Nurullokh Kamalkhujaev | 9.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

🏆IELTS 9.0 (Writing 8.0x4 | Speaking 9.0x2)
😋Band 8.0-9.0 Sample Answers (Speaking and Writing)
✅Official Partner of IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan
📍 Andijan, English Life Navruz Mall Branch
📲Contact: @kamalkhujaev_admin

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Узбекистан, Английский
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📢 MultiLevel tayyorgarligingizni tezlashtiring🔥

🔥 Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening – barchasi bir joyda!
✅ MultiLevel bo‘yicha real misollar va aniq tahlili
✅ Writing task 1/2 uchun tayyor shablonlar
✅ Reading va Listening uchun maxsus strategiyalar
✅ Speaking bo‘yicha band 70+ javoblar

🔥Yopiq kanalimga qo‘shiling!

There’s a Speaking lesson tonight here on this channel. It’s gonna be really useful, insha’Allah. At 11:00 p.m.

The lesson focuses on the most important structures to use in Speaking.

Anyone interested? Drop a reaction or something.

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Arguing in Ramadan be like:

Got two big news for you guys

#advice #task1 #writing

Here's how to select key features in a trend chart.↗️

1. Find the general trend for each variable in the chart.

A general trend is the change between the first and last year in the period in question. For example, if you look at the age group 16-30 (orange) in this bar graph, you will see that the figure (percentage) in the first year (1998) is bigger than the figure in the last year (2000). That means the general trend for this age group was a decrease.

Now what about the yellow (50 or older) age group? Was the general trend for this age group a decrease or increase?

2. After you find the general trends for all variables, you should probably mention them in the first sentence of your overview.

Example: Overall, the proportion of internet users in the middle age groups (16-30 and 31-50) decreased to varying degrees, while the reverse was true for the remaining two age brackets: those under 15 and those over 50.

3. Next, you can look for the biggest increase or decrease and mention that. You should also comment on the changes to illustrate whether they are big, moderate, or small changes.

Unfortunately, we don't have any special category in this chart that saw a dramatic increase or decrease, so we can move on to the next principle.

4. Then you should look for the categories that stand out the biggest and smallest figures/numbers in the chart. They also represent something significant.

The orange (16-30) age group has the highest percentage in each year, so it is another key feature.

If you follow these steps every time you write a report overview on a trend chart, then you are highly likely to write a GOOD overview and get a higher score, at least for Task Achievement.

This is a trend chart task. How would you write your overview? What key features can you see here?

Sweet. Now would you like me to share the course plan with you guys? Leave hundreds of ❤️ if you say yes!

I have a question before I continue with this new course:

Which date is good for you guys to start the course?

❤️ - April 3
🔥 - March 27

Leave a reaction.

Shouldn’t stop you from going to the gym.😅

Detailed Intensive IELTS Writing Course is on the way…

Репост из: Irina Lutsenko: IELTS, writing, cohesion
IELTS Writing Task 1: writing about exceptions 📊

If you've seen enough #IELTS tasks, you'll know that most of them contain exceptions—one category that is different.

For example, a line graph where three lines go down, but one goes up. Or a bar chart about men and women where the figure for men is higher in all the groups, but in one the figure for women is higher. Things like that.

Here are some phrases you can use to talk about exceptions in IELTS Writing Task 1:

1️⃣ except / with the exception of ...

2️⃣ ... was the only (category) to have witnessed a decrease

3️⃣ all (categories) but (one) saw growth

4️⃣ (This country), however, bucked the trend ...

5️⃣ Unlike the rest (of the categories), (this one) saw ...

6️⃣ (This category) stands out because ...

To practice the patterns above, write a sentence with one of them about the task in the picture. Use the "spoiler" feature so that other subscribers don't see your sentence immediately and have a chance to practice too.

And if you can think of more phrases for exceptions, share in the comments. ❤️


Want me to tell you guys a story?)

Ramadan mubarak, brothers and sisters.

2k 0 3 13 113

I love the internet sometimes.😂

There are angels that know how many grains of sand are there on earth, how many drops of water are there on earth, and how many petals plants have on earth. But there is no angel, not even Jibri’il alayhissalam, who knows how big the reward is for muslims who fast during Ramadan.

May Allah bless us all with such rewards.


Bu kurs Readingni boshidan tushuntirib o'rgatadigan kurs. Practice uchun materiallar ham bor. IELTS Reading savol turlariga alohida videolar tayyorlangan va practice materiallar ham shularga mo'ljallangan.

Ramazonda jonli darslarga vaqt yo'q, va ko'p do'stlarimiz o'zlarining ajoyib va qiymati o'lchab bo'lmas darslarini o'quvchilarga hadya qilishyapti. Men esa shu bir kanalga to'plab qo'ydim hamma darslarni. Ramazondan keyin ham bemalol foydalansangiz bo'ladi. Mutlaqo bepul.

I don't need a "thank you" or anything. Just remember my parents in your duas if you benefit from this course.

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