Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Prepare for IELTS with Shokhrukhmirzo Jumanyazov (IELTS 8.5 | W:8(6x) S:8.5(6x)), an instructor with 8-year experience
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Inquiries: @ShM0806

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Bodily language - Improve Your General English!



Some countries have introduced laws to limit the working hours that an employer can ask from an employee.

Why are these laws introduced?
Is this a positive or negative development?
Several nations have legislated against CEOs demanding their staff to work overtime. The exploitive nature of job market has called for such laws and I believe that the benefits for society and staff overshadow the drawbacks for employers.
The potent reason for the introduction of the regulations concerning working hours has to do with
the prevention of staff exploitation. Down the centuries when such laws restricting office hours were absent, employers used to take advantage of their employees, making them work for even 12 or 16 hours daily. Due to the total authority of managers over their staff, the latter run the risk of dismissal from a job in case of an opposition. The enforcement of laws to legally monitor people’s working hours, though, has enabled to do away with this unfairness.
As for the implications of rules implemented by countries to regulate working hours, the productivity at work is at stake here. That is, when employers have no means of asking their employees to work overtime
to accomplish their tasks within a set deadline, the company may lag behind its set goals. Similarly, the trend entails net negatives for employers as they often have to hire extra staff to take late shifts. In a 24/7 operating shop, for example, the post of a salesperson should be taken by at least three staff due to the restrictions on working hours, creating excessive costs for employers.
Nevertheless, the overall effect of this limitation is positive at large. Despite companies and directors suffering, such laws are of immense asset to society and staff. On a private level, employees gain most from the restriction on their office hours. Not only can they strike work-family balance, but they may also enjoy more leisure time activities. These possibilities for employees are decidedly favorable as they will be less likely to suffer from work-related stress. On top of this, societies are bound to become more egalitarian,ensuring the rights of all layers are reserved. This will undoubtedly improve social cohesion and structure with more families gaining satisfaction and contentment from their lives.
To conclude, the laws to restrict working hours have been enacted to allow for equitable and convenient work setting. Although these rules can work against the interests of managers and companies, the positives for employees and societies are overwhelmingly superior.  

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

Outdoor Games.pdf

📝Language Takeaway:

strenthen muscles - to make muscles stronger

hinder opportunities - limit opportunities

close supervision - close control

vital for - important for

precautions - measures

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️


📝Language Takeaway:

green technoligies - pieces of technology that are environmentally-friendly

fuel development - cause growth

financial strain - economic pressure

exacerbate smth - make smth worse

a marker of status - indicator of one’s reputation

landfills - special places for burning trash

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

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🤓 How to Score 9.0 in Listening.


2.4k 0 19 2 155

🔥 Thank you to everyone who participated in today’s intake. Despite being mid-season, the number of prospective students exceeded our expectations.

✅ After reviewing all applications, we will contact those who have passed by 6 PM on Sunday. Make sure your phone is working properly.

😊 A+ Academy appreciates your choice.



The pie charts offer a comprehensive breakdown of immigration and emigration trends in the UK during the year 2007.

Evidently, the majority of individuals arriving in the UK did so for precise employment and educational pursuits, while a negligible fraction lacked a clearly defined motive. Those immigrating for job opportunities, accompanying others, and various other reasons exhibited comparable proportions. In addition, among those departing the country, employment remained the predominant motive.

Commencing with immigration statistics, nearly one-third of total immigrants left the UK for employment opportunities, a figure five times greater than those departing without a clear motive. Those arriving for formal education ranked second, with a 4% margin from the dominant employment category. The motivations of seeking employment, accompanying others, and various other reasons constituted 12%, 15%, and 11%, respectively.

Shifting focus to emigration, definite employment emerged as the primary driver at 29%, while formal education was the least prevalent purpose at 4%. Approximately one-fifth of departing individuals sought employment abroad, closely aligning with those who did not specify a reason. The remaining motivations loosely circled around 15%.

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️


Me: What would you do if you were a president?

Student: Start the 3rd World War.

Me: Thank God you’re not a president😅

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

2.8k 0 14 24 166


Some people think the manufacturers and shopping malls should sell fewer packaged products while others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The issue of whether individuals or retailers and producers should shoulder the responsibility to tackle the problem of packaging has so far been sparking debate. While those who commercially benefit from the sales of products can somehow mitigate the setback, I am convinced that consumers should hold the ultimate accountability to avoid making purchases of packaged products at all costs.
Certain environmentalists claim that shopping malls and manufacturers are in charge of suppressing the resultant dire consequences of excessive packaging. They can achieve this by prioritizing biodegradable materials or at least compostable plastic and cardboard to pack the products. This way, commercial sector may contribute to a more sustainable future through avoiding the wastage of plastic used for packaging.
Nevertheless, others claim that we should make conscious choices when buying products with plastic packaging. They say it is our responsibility to visit shops with our own bags to place different products in. When we decide to be more environmentally friendly, the world becomes much better place with its greenery preserved for future generations. With that in mind, we can be more involved in recycling and zero-wastage campaigns.
As far as I am concerned about this issue, individuals should boycott plastic packaged products. Our choice in favor of non-packaged products can leave the commercial sector with no alternative but to tailor their manufacturing practices accordingly. That is to say, in order to maintain the sales of their products, manufacturers will opt for more eco-friendly packaging even if it is more costly than simply using plastic packaging.
To conclude, it is true that manufacturers can always address the problem of plastic packaging, but they are often found to be reluctant to do so because of the costs involved. Therefore, I believe that the public has the utmost power to shape their practices through buying products with less packaging.

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

Credit Card.pdf

📝Language Takeaway:

secure loan - get a loan

unauthorized transactions - unlawful money transfers

fall into debt - get into debt

repayment capacity - one’s ability to pay back their debts

financial strain - financial pressure

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

😊 A+ Academy team appreciates you all.

✊🏻 Massive respect to everyone who completed our 10-day challenge! Your dedication and consistency were truly inspiring. Thank you all for being active participants!

🔥 By the way, this is just the beginning; stay sharp, because we’re launching another challenge during the holy month of Ramadan. Get ready to push your limits once again! More details coming soon, friends.


1200 most commonly used words in Listening.pdf
The most commonly used words in Listening. You’re welcome😊

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

Listening lesson notes.pdf
Improve your listening with authentic tips!

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🔥 Alrighty, the final online session will focus on IELTS Listening Strategies conducted by Lobarkhon.

Be sure to join on time tomorrow at 9 PM. See you all there!


Using AI to get higher score.pdf
How to Leverage AI to Boost Your IELTS score.


Hitting my highest overall once again. Still short of 0.5

⚡️ @aplusacademyresults ⚡️

2.9k 0 10 38 164

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🔥 Guruhlar soni cheklanganligi sababli, bu safargi qabulda ko’p o’quvchilarni qabul qila olmaymiz. Imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang.

✅ Bu safargi qabulda barcha daraja guruhlarga qo’shimcha tarzda, Shokhrukhmirzoning bir oylik “challenge” guruhiga yozilishingiz mumkin.

🕚 Qabul faqat 14-fevral kuni bo’ladi.


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