, modern leadership and self-branding and launched Study UK Alumni Awards programme in Uzbekistan.

🔍 Learn more about the programme

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🎓 Take the next step in your accounting career - book your ACCA exam today.

👉 For more information.


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Показано 15 последних публикаций.